
wéi xīn pài
  • reformers
  1. 主要是梳理了早期维新派思想的发展脉络。

    Mainly reviews the development of the early reformers thought context .

  2. 浅谈维新派与顽固派关于废除八股取士的争论

    Shallowly Discussed The Debate About Abolishing The Eight-part Essay Examination Between Bourgeois Reformers and Diehards

  3. 维新派心力观研究

    A Study on the Reformation School 's Philosophy of Mind Power

  4. 资产阶级维新派的教育思想再认识

    Recognition to the Educational Thought of the Bourgeois Reformers

  5. 维新派近代民权学说的历史演进

    The Historic Evolution of the Reform Clique 's Theory of Modern Civil Rights

  6. 晚清早期维新派的妇女解放思想

    Ideas on Women Liberation of the Early Reformists in the Late Qing Period

  7. 早期维新派重商思想研究

    The Research into the Early Reform-Group Mercantilism

  8. 论早期维新派的民生改良思想与民本主义

    The Thought of the Improving Livelihood of the Early Reformer and the Min Ben Theory

  9. 洋务派与维新派的西学观之比较20世纪30年代西化论研究

    Comparison between the Westernization Group and the Reformation Group 's Opinion on the Western Culture

  10. 早期维新派的重民思想在近代思想史上具有重要的历史地位。

    The early reformists ' value-people thought have an important history position on the modern history of thought .

  11. 早期维新派思想研究还有值得探索的空间。

    Hence , there exists a certain rooms to research the thoughts study of the early innovative school .

  12. 资产阶级维新派与澳门

    Bourgeois reformists and Macao

  13. 维新派翻译家的译作是在特殊历史条件下本着特殊目的以特殊方式移译过来的。

    The translated versions of the reformists were completed with special purpose by special methods under special historical situation .

  14. 但不可否认的是,维新派的法律思想是近百年法律思想的重要源头,在近代中国法律思想和法律制度近代化的历程中占据了重要地位。

    Undeniably , the legal thought of the reformative school is the very important source of the legal thought later .

  15. 本文从宏观和微观两方面研究早期维新派的法律思想。

    This thesis is trying to study the legal ideas of early reform from macrocosmic and microcosmic point of view .

  16. 近世变局与中外贸易状况、中国近代商业资本的勃兴是早期维新派重商思想兴起的经济环境;

    I think the condition of international trade and the rise suddenly of modern commercial capital is its ' economic environment .

  17. 维新派成为改革方案的主要制定者,而洋务派则仍然把持政权,决定者各项政策的具体执行。

    Reformers as a major reform program-makers , while Westernization is still dominated regime , the policies decided by the specific implementation .

  18. 同时,在特殊的历史背景下,维新派思想家在对宪政的追求中,普遍存在理想和现实的差异。

    At the same time , in the special history background , there was discrepancy between their constitutionalism ideal and the reality .

  19. 在这种历史背景下,早期维新派的慈善思想及实践也不可避免地受到了国内外各种因素的影响。

    Inevitably , the early reformers ' charity thought and practice are influenced by the factors at home and abroad in this historical background .

  20. 当然,他的思想和激进维新派、顽固保守派都有明显的不同,需要仔细加以区分。

    Nevertheless , his thought was obviously different from the radical Reform Faction and the stubborn Conservative Faction , it needs to differentiate carefully .

  21. 维新派报纸对科学技术的宣传&以《时务报》《知新报》为舆论中心

    The Propagating of the Science and Technology in the Reformers ' Newspapers-Taking the Chinese Progress and the Reformer China as the Main Mass Media

  22. 黄宗羲的治法思想还对后来的清末资产阶级维新派和革命派均产生了重要影响,是中国近代变革的本土原动力。

    His thoughts were also late Qing reformers and revolutionaries had an important impact , is the driving force behind the local change in modern China .

  23. 本文拟从历史背景、思想主张、实践活动、效果影响等方面,对早期维新派慈善思想及其实践活动进行全面总结。

    This paper made a comprehensive and systematic study in the background , views , practice activities and impact of their charity thought and practice activities .

  24. 尤其是对于维新派法律思想与近代西方保守主义思想的比较研究,目前学术界尚为空白。

    Especially , there has been no research about the comparison between the legal thought of the reformative school and the western conservatism in academic circles .

  25. 与维新派的认识相比,立宪派对条约的认识更为全面,关注到一些往往被人忽视的条约特权。

    Compared with the understanding of the reformers , more comprehensive understanding of the constitutional party treaty , expressed concern that the treaty privileges is often overlooked .

  26. 早期维新派重民思想主要有以下三大特点:明显的过渡性;鲜明的爱国性;各基本点之间的内在关联性和不平衡性。

    The early reformists ' value-people thought mainly have following three characteristics : Obvious transition ; patriotic nature ; the inside connection and unbalances of each content .

  27. 维新派倡导的发展科学技术的新思路,在中国近代科技思想史上是一次认识的飞跃。

    The new trend of thought initiated by the Reformists might be regarded as a leap in the history of ideas on modern science and technology in China .

  28. 本文从文化流变角度出发,探讨戊戌维新派西方文化观转型及其对中国近代社会的影响。

    The thesis discusses the change of outlook of the reformers in the movement of1898 on the western culture , and its influence on the modem society of China .

  29. 最后,对早期维新派法律思想作总体观察,总结他们法律思想的相同与相异之处,探讨这些法律思想在近代史上的意义。

    At last , I make a summary of their legal ideas , inquire into the same and different content of their legal ideas to find the modern meaning .

  30. 并分析作为维新派代表人物之一的王韬,为何思想中还存在着如此保守的女性观。

    In the end , it analyzes the reason why Wang Tao , as one of the representative figures of the reformists , still cherishes so conservative view of women .