
  • 网络network acquisition;net interview
  1. 网上书店及图书馆网络采访的实现

    Online Bookstores and Realization of Library Network Acquisition

  2. 论实体文献的网络采访

    On the Network Acquisition of the Entity Document

  3. 图书馆网络采访的评价及其发展趋势

    The appraisal and development trend in the library acquisition work

  4. 网络采访的特点及实施办法

    Features and Practical Ways of Internet News Reporting

  5. 主要论述互联网采访的各种方式,并对网络采访的优势和不足进行阐述。

    The article mainly discusses the ways of Internet interview and their advantages and disadvantages .

  6. 网络采访之我见

    My Opinions on the Network Acquisition

  7. 试析图书馆网络采访&从新华书目报网络版看图书馆采访的新模式

    Analysis of Library Internet Book Acquisition & Study on the new modes of library acquisition based on the Internet version of The Newspaper of Xinhua Catalogs

  8. 提出了实体文献的概念,并讨论了我国图书馆对实体文献进行网络采访的渠道、优点及操作程序。

    This article puts forward the concept of entity document and discusses the channel , advantage and operation sequence on the network acquisition of the entity document by Chinese library .

  9. 在接受科学与发展网络采访时,中科院科技政策与管理科学研究所的朱孝民表示,胡启恒的讲话强调了重要的,但是经常被忽略科学传播这样一个领域。

    Hu has highlighted an important but often neglected aspect of science innovation , says Zhu Xiaoming , a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences 's Institute of Policy and Management .

  10. 网络采访以采访工具的全数字化、采访内容的多媒体性、采访方法的交互性、采访范围的全球性和采访速度的快捷性形成了不同于传统新闻采访的独特样式。

    In the interview network digital tools , interview , interview contents of multimedia and interactive method , interview and speed of the global scope of such different from traditional promptness of the unique style of journalism .

  11. 他在接受美国有线电视新闻网络采访时表示,乔治小王子有点调皮,他也承认自己一直在履行给孩子换尿布的角色。他也透漏到,在离开医院当天,面对着世界的媒体把孩子安全放入车内是多么令人紧张。

    He told CNN that Prince George is a little bit of a rascal , admits he 's been changing nappies , and revealed his nerves over fitting the car seat securely when they left hospital in front of the world 's press .

  12. 其中,网络采访是依托因特网而存在的新闻采访方式,主要是以因特网作为新闻采集的环境,用搜索、采访、下载和编辑加工等多种方式采集新闻信息及相关资源的新闻传播活动②。

    Among them , the interview is relying on the network and the news on the Internet , as news gathering environment , using the search , download and editing process , interview and so on many kinds of ways acquisition news information and related resources news dissemination activities .

  13. 比利时根特大学发展中国家植物生物技术研究所的NancyTerryn在接受本网络记者采访时,表示同意这一报告的结论。

    Speaking to SciDev . Net , Nancy Terryn , of the Institute for Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries at Ghent University , Belgium , agreed with the report .

  14. 高校传统文献采访与网络文献采访比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Network Bibliographic Acquisition in Universities

  15. 网络新闻采访的特点和要求

    Traits and Requirements of Internet News Gathering

  16. 男:在新西兰接受记者网络电话采访的莫菲特解释说,孩子自我控制的问题已经受到广泛关注,

    M : Speaking from New Zealand via skype , Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed ,

  17. 阿布·奥夫曼是大马士郊区反对派组织的领导人,我们通过网络电话采访了他。

    Abu Arfman , who 's a leader of rebel brigade in Damascus suburbs , we reached him by a Skype .

  18. 就第四媒体的发展,论述了网络新闻采访与其他媒体采访的不同,介绍对网络新闻记者采访工作的要求。

    Based on the development of " the forth media ", this paper introduces the requirements for internet journalists and discusses the differences between internet news gathering and other media 's news gathering .

  19. 对于菲利普和伊丽莎白来说,亦是如此。韦斯伯格在接受美国知名网络杂志Slate采访时如是说。

    For Philip and Elizabeth , it often is , Weisberg told Slate online magazine .

  20. 论网络环境下采访信息交流的障碍及其克服

    On the Obstacles of Stock Information Communication and Their Elimination in Network Circumstance

  21. 本网络记者没有采访到魏于全,但是在4月15日在成都举行的一次新闻发布会上,魏于全否认了这一指控,并说它是由个人恩怨引起的。

    Wei was unavailable for an interview , but at a news conference in Chengdu on15 April he denied the accusation , saying it was caused by personal enmity .

  22. 该文结合天津职业大学图书馆的改革实践和网络环境下采访工作的结构怀调整,论述了网络环境下高校图书馆建立学科采访馆员制度的必要性和可能性以及具体的管理措施。

    The paper discusses the possibility and necessity about building the subject acquisition librarian system in college libraries , it illustrates by the innovation of Tianjin Professional College , and advances some manage measures .

  23. 对云南省高校图书馆自动化网络系统中采访子系统的开发应用过程中的难点问题及其解决方法以及个人的观点进行阐述及论证。

    On the basis of discussion on the application and exploit of Yunnan Province University Library Automation Network System , the author gives some methods and tactics on how to solve the nodus of the requirement system of library .

  24. 从各类文献资源购置结构的调整、采访方式革新、采购协调等方面详细阐述了近年来图书馆采访工作发生的变革,及网络技术在采访中的应用。

    The transformation and development of acquisition in the past few years and application of network in the acquisition are expounded in detail in respects of revision of subscription structure of various literature resources , changes in acquisition mode and subscription cooperation .

  25. 总统接受了包括CNN在内的6个网络新闻节目的采访,他向美国民众发表演讲,讲述他对叙利亚采取军事行动的要求,并称他持怀疑态度。

    While the president appearing on a half dozen network news programs including CNN , had this planned speech to American people about his requested possible military action against Syria also said it remains skeptical .

  26. 云南省高校图书馆自动化网络系统中的采访子系统

    Sub-system of Acquisition in Yunnan Province University Library Automation Network System

  27. 赛后她接受了美国有线新闻网络记者坎迪·瑞兹的采访。

    Afterwards she spoke with CNN 's Candy Reeds .

  28. 文献资源的网络采集是图书馆采访的新形式。

    It is a new form of library acquisition to purchase documents on Internet .

  29. 网络电子期刊的采访研究

    Research of the Acquisition of the Electronic Journals

  30. 网络环境对图书馆采访工作的影响和对策

    The impact of the networked environment on the acquisition work in libraries and countermeasures