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  • Roman law
  1. 罗马法的复兴是对优士丁尼《国法大全》为代表的罗马法的大规模的研究和继受。

    Revival of Roman law is research and reception extensively of Roman law .

  2. 担保是罗马法以来民法的一项重要制度。

    Security has been an important system of the civil law ever since ancient Roman law .

  3. 如果机器人变得像人类行为人一样优秀——想想《星球大战》(StarWars)里的机器人——那么我们可以借鉴罗马法这样的古老规则。罗马法规定奴隶的主人要对奴隶造成的任何损坏负责。

    If robots become as good as human agents - think of the droids in Star Wars - we can adapt rules as old as Roman law , in which the owner of enslaved persons is responsible for any damage .

  4. 信托源于罗马法FideiCommissum(遗产信托)。

    Trust originated from " Fidei Commissum " of Roman law .

  5. 罗马法的traditio、stipulatio与私法上无因性概念的形成

    Traditio , Stipulatio of Roman Law and the Formation of Non-Causation in Private Law

  6. 浅析中世纪罗马法研究首先在意大利城市兴起的原因

    On the Study of Roman Law Beginning in the Italian Cities

  7. 继承回复请求权源于罗马法继承回复诉权制度,现代大陆法国家民法多有规定。

    The requesting right of recovering inheritance originates from Roman laws .

  8. 严格责任最初作为契约法上的责任源于罗马法。

    Strict liability derives from Roman law as the contract responsibility .

  9. 居住权起源于罗马法的人役权制度。

    Dwelling rights originated in Roman law system of personal servitude .

  10. 侵权行为法渊源于古代罗马法。

    The law of tort originated in the ancient Roman law .

  11. 不当得利由罗马法创设,至今已发展为现代民法上的一项一般制度。

    Unjust enrichment is a general institution in modern civil law .

  12. 在古罗马法中,即有取得时效制度的规定。

    In ancient law in Roman , the system existed already .

  13. 罗马法契约制度:历史话语的重述

    Contractual System in Roman Law : Restatement of History 's Text

  14. 取得时效制度最早始于古罗马法。

    The earliest acquisitive prescription system began in ancient Roman law .

  15. 罗马法不是市民社会的法

    Roman Law Is Not Vested In the Laws of Civil Society

  16. 公益诉讼是舶来品,最早可以追溯到古代罗马法。

    The public interest litigation originated the ancient Rome laws .

  17. 论罗马法的自然法精神与实践理性

    Roman Law : The Spirit of Natural Law and Rationality of Practicality

  18. 罗马法占有制度对两大法系之影响

    The Influence of the Possession System of the Roman Law

  19. 不当得利源于罗马法的规定,为债的发生的原因,是法律事实的一种。

    Unjust enrichment originates from the stipulations in Roman law .

  20. 在罗马法中,有两种等级的谨慎。

    In Roman law two levels of diligence were recognized .

  21. 破产管理人制度是从罗马法中发展而来,本章除了介绍破产管理人制度的发展,还探讨了破产法的价值和破产管理人独立性的意义。

    The bankruptcy administrator comes by the Roman law development .

  22. 论罗马法契约制度的发展

    Comment on the Development of Contract System in Roman Law

  23. 罗马法婚姻制度的价值基础分析

    The Value Basis Analysis of Marriage System in Tone Law

  24. 评《罗马法原论》的学术特色

    Comment on Academic Characteristic of " Original Theory of Roman Law "

  25. 优先权制度起源于罗马法,近代民法以法国民法典为代表的立法中规定有较为完备的优先权制度。

    The system of Priority came from the Roman law .

  26. 现代意义上的所有权概念起源于罗马法。

    The concept of proprietorship in modern sense originated from the Roman law .

  27. 罗马法精神对中国法制建设的意义

    On Significance of Spirit of Roman Law to China 's construction of Legislation

  28. 地役权是一种古老的他物权,创设于罗马法。

    Easement is a kind of old principle , founded in Roman law .

  29. 论希腊正义精神和罗马法权利观念

    Spirit of Greek Justice and Idea of Roman Right

  30. 古罗马法和唐律有关诚信规定之比较

    Comparison Research on Ancient Rome Law and Tang Law Related Good Faith Stipulation