
  • 网络ECSC;The European Coal and Steel Community
  1. 冷战初期美国建立西太平洋集体防务体系原因探析五十年代初期西欧联合的再探讨&从欧洲煤钢共同体的成功和欧洲防务共同体的失败看西欧联合

    An Analysis of the Reasons for the Establishment of the Western Pacific Collective Defense System by the United States During the Cold War The European Integration in Early 1950 's Revisited : Probing the European Integration By a Comparison Between ECSC and EDC

  2. 欧洲煤钢共同体的最大成就在于开启了欧洲永久和平的序幕。

    The greatest accomplishment of the European Coal and Steel Community , after all , was its inauguration of a lasting peace in Europe .

  3. 在欧盟的初始阶段,在1951年欧洲煤钢共同体成立期间,有四种工作语言:法语、德语、意大利语和荷兰语。

    At the inception of the European structure , during the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community ( ECSC ) in 1951 , there were four : French , German , Italian and Dutch .

  4. 一年后,法、德和义、荷、比、卢等四国签署了巴黎条约,因此成立了「欧洲煤钢共同体」。

    One year later , France and germany , together with the four additional countries of italy , the netherlands , Belgium and luxembourg , signed the Paris Treaty establishing the European Coal and steel community .

  5. 从1951年欧洲煤钢共同体的成立到如今的欧洲联盟,欧洲一体化已经走过了五十多个春秋,欧盟也已经成为世界上一体化程度最高的国际政府间组织。

    From the European Coal and Steal Community established in 1951 to now the European Union , European integration has walked more than 50 years , and EU has already become the most integrative international intergovernmental organization .

  6. 欧盟社会政策以《欧洲煤钢共同体条约》中维护煤钢工人利益的规定为萌发点,但政策范围和对象比较狭隘。

    The Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community ( ECSC Treaty ) , which has laid down some provisions to protect the interest of the workers in coal and steel industries , began the EU social policy .

  7. 欧洲能源一体化一直伴随着经济一体化发展的过程,从欧共体的前身欧洲煤钢共同体建立之时起,能源效率问题就是欧洲能源政策和环境政策的核心战略之一。

    European energy integration has been accompanied by economic integration developing process all the way . Since the establishment of the European Community , energy efficiency issue has been among the core strategies of the European energy policy and environmental policy .