
  • 网络beauty economy
  1. 美女经济的哲学观照

    Philosophical View on the Beauty Economy

  2. 美女经济与女性就业

    Beauty Economy and Female Employment

  3. 消费社会的女性符号化倾向&美女经济的社会学透视

    On the symbolic significance of beauty in the consumer society ─ View " beauty economy " from sociological perspective

  4. 美女经济就是围绕美女资源所进行的财富创造和分配的经济活动。

    Beauty economy is a kind of economic activity centering on beautiful women who are seen as the creation of economy .

  5. 而李伯元举办花榜也给他带来了巨大的经济效益,这也可以说是现代美女经济的发源。

    The Beauty Contest also brought him a huge financial benefits , which was considered as the origin of modern beauty economy .

  6. 美女经济、力比多经济诱发的官能快感代替了审美的愉悦。

    The excitement in sense , stimulated by beauty economy and " Libido " economy , replaces the pleasure in aesthetic activities .

  7. 可以说,新派交友节目以俊男美女为吸引眼球经济的基础,通过制造贫富悬殊的阶级代表,刺激嘉宾们做出选择,物质条件优越的嘉宾总会得到较多的关注,这也是消费思想的一种体现。

    It is can be said that , the new breed of Chinese TV dating show takes more attention to the appearance , and makes the guests based on a wealth gap , then stimulate them to make choice which is the reflection of consumerism .