
měi shù chuànɡ zuò
  • Art Creation;artistic creation;composition
  1. 传统戏剧与美术创作之间存在着某些互通关系。

    There are some sorts of relation between the theatre of tradition and artistic creation .

  2. 如何指导师范生进行美术创作的构思

    How to guide the students of normal schools to form the conception of artistic creation

  3. 千百年来舞蹈一直是美术创作的源泉之一,但是在2O世纪却发生了戏剧的变化。

    For thousands of years , dance has always been one of the sources for the creation of art , yet , in the twentieth century , the situation has changed dramatically .

  4. 反观重庆20世纪美术创作的几个问题

    Rethink several problems on chongqing 's art creation at the 20th century

  5. 审视与剖析&谈美术创作思想的现代性

    Examination and Analysis & On the Modernity of Arts Creation

  6. 论师专学生美术创作的主要环节

    Four Links of Painting Creation of Students in Teachers College

  7. 进而为自己的美术创作进行服务。

    And this is its own art creation of service .

  8. 中国传统素描观念与现代美术创作

    The Chinese Traditional Ideas of Sketch and Modern Art Creation

  9. 民族文化元素在奥运电视美术创作中的应用

    The Application of Traditional Culture Elements in TV Art Creation for Olympics

  10. 美术创作教学的理论研究

    Simply talking how to lecture the teaching theory of the art created

  11. 地域性是影响美术创作的一个重要因素。

    The regional feature is an important factor that affects the art creations .

  12. 卫生美术创作的三个要素

    Three Key Elements of Creation in Health Arts

  13. 主要探讨在美术创作中如何创造审美时代性。

    This article primarily studies in how to create the aesthetic with modern characteristics .

  14. 高等师范美术创作教学研究

    Exploring on Art Creation Teaching in Normal Universities

  15. 美术创作中常对普通照片进行多种卡通招贴画效果处理。

    Common pictures are usually processed and translated into cartoon posters in art production .

  16. 立意与构思是美术创作必不可少的环节。

    The approach and the plot are the necessary steps of the art creation .

  17. 少数民族美术创作的关键问题是观念问题。

    The key problem of ethnic fine arts creation is the mode of thinking .

  18. 通过美术创作平台,展现中华民族整体文化的高度。

    We could show the whole Chinese nation culture height through art creation platform .

  19. 桂林文化精神与美术创作

    The Cultural Spirit of Guilin and its Art

  20. 美术创作中,艺和术具有不同的内涵。

    Art and skill have different of connotation in the creation of fine art .

  21. 写生在美术创作中的作用

    The Function of Sketch in Art Creation

  22. 美术创作初探

    A Shallow Discussion on Fine Arts Creation

  23. 美术创作教学散论

    Reflection on the Teaching of Art Creation

  24. 浅析美术创作之构思

    On Conception of an Art Creation

  25. 浅论高等师范院校的美术创作教学

    Artistic Creation Teaching in Teachers Colleges

  26. 看了潘丽红的美术创作,引发一连串的思考。

    Looking at the artistic creations of Pan Li-hong gave rise to a series of thoughts .

  27. 其次是对设计创意与美术创作的作品进行比较。

    Next research on design the creativity and the art creation work carries on the comparison .

  28. 卫生美术创作的制约性

    Hygienic fine arts creation conditionality

  29. 与省美术家协会共同担负全省美术创作、美术队伍的建设等任务。

    Together with Heilongjiang Artists Association , it takes charge of art creation and art circle development .

  30. 论美术创作中的技术素质

    A Discussion on the Possibility of the Understanding of the Technical Quality Attained from the Creation in Art