
  • 网络Absolute Path;Absolute Pathname;full path;AbsolutePath
  1. 在原始作业中,此列将保持XML文件的绝对路径。

    In the original job , this column will hold the absolute path of the XML files .

  2. 一个绝对路径(与UML模型根元素相关)

    An absolute path ( relative to the UML model root element )

  3. 为所有require()和include()调用使用绝对路径。

    Use absolute paths for all require () and include () calls .

  4. 还需要提供临时目录的绝对路径,将在这个目录中创建Web服务的中间文件。

    You also need to provide the absolute path of the temporary directory where the intermediate files of the Web service will be created .

  5. 首先要注意URL使用了绝对路径,包括域名等等。

    First , notice that the URL is an absolute path , domain name and all .

  6. 从浏览信息文件中排除用绝对路径指定的每个包含文件,或在include环境变量中指定的绝对路径里找到的每个包含文件。

    Excludes from the browse information file every include file specified with an absolute path or found in an absolute path specified in the include environment variable .

  7. 检查PATH是为了确保路径中列出的所有目录都是绝对路径,而且所有者及其所在组以外的人无法执行写入操作。

    The PATH is checked to ensure that each directory listed in the path is absolute and not writable by people other than the owner and group .

  8. 在给定当前工作目录中任意文件路径的情况下,此API将返回该文件的绝对路径。

    Given an arbitrary file path from the current working directory , this API returns the absolute path name of the file .

  9. 在使用XPath编写条件时,可以使用相对或绝对路径。

    While writing conditions using XPath , you can use relative or absolute paths .

  10. 请注意,我们推荐用运行时DLL的绝对路径显式地加载该文件。

    Note that explicit loading of the runtime DLL with its absolute path is recommended .

  11. 编写器无法打开URL'XX'。必须输入绝对路径URL或绝对路径名。

    Composer can 't open the URL ' XX ' . You must enter an absolute URL or an absolute pathname .

  12. URL可以是绝对路径或是相对的路径。长短大圆路径信号干扰

    The URL parameter may be either a relative or complete URL . interference between longer and shorter great circle path signals

  13. 对于certificate,提供包含CA证书(如果使用自签署证书,是服务器证书)的文件的绝对路径。

    For certificate provide the absolute path to the file containing the CA certificate ( or the server certificate in case you use self-signed certificate ) .

  14. 在UNIX文件路径中,如果对当前上下文位置不是很确定,就可以使用一个绝对路径。

    As in UNIX file paths , you can use an absolute path when in doubt of your current context location .

  15. 您也可以将模板存储在JMETERHOME目录以外的地方,在这种情况下,您必须提供绝对路径。

    You can also store the templates outside the JMETER_HOME directory , in which case you must provide the absolute path .

  16. tar的一个重要特点是,用户指定的路径名被看作绝对路径。

    One of the important aspects of tar to be aware of is that the pathname that you supply is treated as absolute .

  17. 本文首先展示一些简单的cd示例,然后解释什么是绝对路径和相对路径,以及何时使用它们。

    After looking at some simple cd examples , the article explains what is meant by the absolute path and the relative path and when to use each one .

  18. 如果想要显示图片,那么就需要向src属性添加绝对路径。

    If you want to display images , then you have to add the absolute path to the src attribute .

  19. 属性可以被设置为Absolute或者Relative,以指定添加至模型以引用的单元是使用绝对路径还是相对路径。

    The property can be set to ' Absolute ' or ' Relative ' to specify whether units that are added to the model by reference to use an absolute path or by the relative path .

  20. 在运行时,主应用程序使用绝对路径或相对于LDLIBRARYPATH的相对路径找到共享目标库,并且请求所需的dll入口点的地址。

    At runtime , the main application finds the shared object libraries using either an absolute path or a path relative to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and requests the address of the needed dll entry points .

  21. 对于块文件选项,指定要驻留DBSpace的绝对路径。

    For the chunk file option , specify the absolute path where you want your DBSpace to reside .

  22. 这种模式的主要特点包括:(1)利用XML数据的拓扑结构而不是XML文档的模式(DTD或XMLSCHEMA)来进行相对路径到绝对路径的转换;

    The key properties of the scheme are as follows : ( 1 ) Transform relative paths to absolute paths by using the topological structure of the XML documents instead of DTD or XML Schema ;

  23. 当您只想从目录树的一个分支跳转到附近的另一个分支时,使用绝对路径会有点麻烦,这就是cd命令允许使用相对路径的原因。

    It 's a bit cumbersome using absolute paths when you only want to jump from one branch of the tree to another nearby . That 's why cd allows you to use relative paths .

  24. 开发团队的每个成员都需要有每个Jar的副本,且可能更改消费模块和库中每个Jar的绝对路径。

    Each member of the development team needs to get a copy of each Jar and potentially changes the absolute path to each Jar from the consuming modules and libraries .

  25. 您的密匙不存在、超过有效期、更换新的服务器空间、更改IP地址、硬件、操作系统、PHP安装模式,或同时改变绝对路径或访问域名,都可能导致密匙失效。

    License expiring , shifting to a new server , changing server IP , hardware , OS , PHP SAPI module , or , changing both host name and absolute directory on your disk , may invalidate your license .

  26. 注意,如果文本文件不在启动mysql客户机的同一目录,则需要指定那个文件的绝对路径。

    Note that if the text file is not located in the same directory from which the mysql client was started , you need to specify the absolute path to the file .

  27. mkdir-p创建Flitter目录和所有绝对路径上缺少的中间目录。

    Mkdir-p creates the Flitter directory and all intermediate directories that are missing along the absolute path .

  28. mirrorlogpath必须指向全限定路径名(即,绝对路径名)。

    Mirrorlogpath must point to a fully qualified path name , that is , an absolute path name .

  29. polydir是要多实例化的目录的绝对路径名。

    Polydir is the absolute pathname of the directory to polyinstantiate .

  30. 例如,如果使用上个月的XM版本,当我从本地测试站点时,样式表就必须使用绝对路径,而且图像不会正确显示。

    For example , with last month 's version of XM , the style sheet had to use absolute paths and the images would not display correctly when I tested the site locally .