- 名absolute humidity

Results With MR410 , lower ambient temperature could decrease the absolute humidity of the inspired gas , which made the patients'airway secretions thick .
Absolute humidity has some influence on degradation ratio of formaldehyde ;
Regression analysis of the thermal inertia and soil absolute moisture measured in farmland showed that the moisture in 0-30 cm soil had significant correlation with the thermal inertia , but moisture in deeper soil hadn 't.
The temperature and relative humidity of inhaled gas were monitored continuously .
Based on this analysis , the method to measure absolute humidity was obtained .
Diurnal variation of absolute humidity at all levels was higher in a day , and lower at night .
A method of calculating various coefficients in the formula was proposed using height and the absolute humidity of annual mean .
In cloudy days , the average relative humidity is 2.9 % lower and it has no significance for absolute humidity decrease .
The experimental result shows that the frequency output decreases as the absolute wetness increases , and there is a nonlinear relation between wetness and frequency .
In opposition , under the soil absolute moisture between 10 % and 15 % , the seed 's quality is fine , but yield is low .
This paper presents the relationships bet-ween atmospheric pre-sure , temperature and humidity parameter , including partial pressure of water vapor , absolute humidity , relative humidity as well as humidity ratio .
The relative fluxes of the solar spectral radiation in various spectral bands are tabulated with air mass , the atmospheric turbidity coefficient and absolute humidity at the surface as three physical parameters .
Daily changes of absolute humidity inside greenhouse took on a single peak curve in sunny day , and two peaks curve in cloudy day and rainy day , with a similar range of daily variation .
From the point of absolute humidity , when it is less than 5g / m3 , the changes in collection efficiency is in evidence . when this value is greater than it , the collection efficiency tends to be constant .
The essay discusses the Guangzhou area 's atmosphere attenuation features in the range of 5 GHZ-100 GHZ , and summarizes the relationship between atmosphere attenuation and absolute humidity , and the rules that elevation angle and atmosphere attenuation must follow .
By using plastic mulch and drip irrigation techniques , monthly average relative humidity in middle horizons respectively decreased 3-11 % and 2-6 % , and monthly average absolute humidity in middle horizons was reduced 0.8-4.0 hpa and 0.4-1.5 hpa compared to conventional growing techniques .