
qún zhònɡ yǎn yuán
  • Mass actor;chorus man;atmosphere person
  1. 最后,我问他们是否喜欢当群众演员。

    Lastly , I asked if they enjoyed working as extras .

  2. 其实我们还缺少两位群众演员。

    Actually , we 're short a couple of extras .

  3. 在此感谢所有的群众演员的参与和志愿者辛勤的付出。

    Here , thanks all populace actors'participation and volunteer 's industrious payout .

  4. 什么?你的意思是那场戏里有180个群众演员。

    What ? You mean there're180 extras in that scene ?

  5. 为制造人声嘈杂的舞台效果,群众演员反复说的道白

    Word that crowd actors repeat to simulate the babble of voices on stage

  6. 每一集有35-50个群众演员。

    Each episode enlists from 35 to 50 extras .

  7. 他们把这些群众演员放在聚光灯下面,对过去的不可知的事物提问疑问。

    They put the nameless faceless actors of history in the spotlight and ask questions about the unknowability of the past .

  8. 这家电影公司雇用了一位有经验的活动管理人,负责协调群众演员。

    EXAMPLE : The movie company hired an experienced wrangler who coordinated people who appeared briefly in the background of the film .

  9. 然后5层群众演员撤离,活动负责人与志愿者最后离开,3点37分全部撤离完毕。

    Then5th Floor populace actors evacuate , moved the person in charge and the volunteer finally leave , 3:37 all evacuate finished .

  10. 吴永宁是从今年年初成为一名视频博主的,在那之前,他曾在不同的影片中担任群众演员。

    Wu used to work as a background actor for various films before becoming a video blogger at the beginning of this year .

  11. 接着活动负责人带领剩下的志愿者到达1-4层进行疏导,同时7层群众演员开始撤离。

    Then the charge person leaded the left volunteer to the1-4 Floor to carry on leading , simultaneously the7th Floor populace actors start to evacuate .

  12. 在纽约的戏中,几百名群众演员,每人都有三套戏服,在不同的外景中扮演不同的角色。

    Title role For the New York scene , the few hundred extras used each had three different costumes that they would wear for different exterior scenes .

  13. 这是人类种族历史中一个极为独特的时期,我们以“群众演员”的角色来帮助每个人类褪去幻象的帷幕。

    This is a unique period in the history of the human race and we stand in our multitudes ready to assist each and every human lift the veils of illusion .

  14. 本来大规模的战争场面要用到新西兰军队来充当群众演员的,可是他们为了去东帝汶维和不得不退出。

    New zealand 's army was cast as extras for large battle scenes in the film , but was forced to back out due to having to serve as peacekeepers in East timor .

  15. 约翰·瓦特和托马斯·伍德仅有2万英镑不到的预算,为了凑齐战斗场面所需的大批群众演员,甚至需要打电话到他们家乡谢菲尔德,找那里中国餐馆的服务员来参演。

    John Watts and Thomas Wood had a shoestring budget of 20,000 and needed to call on Chinese waiters in their home town of Sheffield to bulk out the cast in battle scenes .

  16. 尽管张只是一位群众演员,但是啸宇很看好她。此外,她被这个故事深深的感动了并坚持义务出演。

    Liu had a good feeling about Zhang even though she was an amateur actress ; in addition , she was quite moved by the story and insisted on taking the part for free .