
  • 网络Green Building;LEED;Green Architecture;Green Mark
  1. 见到这些集装箱后,加尔文马上想起了“绿色建筑预制块”(greenbuildingblock)这个名称,他的公司正是得名于此。

    He immediately saw these containers as what he calls a " green building block " & hence the name .

  2. 但是绿色建筑委员会提到华盛顿一家从事清洁能源产业的CapitalE公司所做的报告。

    But the Green Building Council points to a report by Capital E , a Washington , D.C. , company that serves the clean energy industry .

  3. 像这样的绿色建筑对投资者来说不一定划算,但是它产生的污染确实比通过化石燃料来产生能源所造成的污染少。

    Green buildings like this aren 't necessarily cost-efficient for the investor , but it does produce much less pollution than that caused by energy production through fossil fuels .

  4. 改进的Topsis方法在绿色建筑综合评价中的应用

    Applying Improvable Topsis Method in Green Building 's Synthetical Assessment

  5. 我国绿色建筑评价标准与美国LEED比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis on Chinese Green Building Evaluation Standard and LEED

  6. 北京奥运村是最近一个取得美国绿色建筑委员会LEED黄金证书的项目。

    Beijing Olympic Village was the latest project to receive a LEED gold certification from USGBC .

  7. 综合采用AHP方法及Delphi专家咨询法,对绿色建筑评估的指标体系、权重体系及适应性进行了研究;

    It comprehensively adopts AHP ( Analytic Hierarchy Process ) method and Delphi method to make study of the index system , weight system and adaptability of green building assessment ;

  8. LEED标准发布和推广标志着绿色建筑已经从实验走向实际。

    The issue and application of LEED standard indicates that green buildings have developed from labs to field .

  9. 通过分析认为,随着电力紧缺以及绿色建筑的兴起,喷射制冷系统COP的提高,太阳能喷射制冷系统有着广阔的应用前景。

    With the shortage of electrical energy 、 the rising demand of green buildings and the improvement of ejector refrigeration system , solar ejector system has a great future .

  10. 该信息在GreenBayDiocese.St.FrancisofAssisiChapel的传播被视为绿色建筑的模范。

    That message 's spreading in the Green Bay Diocese . St. Francis of Assisi Chapel is being held up as a model of how to build green from the ground up .

  11. 罗颖佳女士现为美国建筑师学会香港分会会长及绿色建筑LEED认证的专业人员。

    Lee is currently the President of the Hong Kong Chapter of the American Institute of Architects this year and a LEED accredited professional .

  12. 光伏建筑一体化(BIPV,BuildingIntegratedPV)作为太阳能应用的主要领域之一,提高了建筑物能效,成为绿色建筑的一项重要指标,对解决环境污染和能源危机有着重要的意义。

    Building Integrated PV ( BIPV ) as one of the main areas of solar applications can improve building energy efficiency , and becomes an important indicator of a " green building ", so it has important significance to solve environmental pollution and the energy crisis .

  13. 总部同样位于硅谷的Echelon宣称,由该公司经营、控制和维护电力、天然气、取暖和照明系统的绿色建筑和街道照明系统,比其它任何一家公司都多。

    Echelon , also based in San Jose , claims to run , control and conserve the electrical , gas , heating and lighting systems in more green buildings and street-light networks than any other company .

  14. LEED绿色建筑评估体系)开发的美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC,措施以及如何建筑物或社区演出。

    The LEED Green Building Rating System , developed by the US Green Building Council ( USGBC ), measures how well a building or community performs .

  15. 介绍美国绿色建筑委员会的LEEDTM绿色建筑评估系统(V2.0),计包括建筑的选址,水的有效利用,能源与大气环境,建材与资源,室内环境质量等方面。

    Introduces LEED TM Green Building Rating System ( V2.0 ) which includes the sustainable sites , water efficiency , energy and atmosphere , materials and resources , indoor environmental quality , etc. .

  16. 其次阐述绿色建筑节能评价的基本理论,包括全寿命周期评价、技术经济评价以及费用效益分析等;并在此基础上利用建筑能耗模拟软件DeST-h对建筑进行能耗模拟。

    Then , it will illustrate the basic theories of energy-saving evaluation in green building , including full life cycle assessment , technical and economic evaluation and cost-benefit analysis . In addition , software DeST-h will be applied to simulate building energy .

  17. 建立五大创新体系促进绿色建筑发展

    Build Up Five Big Innovation Systems , Facilitate Green Construction Development

  18. 绿色建筑设计的公共交互系统初探

    The Explore on the Interactive System of the Green Building Design

  19. 绿色建筑评价体系理论框架的探讨;

    Discussing the theoretical frame of assessment system of green building ;

  20. 新世纪建筑的发展方向&绿色建筑

    The Development Orientation of the New Century Architecture & Green Architecture

  21. 基于费用效益分析的绿色建筑的评价研究

    The Research of Green Building Assessment Based on Cost Effectiveness Analysis

  22. 论和谐社会理念下新农村绿色建筑的发展

    Green builds development of new socialist countryside based on harmonious society

  23. 绿色建筑工程体系中已有建筑物保健与诊治

    Diagnosis and Heath Care of Existing Structures in Green Building System

  24. 绿色建筑设计中生态环境建材比选的技术方法

    Ecological building materials selection techniques in the Green Building Design

  25. 全国绿色建筑创新奖评审标准使用规则

    The Use Rule of Green Building Innovation Prize Assessment Standard in China

  26. 绿色建筑评价新理念:多标准决策模型

    New concept of green building evaluation : multi-criteria decision-making model

  27. 重庆市绿色建筑发展动态与实践方案

    Development Tendency and Practice Scheme of Green Building in Chongqing

  28. 关于推动中国特色绿色建筑设计的若干思考

    Reflections on Promoting the Green Building Design with Chinese Characteristics

  29. 浅议中国绿色建筑评价标准发展之路

    An Overview of Evaluation Standard of Green Building in China

  30. 低影响开发与绿色建筑的雨水控制利用

    Stormwater management in green building on the base of low impact development