
  1. 同时,五角大楼表示,美国航空母舰乔治·H·W·布什号已经前往波斯湾。

    Meanwhile the Pentagon says the US aircraft carrier George HW Bush has moving into the Persian Gulf .

  2. 航天科工方面人士拒绝置评,但该公司演示的一段视频和一段二维拼接镜头显示,中国军队正在使用WJ600来帮助攻击一艘疑似美国航空母舰;

    Casic officials declined to comment , but a video and a two-dimensional montage displayed by the company showed Chinese forces using the WJ600 to help attack what appeared to be a U.

  3. 兰利号在诺福克海军基地转为第一艘美国航空母舰。

    Converted into the first US aircraft carrier at the Norfolk Navy Yard .

  4. 两艘美国航空母舰在近海停泊。

    Two American carriers were anchored offshore .

  5. 美国航空母舰游骑兵号在太平洋。

    USS Ranger CV-4 in the Pacific .

  6. 布什总统说,美国航空母舰里根号及其它海军装备正在驶往现场。

    President Bush says the USS Ronald Reagan and other naval assets are moving into place .

  7. 中国在南海进行军事演习后不久,两艘美国航空母舰也在该地区进行了演习。

    Two U.S. aircraft carriers have conducted exercises in the region shortly after China 's military drills there .

  8. 在黄海的军事演习中,美国航空母舰将加入韩国舰队。

    A U.S. aircraft carrier group will join the South Korean fleet in the military exercise in the Yellow Sea .

  9. 对伊朗的最新指控发布之前,两组美国航空母舰战斗群已经抵达波斯湾,在伊朗西南边境的水陆通道上不同寻常地彰显着美国的军事威力。

    The new allegation comes as two U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups are in the Persian Gulf in an unusual display of American military power in the waterway along Iran 's southwestern coast .

  10. 布什总统说,美国航空母舰里根号及其它海军装备正在驶往现场。他说:“我们很乐意帮助,我们要在朋友患难之时伸出援助之手。”

    President Bush says the USS Ronald Reagan and other naval assets are moving into place . " We are happy to do it . We want to help our friends in the time of need , " the president said .

  11. 在很短的时间内,我们在新德里区域办事处的紧急应对中心,在从亚齐海岸派出的美国林肯航空母舰上部署了专家。

    Within a short time we had experts positioned in an emergency operations centre in the regional office in New Delhi and on board the US aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln off the coast of Aceh .

  12. 这是这艘仍在服役的美国最老航空母舰在退役前的最后一次在亚洲港口停靠。

    It is the last port call here for America 's oldest active warship before it will be decommissioned .

  13. 我们且拭目以待。君不见,(美国的)航空母舰正朝我黄海驶来?

    Let 's wait and see . Don 't you know the warship carrier is coming to the yellow sea ?

  14. 美国核动力航空母舰突击者号离开加利福尼亚州的圣迭戈港,驶往印度洋去接替肯尼迪号。

    The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier , USS Ranger left San Diego , California , to sail into the Indian Ocean , relieving the USS Kennedy .

  15. 美国小鹰号航空母舰战斗群的数以千的名水兵星期一换上便装,离开舰艇,准备在香港休息、娱乐几天。

    Thousands of casually dressed sailors left the U.S. aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk on Monday , ready for a few days of rest and recreation in Hong Kong .

  16. 外国人看到,在这种金融体系的背后,是美国遍布全球的航空母舰和军事基地。

    Foreigners see a financial system backed by American aircraft carriers and military bases encircling the globe .

  17. 五角大楼官员星期三对记者做出上述表示前不久,美国第二个航空母舰战斗群抵达波斯湾。

    Officials spoke to reporters Wednesday shortly after a second U.S. aircraft carrier strike group arrived in the Persian Gulf .

  18. 美国乔治·华盛顿航空母舰搭载的海军直升机在向菲律宾被隔绝的社区投送食品和水,这些地区上周遭遇了破坏性极大的台风的袭击。

    US navy helicopters from aircraft carrier USS George Washington have been dropping food and water to some of the isolated communities in the Philippines where hard hit by last week devastating typhoon .

  19. 尽管钱利华未提及美国,但他刻意将中国航空母舰可能的用途与美国海军11艘航空母舰进行了对比。

    Though he did not mention the US , maj Gen Qian pointedly contrasted the function of a possible Chinese vessel with the way the US Navy uses its 11 carriers .

  20. 这个星期是美国总统布什在一艘美国航空母舰上发表演讲五周年。他在那次演讲中宣布伊拉克的主要战斗结束。

    Bush Speech Declaring End to ' Major Combat ' in Iraq Passes 5th Anniversary This week marked the fifth anniversary of the speech President Bush gave on a U.S. aircraft carrier , in which he declared the end of major combat in Iraq .

  21. 美国也在展示着自己的力量,美国将一艘核潜艇派往韩国,同时美国、韩国和日本在周一举行了联合海上军事演习,另外,美国卡尔·文森号航空母舰正在向朝鲜半岛附近水域靠近。

    In its own show of force , the U.S. deployed a nuclear submarine to South Korea , as the U.S. , South Korea and Japan conducted joint naval drills Monday , all this as the USS Carl Vinson moves closer to the waters off the Korean Peninsula .