
  • 网络Rhodes;RHODE ISLAND;Rodos;RhodeIsland
  1. 很多人都这样。现在来自罗德岛布朗大学的研究人员认为他们知道原因了。

    Lots of people do . And now researchers from Brown University in Rhode Island think they know why .

  2. 从罗德岛设计学院(RhodeIslandSchoolofDesign)毕业后,我在洛杉矶一家小型工业设计公司找到了工作。

    When I graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design , I got a job at a small industrial design firm in LA .

  3. 你跟大家说Eric去,罗德岛看爷爷了是吧。

    You told everyone Eric 's just , visiting grandpa in Rhode Island .

  4. EricPeterson是东北部罗德岛St.George'sSchool学校的校长。

    Eric Peterson is the head of St. George 's School in the northeastern state of Rhode Island .

  5. RoseMcDermott是罗德岛布朗大学政治心理学家。

    Rose McDermott is a political psychologist at Brown University in Providence , Rhode Island .

  6. 在该镇的一端有个小型的公共海滩,而在另一端罗德岛的沃奇·希尔(WatchHill)则有个大得多的海滩,开车大约20分钟可到。

    There 's a small public beach at the tip of town and another , much larger one in Watch Hill , R.I. , about a 20-minute drive away .

  7. 其结果就是,在美国即将开始工业化时,普利茅斯石鸡(PlymouthRock)和罗德岛红鸡(RhodeIslandRed)这样的著名品种问世了。

    The results were famous varieties , like the Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red , that appeared just as the nation began to industrialize .

  8. 现在,在上月,CentralFall学区解雇了高中的所有教师,罗德岛频频登上报纸头条。

    Now , in steps , Rhode Island which made headlines last month as you know when the Central Fall School District fired every teacher at its high school after it was designated the worst in the state .

  9. 对于罗德岛检察官彼得内龙哈(peterneronha)宣布的协议,谷歌未立即予以置评。

    Google had no immediate comment on the pact announced by Rhode Island prosecutor Peter neronha .

  10. 2006年,一只名叫Oscar的猫预言了罗德岛一家私人疗养院里一些病人的死亡,这让专家们十分困惑。

    In 2006 , a cat named Oscar confounded experts by " predicting " the deaths of a number of residents at a Rhode Island nursing home .

  11. 9月,罗德岛医疗许可与纪律委员会(RhodeIslandBoardofMedicalLicensureandDiscipline)谴责称,罗森伯格为没有受癌痛困扰的病人开Subsys,而且没有正确地记录原因。

    In September , Dr. Rosenberg was reprimanded by the Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline for prescribing Subsys to patients without cancer pain and failing to properly document the reasons .

  12. 然而,当美国罗德岛大学的hollym.dunsworth和她的同事们验证这项所谓的产科悖论,她们得出的结论与预测并不匹配。

    But when Holly M. dunsworth of the University of Rhode Island and her colleagues tested this so-called obstetrical dilemma hypothesis , their findings did not match its predictions .

  13. 美国罗德岛洲的一位女观众对《早安美国》主持人LaraSpencer说,如果没有《奥普拉温弗瑞脱口秀》看的话,那她都不知道下午该干什么了。

    The Rhode Island woman told Good Morning America anchor Lara Spencer that she 's not sure what she 'll do with her afternoons without the show .

  14. 本文作者索尔.卡普兰是《商业模式创新工厂》一书的作者,也是美国罗德岛州普罗维登斯市的商业创新工厂公司的创始人和首席分析师,定期在It'sSaulConnected网站发表博文。

    Saul Kaplan is the author of The Business Model Innovation Factory . He is the founder and chief catalyst of the Business Innovation Factory ( BIF ) in Providence , RI , and blogs regularly at It 's Saul Connected .

  15. 周边环境:斯托宁顿位于康涅狄格州东南部的小纳拉甘西特湾(LittleNarragansettBay),从哈特福特(Hartford)和罗德岛的普罗维登斯(Providence,R.I.)开车约1小时可达,从纽约市开车约3小时。

    SETTING : Stonington is on Little Narragansett Bay in southeastern Connecticut , about an hour by car from Hartford and Providence , R.I. , and three hours from New York City .

  16. 9月,Insys公司的另一位得力代言人、罗德岛州的杰罗德·罗森伯格(JerroldRosenberg)博士,因为滥开包括Subsys在内的止痛药而受到申斥。

    Another top Insys speaker , Dr. Jerrold Rosenberg of Rhode Island , was reprimanded in September for inappropriately prescribing painkillers , including Subsys .

  17. REYNOLDSWOLF,CNN记者:Kyra,我现在是在罗德岛沃里克的ShawPlaza。几天之前,这里只有几个小水坑。

    REYNOLDS WOLF , CNN METEOROLOGIST : Well , Kyra , I am coming to you from Shaw Plaza here in Warwick , Rhode Island where there were only just a few puddles here a few days ago .

  18. Oscar是一只普通的猫,但它对于死亡却有着超常的感应,布朗大学公共卫生教授、罗德岛家庭和临终关怀医疗顾问琼M特诺在接受《波士顿环球报》采访时说。

    Oscar is a normal cat with an extra-normal sense for death , Dr. Joan M. Teno , professor of community health at Brown and associate medical director of Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island , told the Boston Globe .

  19. 这项比赛在几周前在罗德岛Topsfield的一个集市中开始。

    The competition took place a few weeks ago at a fair in Topsfield , Rhode Island .

  20. 硅谷著名的风险投资公司KPCB(KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers)于去年邀请罗德岛设计学院前校长约翰·前田(JohnMaeda)与其合作,此举引起人们的广泛关注。

    The well-regarded Silicon Valley venture firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers raised eyebrows last year by bringing in John Maeda , the former president of the Rhode Island School of Design , as a partner .

  21. 早在1982年,我们就在《美国医学会期刊》(JAMA)上发表了一项研究,我想这或许是关于这个主题最早的研究之一。在该研究中,我们合计了6年时间罗德岛州所有的慢跑时死亡案例。

    Back in 1982 , we published a study in JAMA , among the first on this topic , I think , where we tallied all of the deaths during jogging that had occurred in Rhode Island over a six-year period .

  22. 同样,经营家庭共享服务的Airbnb公司以系统的思维和简洁的用户界面而广受好评,获得了价值100亿美元的市场价值评估(该公司两位创始人均毕业于罗德岛设计学院)。而智能设计是其成功的内在原因。

    Similarly , the home-sharing firm Airbnb 's systematic thinking and simple user interface have made it immensely popular - and earned it a $ 10 billion valuation . ( Two of its founders are RISD graduates . ) Smart design is intrinsic to its success .

  23. 难道普罗维登斯(罗德岛州府)的政客们还不应该警醒吗?

    Did that not set off any alarms in Providence ?

  24. 罗德岛还是美国人最爱的度假之地,

    Rhode Island is a popular vacation area for Americans ,

  25. 罗德岛下了20英寸的雪。

    Rhode Island was bracing for up to 20 inches of snow .

  26. 万一我明年没有去罗德岛怎么办?

    What if I didn 't go to Rhode lsland next year ?

  27. 在罗德岛偷了辆卡车开到麻州去。

    Stole the truck in Rhode lsland , drove it into massachusetts .

  28. 罗德岛另一个十分着名的度假点是布洛克岛。

    Another very popular vacation spot in Rhode Island is Block Island .

  29. 罗德岛也许是美国最小的州,

    Rhode Island may be the smallest state in America ,

  30. 1652年的今天,罗德岛州通过了北美的第一个宣布奴隶制非法的法律。

    1652-Rhode Island passes the first law in North America making slavery illegal .