- bunch;group;aggregation;cluster

(1) [aggregation]
(2) 细胞质的凝聚或运动,尤指在外界刺激下食虫植物或含羞草的触毛或卷须的细胞的凝聚或运动
(3) 因外界的因素(如干旱),一种或几种动物群集在一起
(4) [cybotaxis]∶通过X射线衍射效应(与晶体产生X射线衍射效应相类似)而显示的液体分子的瞬时取向
The Longitudinal Self Bunch of Intensely Relativistic Electron Beam
Transmission characteristics of the high frequency system 、 the process of modulation and bunch abut electron beam as well as interaction between electron beam and the high frequency electromagnet field have been researched . And then it is simulated by computer technology . A new terahertz amplifier is obtained .
They throng the beaches between late June and early August .
Firstly , it analyzes the technology of OFDM and cluster OFDM basis on theory and mathematics .
Influence of the distributed satellite system parameter to INSAR precision
Two different bunching mechanism of the electrons in ICL are discussed through the bunching parameter (?) .
Finally , a chain bunching cavity is designed for the developing Ka-band frequency-tripling gyroklystron amplifier .
Based on the survey of current intelligent search engine , combined with reinforcement learning technique , the characteristic of similar web pages ' distribution is used to present a heuristic search algorithm based on simulated annealing .
Among the multi-factor models , the stochastic volatility model effectively catches the leptokurtosis and volatility clustering characters of the behavior of short-term interest rate relative to ARCH model .
Particle Swarm Optimization , PSO , Optimal , Linearized , LQ Regulator , Rotary Inverted Pendulum System .
Theoretical model is established according to characteristics of CTR and the bunching electron beam in FEL .
For both cases , the theoretical results show that for these quantum states anti-bunching effects appear when k , the number of depleted photons , are even , and bunching effects appear when k are odd .
This thesis is focused on the new concept of clustered OFDM for high-speed data transmission in the Satellite-Satellite and Satellite-Earth communications , researches on the key technology of synchronization and cluster .
The methods are discussed on measuring bunching electron beam of Free-Electron Laser ( FEL ) by Coherent Transit Radiation ( CTR ) .
Silicon Valley is near Stanford University , for example , and similar high-tech clusters are gathered around MIT near Boston in the United States and around Cambridge University in Britain .
In the square was a fountain and a Costa coffee bar with glass walls through which you could see men and women chatting and mixing in a way that would be unthinkable in Swat .
The localized phenomena of clustering of mobile ions in sio_2 at si-sio_2 interface and the preliminary studies on its origin
Although the transparancy of the foils to the beam is only 0.88 , the results show that the foils do not affect the beam bunching process .
A small signal theory & space charge wave physics relevant to modulation properties of intense relativistic electron beams in klystron amplifiers is described in this paper .
Based on the analyze of the flock behavior of fish school , define a parameter dist to control the search range and time , improve the standard fish-search algorithm , so the search process can adjust the search range adaptively .
What is the origin of the dividend clustering phenomena ? Since the traditional dividend policy theories can not explain this phenomena , it will be helpful for us to introduce behavioral elements to analyse the cause of the phenomena ( Shefrin and Statman , 1984 ) .
Analysis of high frequency field in bunching cavity of Gyroklystron Amplifier
Numerical T matrix simulation for polarized scattering from clustered spherical particles
Now researchers have evidence for the earliest known group feasting .
Based on the original design , several parameters are optimized .
Space-charge Wave Physics Relevant to Modulation of Intense Relativistic Electron Beams
It lives in schools and eats plant and animal material .
Anti - bunching Effects of the Photon - added Squeezed Vacuum States
Simulation and design of a novel chain bunching cavity for gyroklystron amplifier
Agminated acquired melanocytic nevi of the common and dysplastic type