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  • criminal;offender;convict;culprit;offense;villain;sin;thug;fault;lowlife
罪犯 [zuì fàn]
  • (1) [criminal;offender;culprit;convict;crimester]∶犯罪的人

  • (2) [fault;offense;sin]∶罪过;过失

  • 汝今何罪过。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 高太尉见了,使人在城上叫道:如今朝廷赦你们罪犯,特来招安。--《水浒传》

罪犯[zuì fàn]
  1. 在多数人的眼里她只不过是个普通的罪犯。

    In most people 's eyes she was nothing more than a common criminal .

  2. 房东太太对待他就像对待危险的罪犯、对待社会弃儿一样。

    His landlady had treated him like a dangerous criminal , a pariah .

  3. 罪犯正离开现场时,警察逮住了他。

    Police collared the culprit as he was leaving the premises .

  4. 曾经有个时期,罪犯可以被判服劳役刑。

    Criminals could at one time be sentenced to penal servitude .

  5. 不安全的电脑系统给罪犯提供了可乘之机。

    An insecure computer system is an open door to criminals .

  6. 对青少年罪犯我们需要给以短暂但严厉的惩处。

    We need to give young criminals a short , sharp shock .

  7. 对这些罪犯我只感到憎恶。

    I can only feel disgust for these criminals .

  8. 他不是个普通的罪犯。

    He is not one of your garden-variety criminals .

  9. 法院有权因某些罪行判处罪犯死刑。

    The courts were empowered to impose the death sentence for certain crimes .

  10. 警方很快查出了真正的罪犯。

    The police quickly identified the real culprits .

  11. 警方利用电子跟踪器监视缓刑期间的青年罪犯。

    The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation .

  12. 只因为贫穷就使得这群儿童成为警方眼中的罪犯。

    The mere fact of being poor makes such children criminals in the eyes of the police .

  13. 他们都是死不悔改的罪犯。

    They were hardened criminals .

  14. 看到有些罪犯还有良知让人感到欣慰。

    It 's pleasing to see some criminals have a conscience .

  15. 人们几乎都不把犯罪和罪犯视为一种耻辱。

    There is very little stigma attached to crime and criminals .

  16. 非裔美国人经常被指定扮演仆人、笑星或罪犯的角色。

    African-Americans were often typecast as servants , entertainers or criminals .

  17. 他知道罪犯是谁,但却闭口不说。

    He knows the culprit but is not letting on .

  18. 对于那些不肯自首的罪犯应予缉拿归案。

    Those who do not come forward should be hunted down

  19. 她认为那是堕落邪恶的罪犯所为。

    She described it as the work of depraved and evil criminals .

  20. 罪犯非常不愿意留下案底。

    Criminals are very reluctant to leave a paper trail .

  21. 这些罪犯知道如何钻体制的空子以逃脱惩罚。

    The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it

  22. 但是,如果你给警察配备武器,难道不会出现更多配备武器的罪犯吗?

    But if you arm the police won 't more criminals go armed ?

  23. 这些罪案大都是由以犯罪为生的职业罪犯制造的。

    These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime .

  24. 罪犯可以选择要么坐牢,要么遭受当众羞辱。

    Criminals are given the option of going to jail or facing public humiliation

  25. 越来越多的罪犯会同意接受认罪辩诉协议。

    More and more criminals will agree to plea-bargain .

  26. 罪犯们徒劳地躲闪着探照灯光。

    The criminals vainly sought concealment from the searchlight .

  27. 怎样才能激励这些罪犯洗心革面呢?

    What can be done to encourage convicted offenders to change their ways ?

  28. 胡佛作为罪犯克星的名头越来越响。

    Hoover was building his reputation as a crime-buster .

  29. 死刑的支持者认为它能阻吓罪犯携带枪支。

    Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns

  30. 诺思布里奇是个头脑冷静、诡计多端、阴险狡诈的罪犯,他可能还会犯案。

    Northbridge is a cool , calculating and clever criminal who could strike again .