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qiān dū
  • Relocation of capital;move the capital to another place
迁都 [qiān dū]
  • [move the capital to another place] 迁移国都

迁都[qiān dū]
  1. 企业“迁都”是近年来中国经济一个突出现象。

    It has been a protrudent phenomenon for the enterprise to move the capital to another place in Chinese economy recently .

  2. 一番激烈斗争后,他迁都于殷。

    He removed the capital to Yin after a fierce struggle .

  3. 对很多人来说,迁都这种提议简直就是异端。

    To propose a move strikes many as heretical .

  4. 日本历史上的迁都与社会转型

    The Movement of Capital and the Social Transformations in the History of Japan

  5. 关于日本古代的迁都问题

    Study on the Movement of Capitals in Ancient Japan

  6. 地理环境对渤海政权迁都产生了重要的作用。

    Geographic environment has an importancent effect on the capital moving of Bohai regime .

  7. 呃,嗯,我可能会建议我们迁都到加利福尼亚去。

    Well , uh , I could suggest moving the nation 's Capitol to california .

  8. 他指出,如果沙尘暴问题不能得以妥善处理,迁都只是时间问题。

    The capital , he declared , might have to move if measures to curb its sandstorms failed .

  9. 孝文帝迁都洛阳以后,在制度上严格了清、浊官的区分。

    Xiaowen Emperor strictly distinguished Qing officials and Zhuo officials in system after his moving the capital to Luoyang .

  10. 成祖与邹缉等人关于迁都的论争,是一个问题的两个方面,各有其理。

    His argument with ancestor Cheng of Ming Dynasty reflected two sides of a coin , both were reasonable .

  11. 现在即使是国家控制的媒体也开始提出迁都的建议。

    Even in the state-controlled media , suggestions are sometimes made that it is time to build a new capital .

  12. 本文的第三章主要论述了北魏迁都洛阳之后对这胡、汉两种因素所带来的的影响:即迁都遗弃了那些胡族和胡化程度较深的人口;

    The third chapter mainly discuss two kind of factor brong influence after Northern Wei moving the capital to Luoyang .

  13. 公元493年,北魏从大同迁都至洛阳,开始了龙门石窟的建造。

    In 493 AD the dynasty moved its capital from Datong to Luoyang and started the construction of the artificial Longmen Caves .

  14. 浅论唐宋之际我国经济重心南移的原因论中国经济文化重心的南移和迁都

    On the Moving towards South of China 's Economic and Cultural Centers and the Moving of China 's Capital to the South

  15. 一年后,公元前770年,平王迁都至洛邑(今天的河南洛阳)。这是东周(公元前770年至公元前221年)的开始。

    The next year , in 770 BC , King Ping moved the capital to Luoyi ( now Luoyang City in Henan Province ) .

  16. 日本古代虽迁都频繁,但由宗教原因而导致的迁都事件,历史上只发生过一次。

    Although there are frequent events of moving the capital to other places in ancient Japan , there was only one movement caused by religious reason .

  17. 然而,迁都牵一发而动全身,企业必须冷静对待迁都热潮、要遵循比较成本收益原则慎重作出决策。

    However , it will confront with many difficulties , and enterprises should be discreet to make a decision by following the principle of comparative cost lucre .

  18. 毫无疑问,企业“迁都”所产生的“总部经济”效应会刺激中国企业的国际化,以及加速城市化进程等。

    With no doubt , the effect of headquarters economy brought about by the capital movement will stimulate the internationalization of the enterprises , and accelerate urbanization .

  19. 报纸和网上已经有好几位学者提议,要解决这些问题以及很多其他的问题,最好的办法就是迁都。

    Several scholars have suggested , in newspapers as well as online , that these and other problems would best be solved by relocating the central government .

  20. 同时,由于朝廷内对于权力的政治斗争和与外部的不断战争,商朝曾五次迁都。

    While , due to political struggle for power in the imperial court and continuous wars with frontier tribes , Shang state moved its capital five times .

  21. 次年,在一些贵族和诸侯的支持下,平王迁都洛邑。

    In the following year , King You 's successor , King Ping , moved the capital to Luoyi with the support of some of the nobles and vassal .

  22. 韩国的迁都政策实践乃至过去区域均衡发展政策实践之教训值得借鉴。

    The policy practice of moving the capital and the lessons of the regional harmonious development policy in past in South Korea give the reference to regional harmonious development policy practice .

  23. 他迁都君士坦丁堡,很明显君士坦丁堡是用他的名字命名,现在叫伊斯坦布尔,它在古代的另一个名字叫拜占庭。

    He moved the capital to Constantinople , named after him of course , the city of Constantine , what we call Istanbul , or Byzantium was its ancient name also .

  24. 308年(永嘉二年),刘渊称帝,迁都平阳(今山西临汾县),接着派大军进攻洛阳。

    In 308 , Liu Yuan declared himself emperor and move the capital to Pingyang ( southwest of now Linfen city , Shanxi ) and waged his army to attack Luoyang .

  25. 始凿于北魏(约公元五世纪),至五世纪末因北魏迁都而日渐衰落。

    The carving started in the Northern Wei Dynasty ( about the fifth century aD ) and declined at the end of the fifth century as the Northern Wei moved its capital .

  26. 早商晚期之后,商王朝由于内部和外部的原因屡次迁都,与之相伴随的则是商人对晋南的控制力逐渐减弱。

    Dated from late Shang Dynasty , due to internal and external causes which resulted in frequent relocation , the control to this area had been weakening gradually until to the end of Shang dynasty .

  27. 但是据简氏国家危机亚洲版编辑克里斯蒂表示,任何有可能发生的空中或是海上进攻对于迁都都没什么影响。

    But according to Christian lemiere , Asia editor of jane 's country risk , any potential enemy is much more likely to attack by air than by sea-and therefore moving location will make little difference .

  28. 定都是中国历代王朝极其重视之事,关乎王朝的命运和国家的长治久安,迁都亦然。

    Established the capital city was the Chinese all previous dynasties which took the matter extremely , concerned the dynasty the destiny and the national long-term peace and good government , moved the capital also however .

  29. 除中国范围内企业总部迁都及中心城市内企业的两头分离运动外,跨国公司地区总部的迁移也成为近年广泛关注的焦点。

    Besides the enterprise headquarters " moving the capital " and the enterprises of central cities " separating into two " movement in Chinese scope , the migration of multinational corporation 's headquarters also have been paid so much attention recently .

  30. 人们开始理由充分地认为,阿拉伯伍麦叶里发王朝是征服战争完成后毫无作用的一个寄生集团;伍麦叶王朝曾于661年从麦地那迁都大马士革。

    Thus the Arab Umayyad Dynasty of caliphs , which had moved the capital from MEDLINE to Damascus in661 , came to be regarded with much justification as a parasitic clique that had outlived its usefulness once the conquests were completed .