
  1. 网络信用卡欺诈的防范

    Prevention of Credit Card Frauds on the Internet

  2. 与传统的交易相比,它具有很多自身的优势,同时,也带来了网络信用卡诈骗犯罪。

    Compared with the traditional trading , it has a lot of advantages , also brings the network card fraud .

  3. 对网络信用卡诈骗犯罪的立法进程进行了基本了解,对相关问题的国内外研究现状进行了评述,并简述了论文选题的理论意义和现实意义。

    Have a basic understanding of the legislation course of credit card fraud . Reviews on the present research at home and abroad .

  4. 基于贝叶斯网络的信用卡客户价值预测

    Value Forecast Based on Bayesian Network for Credit Card Customers

  5. 基于神经网络的信用卡帐户分类研究和实现

    The Research and Implementation of Credit Card Account Classification System Based on Neural Network

  6. 电子商务支付在发展电子商务过程中发挥着重要的作用。通过网络进行信用卡支付主要经过三个阶段:申请开设帐户、加密订单和连接支付网关。

    Payment of electronic business plays an important role on the course of developing EB . Credit card payment by network need three steps : apply for the account , encrypt the order and connect with gateway .

  7. 安全电子交易协议(SecureElectronicTransaction,简称SET)是Visa和MasterCard两大信用卡公司在1997年联合推出的一个在开放网络上使用信用卡支付的安全电子支付协议。

    The SET Secure Electronic Transaction protocol , which was developed jointly by Visa and MasterCard in 1997 , is an electronic payment protocol using credit over open network .

  8. 不过人们可能对交出自己的网络银行和信用卡密码还是心存防范。

    Butpeople may be wary of giving strangers their online banking and creditcard passwords .

  9. 风险评估工作是信用卡业务的首要解决难题,本研究将采用专家系统和神经网络来建立信用卡操作风险评估模型。

    This thesis uses expert systems and neural networks to establish credit risk assessment model .

  10. 第三章重点对网络经济对信用卡产业的影响进行了定性分析。

    In chapter three , The third chapter focuses on the network economy on the impact of the credit card industry undertook qualitative analysis .

  11. 一旦黑客或间谍掌控这个密钥,可能就会破译用户通过网络操作的信用卡或用户所设置密码的加密信息。

    Once a hacker or spy has that key , it 's possible to decode and read what have been encrypted information like credit card numbers or user passwords as they flow over a network .

  12. 建议增设:使用变造的信用卡、网络无卡方式信用卡诈骗的规定。

    Propose setting up regulation that use the adulterated credit card , the network credit card to swindle .

  13. 在许多实际应用中,如股票分析、网络故障监测、信用卡欺诈领域得到了广泛的应用。

    In many practical applications , such as stock analysis , network fault detection , and credit card fraud , data mining has been widely used .

  14. 离群数据挖掘与分析在网络入侵控制、信用卡检测、通信欺诈分析等诸多领域具有十分重要的意义。

    Mining and analyzing for outliers is of great importance in many applications , including network invasion control , credit card and telecom fraud detection , etc.

  15. 已有方法主要是将数据挖掘中的分类方法如贝叶斯算法、决策树算法和神经网络算法应用于信用卡欺诈检测模型中。

    Most of the existing methods mainly apply the classification algorithm such as Bayesian classification algorithm , decision tree and neural network to credit card fraud detection models .