- reform;modernization

[reform;modernization] 反对旧的,提倡新的。通常指变旧法,行新政
The Hundred Days ' Reform : the Initiation of Human Modernization
The Comparison of the Social Basis of the Sino-Japanese Reform Movement
New Development of W Strings and New Physical Effects of Gauge Theory of Gravity and Extra Dimensions
Application of constant dimension new information modelGM ( 1,1 ) in forecast of regional water demand
Application on Grey Information Renewal GM ( 1,1 ) Model for Predicting Urban Life Water Demond of Zhengzhou
The Markov chain method is presented based on the innovation GM ( 1,1 ) model , which reduces random fluctuation of calibration data . Experiments are also done to test the model .
Establish the new information model of equal dimension of GM ( 1,1 ) of aging deformation of embankment dam . Through the research to dam , we find there lies an optimal dimension area .
First , using PCA method transform a n-dimensional terms-documents matrix into m-dimensional orthogonal matrix . Then , a rough set method to the result of principal components analysis is used for feature reduction .
New information modeling GM ( 1,1 ) based on grey theory ensure that original data can act on the model by updating the old data . So the model will embody a much more actual situation .
Applying a GM ( 1 , N ) grey model , the [ Si ] content of hot metal in blast furnace is predicted , and the latest status of blast furnace is forecast by the equal-dimension and new-information model .
Moreover , a gray-prediction algorithm based on consistent dimension innovation was successfully introduced into feedback data 's advanced prediction to compensate AQM 's feedback delay .
This paper discussed the fundamental contents and the establishment course of theGM ( 1 , 1 ) forecast model and the dynamic gray forecast model . Two kinds of dynamic gray forecast model were successfully applied in the dam deformation forecast .
And at tile same time the methods to predict water demand hi the future , such as BP Neural Network , GM ( 1,1 ) of new information with the same dimension and non-linear exponential regression , are also studied in this paper .
The modelling methods of old information model , new information model , equal dimension new information model and modified model of residual based on GM ( 1,1 ) are introduced ; the equal dimension new information model and the modified model of residual are set up separately .
The original GM ( 1,1 ) model is improved by three ways , namely improving parameter θ, rectifying original condition and processing equal dimensions and new information . In addition , the real forward price is used to check the result of the improved GM ( 1,1 ) model .
Nevertheless , voter un-happiness with the main parties is such that the Restoration party is forecast to increase its lower house representation from 11 to about 35 members , according to a poll by the Asahi newspaper last week .
NHK , the public broadcaster , found the Restoration party in third place after the main opposition , Liberal Democratic party 's 24.7 per cent and the ruling Democratic party 's 17 per cent but with a support rating of just 4 per cent .
New Found on the Equal-Dimension-newly-information Double-difference Gray Model Forecasting for Application
Mainly reviews the development of the early reformers thought context .
On the Reformists ' Dissemination and Application of Modern Scientific Method
A Study on the Reformation School 's Philosophy of Mind Power
Vigorous Assimilation of Western Culture by Japan Around the Meiji Restoration
On Opening to the Outside World of Early Reformers ' thoughts
On modern representatives of Wenzhou medicine and their reform thoughts
The restoration party faces fierce competition from other wannabe third forces .
Japan accelerated its invasion and external expansion after the Meiji Restoration .
Prediction of Railway Ton-kilometers Based on Equal Dimension and New Information Model
Review and Analysis of the Xinhai Revolution and Weixin Campaign
Only after the Meiji Restoration of 1868 was Japan flung open .
On the Science Education in the Period of the Hundred Days Reform