
  • 网络inversion
  1. 目的:观察酒精对大鼠闪光视觉诱发电位(FVEP)的影响及纳洛酮的翻转作用。

    Objective : To investigate the influence of alcohol on flash Visual evoked potential ( FVEP ) and the reversal effect of naloxone on FVEP changed by alcohol .

  2. 目的:研究慢性酒精刺激和戒断大鼠血浆促肾上腺皮质激素(acth)、皮质醇与其相关行为变化的关系,同时观察纳洛酮翻转作用。

    Objective : to investigate the relations between the changes of acth , Cortison levels in plasma and the changes of withdrawal behaviors after ethanol withdrawal and the reversal effects of naloxone on the changes induced by ethanol .

  3. 伏核内注射纳洛酮对电针影响外侧缰核痛放电的翻转作用

    Effects on discharging from lateral habenular nucleus by naloxone microinjection into nucleus accumbens

  4. 大鼠模拟循经感传的体感诱发电位观察及纳洛酮的翻转作用

    Observation on SEP of rats being imitated perceptual extension and reversible effect of naloxone

  5. 酒精对大鼠闪光视觉诱发电位影响及纳洛酮翻转作用的研究

    Reversal Effect of Naloxone on Flash Visual Evoked Potential Changed by Alcohol in Rats

  6. 扩散作用和密度驱动的翻转作用又可以调整这种差异并达到动力平衡。

    However , diffusion and density overturn can adjust the difference and reach a new dynamic balance .

  7. 受均布载荷作用的扁球壳存在着相似的突跃变化情况,本文采用比拟法的思想方法,利用宏观结构的突跳模型去研究分子环翻转的作用机理。

    The shallow spherical shells subject to uniform load have a similar jump changes In this paper , the snap-through of macro-structure was be used to study the inversion mechanical of the molecular ring in analogy method .

  8. 椎管内注射牛肾上腺髓质22肽差异性翻转吗啡耐受作用

    Differential reversal effect of intrathecal bovine adrenal medulla peptide 22 on morphine tolerance in rats

  9. 其中翻转控制块的作用是解决伪随机测试生成与自动测试向量生成器(ATPG)生成的测试向量中有冲突的确定位。

    Inverter block in which the role of inversion is to solve the pseudo-random test generation and automatic test pattern generator ( ATPG ) generated test vectors in a conflict between the care bits .

  10. 纳络酮可翻转盐酸吗啡的作用。

    Naloxone could reverse the analgesic effect of hydrochloric acid morphine .