
jué sì
  • without offspring
绝嗣 [jué sì]
  • [without offspring] 同“绝根”。无子传宗接代;没有子孙

  1. 而家族绝嗣和剥夺爵位则是向下流动的主要渠道。

    The extinction of family and the deprivation of title are major channels to flow down .

  2. 他一生绝嗣无后,还好收了一个义子。

    He had no offspring throughout his life , but fortunately , he has an adopted son .

  3. 1246年腓特烈二世公爵死后,男系绝嗣,家族的势力迅速没落。

    With the death of Duke Frederick II in1246 , the male line ended , and the family 's power declined rapidly .