
huà bǐ
  • painting brush;brush;paint brush
画笔 [huà bǐ]
  • [paint brush] 画画专用笔,有毛笔和硬刷

画笔[huà bǐ]
  1. 如巨大的画笔,试图重现什么,那种发现非常短暂。

    Like huge painting brush , trying to reoccur somewhat , that sort of discovery was very brief .

  2. 曾经在音乐的世界里尽情游走,而今她又执起画笔,在浸润着自我情感与人文关爱的绘画艺术中诗意地生活,怡然自得地穿梭在多种艺术形式中。

    She used to roaming around the world of music , and now she is picking up the painting brush , living the poetic life full of sentiment and loving humanism , wondering through various forms of art .

  3. 他用画笔熟练地勾上几笔,这幅画就完成了。

    He finished off the painting with a few deft strokes of the brush .

  4. 用细画笔涂颜料。

    Apply the paint with a fine brush .

  5. 他拿画笔蘸了蘸颜料。

    He dipped the brush into the paint .

  6. 他的画笔墨苍润。

    His painting features vigour and fluency .

  7. 这是本杰明第一次看到图画以及真正的颜料和画笔。

    These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Benjamin had ever seen .

  8. 画家们用柔软的画笔画这些画。

    The painters make the pictures with soft brushes .

  9. 孩子们在盒子里放不同的东西,比如书、画笔、砚台和纸。

    Kids put different things like books , brushes , ink stonesand paper in the boxes .

  10. 毕加索的父亲把所有的画笔和颜料全给了他。

    His father gave all his brushes and paint to Picasso .

  11. 谄媚的画笔依从狭窄的画布把真理打了折扣

    The obsequious brush curtails truth deference to the canvas which is narrow .

  12. 但他们有另一种和世界对话的方式,那就是用画笔画出眼中的多彩世界,把心底的美好藏进画里,每个孩子都是独一无二的原生艺术家!

    Some express their inner feelings and dialogue with the world through painting . Any child can be an artist !

  13. 一天,一个白胡子老人老找马良,给了他一枝画笔。

    One day , an old man with a white came to Ma Liang . He gave him a pen to draw pictures .

  14. 打破PowerBuilder数据库画笔的局限

    To Break the Limits for Database Painter of Power Builder

  15. Painting需要颜料和画笔,是通过颜色和设计来描述的。

    Painting needs paint and a brush . It is described in terms of colors and designs .

  16. 标有布尔操作的列用C符号显示目标像素和画笔像素是如何组合的。

    The column labeled " Boolean Operation " uses C notation to show how the destination pixels and pen pixels are combined .

  17. 艺术家只需将画笔放在纸上的大概位置,但是计算机必须知道进行绘图的x和y坐标。

    An artist might just place the brush to paper , but computers need x and y coordinates to know where to place the digital paint .

  18. GDI用当前选进关联设备的画笔绘制直线。

    GDI draws lines using the current pen selected in the device context .

  19. 在cairo中,也有画笔形状的概念,这由笔画宽度来表达。

    With cairo there is also a notion of a brush tip expressed through the stroke width .

  20. 这些过程可以移动画笔(pen),最终创建路径(path),而路径可以被描边,可以用渐变方式和颜色进行填充(如果是封闭的)。

    These procedures move the pen , which ultimately creates the path that can then be stroked or filled ( when it is closed ) with gradients and colors .

  21. 而Flex除了能提供一支新的画笔来让我画画外,却没法帮助像我这样的开发者设计出非常抢眼的用户界面。

    Flex won 't help developers like me design eye-pleasing interfaces any more than a new pencil would improve my inability to draw .

  22. 这些扩展提供了诸如位图操作,画笔,抗锯齿和越来越复杂的Primitive渲染中不同像素深度格式,AlphaBlend的支持。

    Some of these extensions included different pixel depth formats , alpha blending support in bitmap operations and brushes , anti-aliased primitive rendering and more complex primitive rendering .

  23. 通过使用moveTo(x,y)方法,可以将画笔移动到一个新的位置。

    Using the moveTo ( x , y ) method , the pen can be moved to a new position .

  24. 的Photoshop编辑最重要的元素之一,是刷子,所以关键是要找到合适的画笔为您的设计。

    One of the most important element of Photoshop editing are the brushes , so it 's crucial to find the suitable brushes for your design .

  25. 现有的服装设计软件大多为服装CAD系统的子系统,其设计方法主要是以鼠标来代替画笔或用图形处理软件处理服装照片,缺乏专业优势,实用性较差。

    Nowadays , most of the fashion design software is parts of the Garment CAD system , the designing method of which is using mouse in drawing instead of pencils or painting brushes , or using graphic design software to deal with fashion pictures .

  26. 在用这些工具进行绘图时,通过鼠标操作自动设置坐标点和工具类型(比如方框),并通过GUI环境选择画笔和笔画宽度。

    In drawing with those tools , the mouse automatically sets the coordinate points and the type of tool , such as a box , and selects the pen and stroke for you via a GUI environment .

  27. 我们对福尔摩斯形象的认知几乎全都来自西德尼·佩吉特(SidneyPaget)的插图。他画笔下的福尔摩斯原型优雅、消瘦,影响了此后每一个福尔摩斯形象的创作。

    Our image of Holmes comes almost entirely from his illustrator , Sidney Paget , whose elegant , angular prototype influenced every incarnation thereafter .

  28. 您只需选取了以小刷预置纹理画笔(按F5键),你可安心上路。

    Just pick a brush with a little texture from the Brush Presets ( hit F5 ) and you 're good to go .

  29. 还可以使用lineTo(x,y)方法添加一个子路径到当前路径,并将画笔定位在一个指定的位置。

    You can also use the lineTo ( x , y ) method to add a subpath to the current path , and position the pen at the specified position .

  30. 在用cairo进行绘图时,最简单的操作就像手工绘画时一样:选择绘图介质,选择画笔,选择颜色,考虑线条的布局,然后进行实际绘制。

    When drawing with cairo , the simplest operations are akin to choosing your medium , selecting a brush , choosing a color , thinking about the line placement , then actually drawing the lines .