
  • 网络US State Government;state government of the United States
  1. 20世纪美国州政府的行政体制改革

    Reform of American state government administration in 20th century

  2. 美国州政府介入科技活动的新趋势

    A new Trend in the US State Governments Involving in S & T Activities

  3. 美国州政府面临财政危机

    American State Government Faces the Financial Crisis

  4. 车牌是由美国州政府发放的,用于识别你的汽车。

    These are plates , little pieces of metal , given by the government – the state government here in the U.

  5. 最后,论文对20世纪下半叶,美国州政府与大学关系发展变革的原因、状态、方式等作出总结。

    The last chapter concludes the reasons , meanings and conditions of the relationship between the American state governments and universities after the World War ⅱ .

  6. 这是一种投资者应该密切关注的趋势;更不必说那些梦想着今后能拿到美国州政府退休金的人们。

    It is a trend that investors should watch closely ; not to mention anybody dreaming of getting a US state pension in the coming years .

  7. 美国州政府在高等教育财政投资的主导地位形成于19世纪中后期,也就是第二个《莫里尔法案》颁布后。

    The dominant position of state government fiscal investment in higher education formed in the late 19th century , when the second " Morrill Act " was announced .

  8. 该报告的主要用途是为美国州政府处理子女抚养费用相关问题时提供指引,利诺说,这些费用和子女18岁以后的其他费用在州政府制定相关指导方针时通常不包括在内。

    These expenses and others after a child turns 18 , he says , typically aren 't included in calculating state guidelines for child-support and foster-care payments & a principal use of the report .

  9. 她是一个在美国伊利诺斯州政府注册的非盈利性组织。

    It is a non-profit organization registered with the state government of Illinois , USA.

  10. 美国大多数州政府允诺把黑人孩子纳入他们的学校教育体制。

    Most state governments in the United States have promised to integrate black children into their school systems .

  11. 在衰退期间,美国大部分州政府都不得不遵循顺周期财政政策即削减支出并增加税收。

    Much of the US government has to follow a pro-cyclical fiscal policy cutting spending and raising taxes during a recession .

  12. 实力较弱的欧元区成员国所面临的财政挑战便是早期预警,美国一些州政府所面临的类似问题也是如此&这些州政府被养老金与医保债务资金缺口压得喘不过气来。

    The fiscal challenges for the weaker members of the eurozone are early warnings , as are analogous problems in American state governments weighed down by unfunded pension and healthcare liabilities .

  13. 美国得克萨斯州政府日前透露,该州一位76岁的老妇在自家院子割草时被邻居家6只凶猛的罗威那犬咬死。

    A pack of six dogs mauled a76-year-old woman to death as she worked in her yard , authorities said .

  14. 如果中国成为《政府采购协议》的成员国,那么中资企业竞标美国联邦和州政府的采购合同时会更加方便。

    If China were a GPA member , its companies could have an easier time bidding for U.S. and state government contracts .

  15. 2005年,美国联邦和州政府同时在讨论考虑是否需要调整农业生产契约。

    In 2005 , the regulation of agricultural production contracts has been a topic of debate in recent policy discussions at both the state and federal levels .

  16. 这一起诉由美国三个州政府和地方退休计划提起,领头的是北卡罗来纳州财政部长和五名个人投资者。

    The complaint was brought by three state and local retirement plans in the US , lead by the North Carolina state treasurer and five individual investors .

  17. 美国国会、州政府及地方政府在这一时期制定了一系列的环境保护法案,基本形成了目前美国主要的环境政策。

    In this time , federal government has formulated a series of environmental protection bills . These bills are the foundation of existing environmental policy in the United States .

  18. 在美国,如果州政府的失业保险基金不足而不能继续给付,则州政府可从联邦政府获得无息贷款。

    In america , if a state unemployment insurance fund is inadequate to continue paying benefits , the States then can borrow money from the federal government without paying interest .

  19. 美国七个州的政府通过了法律允许公司以“b”企业的形式注册,这类企业明文规定以社会公益为重,利润为次。

    Seven American States have passed laws to allow companies to register as " B " corporations which explicitly subordinate profits to social benefits .

  20. 微软(Microsoft)在一场旨在说服美国联邦政府和州政府重拳打击软件盗版的行动中把自己定位成美国制造业的最佳伙伴。

    Microsoft is pitching itself as the new best friend of American manufacturing in a campaign aimed at convincing state and federal authorities to crack down on software piracy .

  21. 就在本文撰写时,美国许多州和地方政府正在建设234个区域性HIN,每个HIN大概花费2~5百万美元。

    At the time of this writing , 234 regional HINs are being put up in the USA by various state and local governments who each are spending approximately USD2-5 million per HIN .

  22. 美国议院通过了州政府对电子商务征得税收的提议。

    The U.S. Senate approves empowering states to collect sales taxes on internet sales .

  23. 这意味着那些有海外外包业务的美国公司不能参加州政府项目的竞标。

    This means that American companies which outsource work to overseas locations cannot bid for state government projects .

  24. 公立学校的质量问题一直困扰着美国历届联邦、州政府以及基础教育界。

    The quality of public schools has always been troubling the US federal government , the state governments and elementary education .

  25. 最后,美国的州和地方政府受到制约,很大程度上是因为它们必须平衡预算。

    Finally , US states and local governments are constrained , to a large extent , by having to balance their budgets .

  26. 与其他银行一样,美国银行也在州政府及联邦政府的压力下采取更多措施来缓解住房危机。

    As with other banks , BofA is under pressure from state and federal government to do more to alleviate the housing crisis .

  27. 本文论述了美国联邦政府、州政府和地方政府在学前儿童的保育和教育方面扮演的角色和担负的职责。

    This paper mainly deals with the roles and responsibilities of American federal government , state government and local government in early childhood care and education .

  28. 德国的经济专家委员会最近提出的“债务救赎协议”,就是以1790年美国联邦政府承担州政府债务的行动为范本的。

    Germany 's council of economic experts has proposed a debt " redemption pact " modelled on the American federal government 's assumption of state debts in 1790 .

  29. 触发器可能是美国某一大州政府的债务滚转危机,或者可能是人们意识到,国会的僵局意味着,应对我国中期财政危机的两党解决方案是一项不可能完成的任务。

    The trigger could be a debt rollover crisis in a major US state government , or perhaps even the realisation that congressional gridlock means bipartisan solutions to our medium-term fiscal crisis is mission impossible .

  30. 如美国透过联邦和州政府财政扶持、实施贷款贴息,鼓励高校运用市场手段融资,发行高校教育债券和彩票,成立教育基金会、鼓励社会捐赠,增加高校收入,化解高校贷款危机。

    Take the United States for instance , the federal and state governments encourage colleges to make full use of the market mechanism to collect more funds by issuing educational bonds and lotteries , establishing educational foundation , and encouraging social donation .