
  • 网络Performance evaluation;performance rating;IPF ranking
  1. Sam给出了绩效评定招致这种结果的若干理由

    Sam gives a number of reasons that performance reviews have this effect

  2. 直升机飞行员工作绩效评定量表的构建

    Development of helicopter pilots ' working performance scale

  3. 本研究是以解决某机床企业绩效评定问题而进行的一项研究。

    It is a research to solve performance appraisal problem for a machine factory .

  4. 负责管理、监督和考核下属部门及人员的日常工作和绩效评定。

    Daily pursuit and resultses that be responsible for the management , direct and investigate the subordinate section and personnel assess .

  5. 定期的绩效评定、基准设定和其它评估应能保证出现合理的结果,即便是面对逐步发展的项目范畴。

    Regular performance measurement , benchmarking and other assessment should provide the safeguards to deliver accountable results , even in the face of ever-creeping project scope .

  6. 文中还讨论了评定者与被评定者之间的关系对工作绩效评定的影响机制,以及绩效评定实践中应注意的问题。

    The mechanism of rater-rated relationship on job performance assessment , and implications of the current results on job performance practice were also discussed in this paper .

  7. 员工的绩效如何评定?

    How to appraise employee performance ?

  8. 公务人员的绩效如何评定?如何改进?这是任何公共部门都必须面对的一个难题。

    How do I improve it ? This is any public sector have to face a difficult problem .

  9. 为解决多层级组织分级管理逐级考核中不同考核者存在的偏松或偏紧现象,提出员工年度绩效等级评定的修正模型。

    For loose or tight phenomenon in performance assess process be different assessors , the paper proposed a modification model for employee annual performance grading .

  10. 视觉表象能力是空间智能的核心要素,很多特殊职业均需求具备较高空间能力的个体,因此对视觉表象的研究在人员选拔和作业绩效的评定方面有较为重要的意义。

    Ability of visual image is the essence of spatial intelligence , and individuals with high spatial ability are needed in a lot of special occupations .

  11. 政府是城市化战略的制定者,政府也是城市化制度的供给者,政府又是城市化进程的执行者,政府还是城市化绩效的评定者。

    Governments are the makers of urbanization strategies and policies , the executor and propeller of urbanizing practices , and the judge of urbanization performances . Urbanization urbanization ;

  12. 确定了绩效考核是评定员工个人和组织工作目标完成情况的过程,其目的是为员工的发展、奖励、薪酬设计等企业人力资源决策提供依据。

    Make sure that the performance appraisal could provide the information of the reward , compensation design and the development of employees for the company .

  13. 大学教师绩效考评是评定教师工功课绩、匆匆入教师发铺、晋升高等教育质量的主要办法。

    The performance appraisal for university teacher is the main measure for assessing the achievement in teaching , promoting the development of teachers and improving the quality of high education .

  14. 数字馆藏服务绩效评估对评定数字馆藏的使用效果,确定其满足各学科、科研和教学的需求状态,馆藏发展及用户培训等方面有着及其重要的作用。

    It is very important to assesses digital collection performance for measuring the usage outcome of digital collection , identifying the status meeting the need of science and technology development , making the collection development and user training policy .

  15. 本研究在模拟追踪作业情境下,对主任务绩效测定、主观评定和若干生理测量在心理负荷评估中的敏感性进行了实验。

    This study evaluated the sensitivity of primary task performance , subjective rating and some physiological indexes in assessing tracking mental workload .

  16. 现代企业管理人才测评是通过一系列科学有效的手段和方法,对管理人员的综合素质及其表现出的工作绩效进行测量和评定的活动。

    The evaluation of management people means the activities of measuring and determining the all-around personality and ability of management people by a series of scientific approaches including performance evaluation .

  17. 绩效评估是对员工的工作绩效进行评定、总结,进而提升员工工作业绩的过程。

    It is the process of assessing , summarizing , and developing the work performance of an employee .

  18. 组织公民行为、区分作业绩效与关系绩效等研究,向基于行为的绩效评定提出了新的问题。

    Studies such as organizational citizenship behavior , differentiation of task performance and contextual performance has put forward new issues to behavior-based performance appraisal .

  19. 平衡记分卡这种新型的绩效测评工具可以最大程度的统一组织目标和个人目标,可以应用到企业、团队以及个人的绩效评定中。

    Balanced score card , which is a new tool to evaluate performance , can best integrate the goal of the organization and that of the individual .