
  • 网络Brown University
  1. 美国布朗大学公共卫生学院院长阿施施·杰哈上周将德尔塔毒株称为“迄今为止见过的传染性最强的变种毒株”。

    Ashish Jha , the dean of the Brown University 's school of public health in the US , last week called the Delta variant " the most contagious variant we 've seen so far " .

  2. 本文作者系美国布朗大学(Brownuniversity)国际关系与社会科学SolGoldmanTrust教授

    The author is Sol Goldman Trust Professor of International Studies and the Social Sciences , Brown University

  3. 本文作者是美国布朗大学(brownuniversity)历史学名誉退休教授,著有《总统们》(thepresidents)一书,该书最近由企鹅出版社(penguin)修订出版

    The writer is emeritus professor of history at Brown University and author of the presidents , recently revised and published by Penguin

  4. 美国布朗大学、德国波恩大学及本课题组的相关研究,希望研发更为有效的大蒜新制剂。

    The aim of this theme of Brown university in USA and Bonn university in Germany and this thesis group for empolder new preparation .

  5. 我对主流文化持保留意见。就读于美国布朗大学的本•波尔森表示。

    I do take things in the mainstream with a grain of salt , says Ben Polson , a college student at Brown University in the US .

  6. 这是科学家克里斯廷·拜伦,她是美国布朗大学的医学教授,她正在谈论的是能够保护我们不生病的免疫系统。

    You 're listening to scientist Christine Biron , professor of medical sciences at Brown University . She 's talking about the body 's immune system which protects us from disease .

  7. 美国布朗大学的西奥多·萨泽教授为改变传统标准化考试迫使教师重考试内容,而轻非考试内容,致使学生不会完善使用他们心智的局面,与中学合作成立了优质学校联盟,建立了学生表现评定体系。

    To avoid the traditional pattern that standardized tests make teachers pay much more attention to examined content than non-examined content , the Coalition of Essential Schools established its student performance assessment system .

  8. 今年早些时候,艾玛在美国布朗大学(美国常春藤盟校之一)休学,专注于她的演艺事业,出演了《和玛丽莲的一周》和《壁花少年》两部电影。

    The young star put her education on hold at America 's Brown University earlier this year to focus on her acting . She has since made My Week With Marilyn , due out later this year , and The Perks Of Being A Wallflower .

  9. 美国布朗大学教授、医学博士斯科特霍斯曼说,每个女人婚姻形式都各不相同。他著有多部作品,其中包括《已婚男士幸福秘诀:八种方法永远赢得妻子的心》。

    Every woman has a different approach to marriage , says Scott Haltzman , MD , a professor at Brown University and the author of several books , including The Secrets of Happily Married Men : Eight Ways to Win Your Wife 's Heart Forever .

  10. 她将暂缓演艺事业,下个月去美国常春藤盟校布朗大学报到。

    She ` ll be putting her career on hold next month to enrol at an Ivy League college - Brown University .

  11. 八卦:美国罗德岛州布朗大学的研究员称,花20分钟聊聊别人的动态(和不幸)可以让96%的人缓解压力、紧张和焦虑情绪,疗效长达4小时。

    Gossiping : Spending 20 minutes chatting about other peoples news ( and misfortunes ) helps 96 percent of people squash feelings of stress , tension and anxiety for up to four hours straight , say US researchers at Rhode Islands Brown University .