
  • 网络Dielectric Strength;insulation strength;withstand voltage
  1. 利用电击穿试验和SEM分析了能量参数对陶瓷层绝缘强度的影响;

    Breakdown test and SEM analyzed the regularity influenced of energy parameter on dielectric strength of ceramic coatings .

  2. SF6&CO2混合气体的绝缘强度

    Dielectric Strength of SF6 / CO2 Gas Mixtures

  3. SF6/N2混合气体绝缘强度的计算

    Calculation of Dielectric Strength of SF_6 / N_2 Gas Mixtures

  4. SF6新型断路器的弧后介质绝缘强度的分析

    Analysis dielectric strength of new type SF_ 6 circuit breaker after current zero

  5. SF6断路器的灭弧性能好,断口绝缘强度高。

    SF6 circuit breaker Interrupter performance is good , high insulation fracture .

  6. SF6气体中加入微量氟里昂113蒸汽及其绝缘强度的提高

    Addition of a Small Quantity of Freon 113 Vapour to the SF_6 Gas and Increase of the Dielectric Strength

  7. 器件具有理想的暗态伏安特性,绝缘强度达35kV/cm。

    The ideal dark ⅰ ⅴ characteristics of fabricated device was observed . The hold off field strength reaches 35kV / cm .

  8. 由对应试验所验证的设备绝缘强度应大于或等于BIL。

    Apparatus insulation as demonstrated by suitable tests shall be equal or greater than the BIL .

  9. SF6气体湿度的高低对电气设备的灭弧性能、绝缘强度以及电气设备的寿命影响很大,因而SF6气体湿度检测结果的准确性尤为重要。

    As the gas humidity of sulfur hexafluoride ( SF_ ( 6 )) has great influence on the arc suppression property , insulating strength and service life of electric equipment , the test accuracy of SF_ ( 6 ) gas humidity is of vital importance .

  10. 火花老炼对真空灭弧室绝缘强度的影响

    Effect of Spark Conditioning Treatment on Electrical Strength of Vacuum Interrupters

  11. 户外真空断路器绝缘强度的分析

    Analysis of Insulation Strength of 12 kV Outdoor Circuit Breaker

  12. 变压器安装后的绝缘强度恢复措施

    Instauration Measures on Insulation Strength of Transformer after Installation

  13. 气压对染污绝缘子绝缘强度的影响

    Influence of Pressure on Insulating Strength of Contaminated Insulators

  14. 高岭土可增大材料的体积、提高塑料的绝缘强度、电阻,增强对红外线阻隔效果等;

    Kaolinite can increase the insulated intensity , volume , resistance of plastic .

  15. 真空中的绝缘强度与真空度有着密切的联系。

    The insulation strength in vacuum is closely connected with the vacuum degree .

  16. 关闭绝缘强度测试仪。

    Turn off the dielectric strength tester .

  17. 通常高压电缆使用的是特殊的防水高分子聚合材料,具有很高的绝缘强度。

    High voltage cables are typically insulated with special water-resistant polymers that have high-dielectric strength .

  18. 变压器绕组纵绝缘强度分析方法

    Analysis on Series Insulation of Transformer Winding

  19. 真空断路器的分断能力以及绝缘强度和真空度有着密切的关系。

    The breaking capacity and insulation strength of Vacuum circuit breaker are also related to vacuum degree .

  20. 计算了绝缘子在轻污秽度下污秽绝缘强度受气压影响的海拔修正系数。

    The altitude revision factors influenced by pressure on pollution insulating strength of insulators were calculated under light pollution degree .

  21. 通过控制不同生长阶段能量的大小可以得到致密性好、绝缘强度高的陶瓷层。

    The key to get compact and dielectric strength ceramic coatings is to control the electrical parameter in different growth moment .

  22. 部分区域综合考虑地面合成场强及电气绝缘强度的影响确定相关距离。

    Also , in Parts of districts , we consider the ground composite electrical field strength and electrical insulation strength effects together .

  23. 脉冲功率电源稳定工作的极限频率取决于间隙绝缘强度的恢复时间。

    The limit frequency of the stable action of the pulsed power source depended on the reinstated time of the gap insulation .

  24. 自黏结涂层是一种全新的电工钢涂层,具有绝缘强度高、耐蚀性好、冲片性好的优点。

    Self-adhesive coating is a brand new coating for electric steel with advantages of high dielectric strength , excellent corrosion resistance and stamping ability .

  25. 插头完成了要求的弯曲周期,没有出现上文所提到的最后结果,并且通过了电绝缘强度测试,没有损坏。

    The cord set completed required cycles of flexing with no occurrence of end results and also successfully completed the Dielectric Strength Test without breakdown .

  26. 陶瓷层的绝缘强度随电流密度和占空比的增加呈减小趋势,但随频率的增加呈增大趋势;

    The dielectric strength of ceramic coatings represents the tendency of reducing with current density and duty cycle increasing , and it represents the tendency of increasing with frequency increasing .

  27. 真空开关触头间绝缘强度随间隙距离增大的饱和特性,使得单断口真空断路器的向高电压等级发展受到限制,利用多个真空断路器构成的多断口真空断路器可以弥补这一缺点。

    The increase of contact gap causes the saturation characteristics of insulation strength between the contacts , which limits the development of single vacuum circuit breaker to higher voltage grade .

  28. 再根据系统确定的操作过电压倍数及电气绝缘强度(空气间隙)来确定在人不宜到达地方的交叉跨越距离;

    We decide the cross and span clearance by over-voltage times and electrical insulation strength ( air spacing ) from the system major in places that the public not easy to arrive .

  29. 本实用新型不但耐热性能好,绝缘强度高、导热系数低,而且便于机械加工,可广泛用于电热设备上。

    The utility model is not only heat-resistant , with high insulating strength and low heat conductivity coefficient , but also easy to machine , and can be widely used on electric heating apparatuses .

  30. 这些电子信息设备存在着绝缘强度低、过电压和过电流耐受能力差、对电磁干扰敏感等弱点,因此它们极易遭受雷电过电压及其他操作过电压、电涌的损害。

    These equipments have qualities of low insulation , weak endurance of overvoltage and overcurrent and sensitivity for EMC disturb , they are easy to be damaged by lightning overvoltage and other kinds of surge .