
  • 网络structured decision;structured decision-making
  1. 决策支持系统支持结构化决策;MIS系统支持的战略决策。

    DSS supports structured decision making only ; MIS supports strategic decision making .

  2. 但MIS却无法适应总经理所面临的半结构化决策问题。

    But MIS wasn 't suit for the half-structure problems what executive faced .

  3. 节水灌溉用水管理问题是一个典型的决策支持系统(DSS)能够解决的多层次,多决策者和多目标的半结构化决策问题。

    Water-use management was a typical multi-layer , multi-decision makers and multi-aim semi-configuration decision problem that could be solved by Decision Support System ( DSS ) .

  4. 群决策支持系统(GDSS)是一个基于计算机的交互式系统,利用通讯、计算机和决策技术支持群体成员对非结构化决策问题进行定义和求解。

    Group Decision Support System ( GDSS ) is a computer-based interactive system , it use communication , computer and decision technology to support group defining and solving non-structured decision problem .

  5. 群决策支持系统(GDSS)是利用信息技术,将多个决策者个人对该领域的理解及个人判断能力结合在一起,利用结构化决策分析技术,对半结构化和非结构化问题进行求解。

    In the group decision support system ( GDSS ), personal judgement and comprehension of many decision-makers to a domain are combined by communication and computer techniques to solve semi-structure and non-structure problems using the decision analysis techniques of solving structure problems .

  6. 是最有帮助的支持非结构化决策过程。

    Are most helpful in supporting unstructured decision-making processes .

  7. 易逝性高新技术产品应用收入管理的半结构化决策问题只有借助决策支持系统来解决。

    A decision making support system is needed to solve the semi-structurized problem of implementing revenue management .

  8. 面对发动机系统中半结构化决策问题,支持系统通过综合分析和判断自动进行计算,直到获得满意结果为止。

    The support system with synthetical analysis and determination can do automatic calculation to obtain a very satisfactory results .

  9. 利用计算机系统表示专家经验并建立不精确推理机制,建立了基于知识的水库调度系统,实现了结构化决策和非结构化决策的统一。

    By expressing expert knowledge and experience in computer system and fuzzy reasoning mechanism , knowledge-based reservoir operation system is set up . The system can solve both structured and non-structured problems .

  10. 农业生产信息决策支持系统是以现代信息技术手段,针对农业领域的半结构化决策问题而建立的为农业管理人员、农业科研工作者和广大农民做出正确决策提供帮助的人机交互系统。

    Agricultural Decision Support System ( Agricultural DSS ) is a human-computer interaction system based on modern information technology and it is aimed at solving the problem of semi-structure decision in the agricultural field , helping the agricultural administrative staff , agricultural researchers and farmers to make correct decisions .

  11. 通过消除彼此的通讯障碍,提供结构化的决策分析技术以及系统的指导群体讨论的内容、时间和模式,GDSS可以改进群体决策的过程,提高群体决策效率与质量。

    Through removing communication obstacle and providing structured decision analysis technology and systemic guide for content , time and pattern of group discussion , GDSS can improve group decision procedure and increase efficiency and quality of group decision .

  12. 基于非结构化模糊决策方法的设备采购方案评价

    The Equipment Procurement Scheme Evaluation Based on the Non-Structural Fuzzy Decision Method

  13. 水资源配置是一个多目标、多层次、非结构化的决策问题。

    Water resources allocation is a multi-aim , multi-hierarchy and non-structural problem .

  14. 非结构化模糊决策方法在空调设备采购中的应用

    Application of the Non-Structural Fuzzy Decision Method to the Air Conditioning Equipment Procurement

  15. 重大危险源区域事故应急非结构化模糊决策应用研究

    Application of Non-structural Fuzzy Decision on Regional Accident Emergency Management of Major Hazard Installations

  16. 泥石流防治工程规划属于一种半结构化的决策问题。

    The disaster mitigation planning of debris flow is a kind of semi-structure decision making problem .

  17. 区域水资源合理配置属于一类半结构化的决策问题,具有多层次、多目标、多水源、多用户、多功能的特点,用单一模型是不可能描述的。

    Regional water resources allocation is a semi-structural decision-making issue . Since it has the characteristics of multi-layer , multi-object , multi-source , multi-user and multi-function , it cannot be solved by single model .

  18. 电力营销系统与其他企业的营销系统一样,所面临的环境都是复杂多变的,因此有关电力营销的决策支持系统属于半结构化的决策支持系统范畴。

    The environment which marketing system of electric power faces is very complex and changeable , just as the other marketing system . So decide support system ( DSS ) of power marketing belongs to the category of semi-structure .

  19. 决策支持系统是以管理科学、运筹学、控制论和行为科学为基础,以计算机技术、仿真技术和信息技术为手段,针对半结构化的决策问题,支持决策活动的具有智能作用的人机系统。

    DSS is a people-computer system , it based on manage , operational research , cybernetics and behavior research ; its instruments are computer , emulation and information technology ; aims at half-structured question ; bears decision-making and has aptitude function .

  20. 基于运作战略中两种结构化的决策类型也就是设施和纵向集成来研究制造网络和供应链,提出了网络系统的分析模型,它含有4种基本的网络结构。

    In this paper we research manufacturing network and supply chain based on two structural decision categories in operations strategy : facilities and vertical integration . We present the model for the network system and it include four basic network configurations .

  21. 为了支持复杂非结构化群体决策过程的知识交互,在分析群体过程信息行为结构的基础上,设计了支持群体过程知识增进的公共大脑的信息组织结构和组织规则框架。

    In support of the knowledge interaction in the complicated unstructured group decision-making process , a common brain and its information structure and organization framework improved by the group process knowledge are designed based on the analysis of the behavior structure about the group information process .

  22. 以中医理论为指导,结合冠心病的发病特点,从现代心理测量理论出发并引入结构化的决策方式,研制了冠心病证候要素、证候特征、证候病机演变规律临床专家调查问卷。

    Chinese medicine theory as the guide , combining the characteristics of coronary heart disease pathogenesis , from theory and modern psychological measurement into a structured decision-making , developed the clinical expert questionnaire of coronary heart disease syndrome factor 、 syndrome features 、 syndrome pathology evolution rule .

  23. 在经营过程中,存在许多决策节点,给出了扩展的AON图,结构化描述带有决策节点的经营过程。

    The extended AON ( Activity on Node ) graph is utilized to structurize the business process with decision nodes .

  24. 相应地,作战指挥自动化系统的人与机之间关系是人帮机,人的作用主要体现在问题求解之初的结构化处理与决策结论的认可,决策模型、推理机制与决策流程是固化的。

    Decision model , reasoning mechanism and decision process are fixed .

  25. 通过非结构化模糊群决策方法对其进行重要性排序,得到结果为:抽验制度,许可制度,可追溯体系,交易模式,药物警戒和应急管理。

    And the important ranking of them is sampling systems , licensing systems , traceability systems , transaction models , pharmacovigilance and emergence management .

  26. 本文通过具体案例将层次分析法应用到银行贷款客户选择中,试图为银行家们解决客户选择这一难以定量描述、非结构化的复杂决策问题,提供一种新的思路。

    This paper explains the theory of Analytical Hierarchy Process and applies it to the selection of loan customers through concrete cases , trying to provide a new way for the bankers in solving such complex decision-making problems .

  27. 决策支持系统(DSS)是支持半结构化和非结构化决策,允许决策者直接干预并能接受决策者的直观判断和经验的功态交互式计算机系统。

    Decision Support System ( DSS ) is a dynamic and interactive computer system , which supports semistructured and ill-structured decisions , allows decision-makers to directly interfere , and can accept the audio-visual judgement and the experience of the decision-makers .

  28. 他希望打造“强”人工智能系统,后者能够利用来自周围环境的“非结构化”信息独立决策并作出预判。

    He wanted to create " general " AI systems that use " unstructured " information from their surroundings to make independent decisions and predictions .

  29. 它包括数据、知识、方法和模型以及决策人员等要素,主要用来解决半结构化或非结构化决策问题。

    Its elements include data , knowledge , methods , models , and decision-makers , and mostly use to solve segmental structured and non-structured decision problems .

  30. 决策支持系统是通过数据、模型和知识辅助决策者,以人机交互方式进行半结构化或非结构化决策的计算机应用系统。

    Decision support systems are human-computer interaction computer applications which to help decision makers deal with semi-structured or unstructured decision-making through the data , models and knowledge .