
  1. 本文从陆俨少的生平和艺术分期入手,系统分析他风格的形成原因,从他的构图章法变化和笔墨生发来解释他自由王国是如何存在的。

    In this article , I system analyzed the reasons for the formation of his style from the life and installment , explained exist of his " free kingdom " from his composition change and ink germinal .

  2. 指出深入探究陆俨少的云水技法,对于解决如何从传统和自然中吸取营养,创立自身的绘画语言,这一课题有一定的启发意义。

    Points out that the deep into hot water techniques , for solving how to absorb the nourishment from the tradition and nature , to create their own painting language , have certain enlightening significance this topic .