
jī cénɡ fǎ lǜ fú wù suǒ
  • grassroots office of legal services
  1. 接着文章提出了影响基层法律服务所发展的三个障碍。

    Then this article put forword three obstacles of the development of grassroots legal stations .

  2. 基层法律服务所发展取向与农村基本法律服务制度之构建

    The Development Direction of Legal Service Station at the Local Level and the Construction of Basic Legal System in the Countryside

  3. 除上述三种形式外,个人律师事务所是以个人出资形式设立的一种律师事务所,在我国提供法律服务的还有基层法律服务所和外国律师事务所代表处。

    Besides , there is a lawyer firm which can be invested by individual person . In our country , local law service chamber and deputy of foreign lawyer firm can serve for the customers .

  4. 二是在基层法律服务所执业市场方面存在的问题,主要包括:基层法律服务所从业人员与律师的执业冲突;基层法律服务所业务领域难以拓展;对基层法律服务所的监管薄弱。

    Second is the problem of market of grassroots legal service practice which includes : the conflict between grassroots legal service practitioners and lawyers ; the difficulty of expansion of scope of grassroots legal service ; the weakness of supervision over grassroots legal service .

  5. 宏观方面,在推进司法确认制度时应该将纠纷解决和程序理念并重,明确界定调解机构、司法行政部门和基层法律服务所的职责,在分工负责的基础上相互配合。

    Regarding macro aspect , the dispute settlement and due procedure shall be of equal importance when pushing forward Judicial Confirmation System , and the responsibility of conciliation service , judicial administrative authorities and basic-level Legal Service Office shall be divided definitely with coordination based upon independence .

  6. 用法社会学的观点和方法分析基层法律服务所的由来及历史发展,可以得出预测性的结论&法律服务所的走向应是逐步退出法律服务市场。

    This paper , utilizing methods and the viewpoints of sociology of law , analyses the historical development and the origin of legal service offices at the grass-roots level and draws a predictable conclusion that the developing trend of legal service offices will gradually withdraw from law market .