
měi guó zhōng yāng qíng bào jú
  • Central Intelligence Agency
  1. 美国中央情报局当然想保护其特工。

    Naturally the CIA wants to protect its operatives .

  2. 他和美国中央情报局局长威廉j凯西相熟。

    He had a connection with CIA director William j.casey .

  3. 阴谋论者指责美国中央情报局(CIA)或古巴流亡者策划了刺杀事件。

    Conspiracy theorists accused the Central Intelligence Agency or Cuban exiles .

  4. 她不做FBI真是美国中央情报局的损失。

    It 's FBI 's losing that they missed her .

  5. 他们虽受过美国中央情报局(U.S.CentralIntelligenceAgency)的训练,却仍遭残败,在1960年撤退进尼泊尔木斯塘的山区中藏身。

    They were trained by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency but facing crushing defeat , they retreated to mountain hideout in Mustang region of Nepal in 1960 .

  6. 还有多少像斯诺登这样的美国中央情报局(CIA)的前特工目前在给政府的合同商打工?

    And how many are , like Snowden , ex-CIA staffers now employed by a government contractor ?

  7. 提供云计算的亚马逊网络服务(AmazonWebServices),已成为这家电子商务公司增长最快的部门,客户包括美国中央情报局(CIA)和流媒体提供商Netflix。

    Amazon Web Services , which provides cloud computing to customers from the CIA to Netflix , has become the ecommerce company 's fastest-growing division .

  8. 据美国中央情报局(CIA)的世界各国概况统计,日本国债已经约为相当于其国内生产总值(GDP)的200%,仅次于津巴布韦,位居世界第二。

    Its national debt already is roughly 200 % of GDP & second only to Zimbabwe , according to the CIA Factbook .

  9. 格勒登认为美国中央情报局(CentralIntelligenceAgency)参与了刺杀肯尼迪的行动。他写过六本书,包括上榜《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)图书畅销榜的《叛国罪》(HighTreason)。

    Mr. Groden , who believes the Central Intelligence Agency was involved in Kennedy 's assassination , has written six books , including a New York Times bestseller called ' High Treason . '

  10. 被授权开展此类袭击的美国中央情报局(CIA)拒绝置评。

    The Central Intelligence Agency , which is authorized to carry out such attacks , declined to comment .

  11. 俄罗斯的一些网站也发表文章称这款游戏是美国中央情报局(CIA)的阴谋,还有宗教人士出面对它进行了谴责。

    Russian websites also published articles claiming the game is a C.I.A. plot , while religious figures denounced it .

  12. 美国中央情报局(cia)认为,此事有可能令美国处于尴尬境地,便急忙派出一架飞机,阻止了这次暗杀行动。

    Seeing this as a potential embarrassment , the US Central Intelligence Agency scrambled an aircraft to stop the assassination .

  13. 反恐中心,或者像老手们所称的CTC,已经成为美国中央情报局最忙碌的部门。

    The Counterterrorism Center , or CTC , as veteran hands call it , has become the CIA 's busiest outfit .

  14. 过去,美国中央情报局和以首字母ISI组合标志的巴基斯坦间谍机构很不容易地一起工作;反恐怖主义。但是。

    The CIA and Pakistan 's spy agency , known by the acronym ISI , have worked uneasily together in the past on counterterrorism , but the unilateral U.

  15. 在阿雷格里港市(portoalegre)的警察局,我得知是美国中央情报局(cia)让人把我抓起来的。

    At a police station in Porto Alegre I learnt that it was the CIA who had had me picked up .

  16. 美国中央情报局(CIA)也有基尼系数公布,中国在2009年的系数是0.48,远远高于北京国际城市发展研究院计算的2010年系数。

    The CIA also publishes a calculation of the Gini coefficient , which it puts at 0.48 in China in 2009 substantially higher than the institute 's calculation for 2010 .

  17. 但是就像美国中央情报局(CIA)局长利昂帕内塔(LeonPanetta)近期在谈到塔利班行为时所说的:如果他们觉得自己正在取得胜利,为什么要进行有诚意的谈判呢?

    But as CIA director Leon Panetta said recently about Taliban behaviour , why would they negotiate in good faith , if they think they are winning ?

  18. 多年来,新加坡的领导者一直在担心这个国家的出生率。根据《美国中央情报局世界概况》(CIAWorldFactbook)2011年的估计,新加坡出生率为千分之7.72,处于全世界最低水平。

    Singapore 's leaders have worried for years about the country 's birthrate , which is among the lowest in the world at 7.72 births per 1000 people , according to 2011 estimates from the CIA World Factbook .

  19. 从美国中央情报局的世界各国概况(CIAFactbook)数据看,2010年,中国的人均国内生产总值从2009年的3744美元增至2010年的4300美元,增幅达到15%。

    Its GDP per capita surged from just $ 3,744 in 2009 to $ 4,300 in 2010 , according to the CIA Factbook , a 15 % jump .

  20. 1988年,美国中央情报局(CIA)一位分析人员在国会表示,他和同僚们从来都没有认真考虑过那些可能导致苏联垮台的因素,因为那样一来我们会被叫做疯子。

    In 1988 a CIA analyst told Congress that he and his colleagues never really looked at the factors that could have led to the end of the Soviet Union because we would have been told we were crazy .

  21. 美国中央情报局(CIA)日前公布了数千份有关飞碟、外星人及其他未解之谜的解密文件。中央情报局在官网上发表声明说:‘我们决定公开几份文件,它们将会引起怀疑者和信奉者的兴趣。’

    The CIA has released thousands of declassified documents on flying saucers , aliens and other unexplained phenomena . ' We 've decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting , ' the agency said on its website .

  22. 美国中央情报局局长帕内塔(LeonPanetta)周一在写给下属人员的一份备忘录中写道,报告中的很多指控都是过去的事情了。他说,司法部过去对这些材料的调查已经很详尽了。

    CIA Director Leon Panetta wrote in a memo to agency employees Monday that the allegations in the report are ' in many ways an old story . ' He said past Justice Department probes of the material were exhaustive .

  23. In-Q-Tel公司代表美国中央情报局(CIA)投资于科技设备,该公司首席信息安全官丹•吉尔(DanGeer)表示,网络攻击的威胁如此严重,以至于应当迫使公司披露重大的安全失败事故。

    Dan Geer , chief information security officer for In-Q-Tel , which invests in technology on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency , said the threat of cyber attack was so serious that companies should have to declare significant security failures .

  24. 他贬低美国中央情报局的一群已时期。

    And he disparages the CIA as a bunch of has-beens .

  25. 迈克尔?海顿将军已正式主持美国中央情报局。

    General Michael Hayden is officially head of the cia .

  26. 冷战初期美国中央情报局研究(1947-1961)

    A Central Intelligence Agency Study of the Early Cold War ( 1947-1961 )

  27. 约翰·布伦南已经宣誓就职成为美国中央情报局局长。

    John Brennan has been sworn in as the director of the CIA .

  28. 美国中央情报局拒绝对这一问题置评。

    The CIA refused to comment on the subject .

  29. 这些信息包括有关美国中央情报局一些有争议行动的文件。

    This includes documents about questionable activities by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency .

  30. 近日,约80万份前美国中央情报局的机密档案在网上被公布。

    Recently , almost 800000 former CIA confidential files have been released online .