
  • 网络operational entities;Doe
  1. 许多经营实体店的公司都陷入了困境。

    Many firms operating brick and mortar stores are in trouble .

  2. l公司实质控制人是否拥有上市公司之外的重要经营实体,它们发生同业竞争、关联交易的可能性;

    Whether the material controller of the company owns the major business entity outside the listed company and their likelihood of horizontal competition and related transaction ;

  3. 在各个行业,经营实体与供应商被分离开来。

    Across entire industries , operating entities were separated from suppliers .

  4. 同一经营实体可以负责进行审定、核查和认证工作。

    The same operational entity may undertake validation , and verification and certification .

  5. 要使利益各自独立的体育经营实体成为体育市场主体;

    Make the independent sports management industry change to the main body of sports market ;

  6. 在经营实体较小的有限公司,三者尚能并驾齐驱。

    In the operating entity of smaller Ltd. , the three may still go hand in hand .

  7. 审计人员需要评价企业也许不是一个持续经营实体的风险。

    The auditors need to assess the risk that the company may not be a going concern .

  8. 该公司成立之初的目标客户为外资公司和大型中国企业,公司不经营实体零售店铺。

    It set out to target foreign-owned operations and top Chinese companies , and does not operate retail stores .

  9. 走向云计算是今天的经营实体面对不断变化的经济、金融和技术发展所作出的响应。

    This is a response to the ever-changing economic , financial , and technical developments confronting business entities today .

  10. 然而,企业作为一个经营实体,其生产经营活动随时随地受到周围环境的影响,企业管理信息系统的需求具有深刻的不确定性。

    However , as an operation entity , the production and operating activities of the enterprise are affected by the surrounding environment always and anywhere .

  11. 在理想的竞争中,没有经济租存在,如同新的经营实体进入市场竞争,并致使价格减低直至租被消除。

    In PERFECT COMPETITION , there are no economic rents , as new FIRMS enter a market and compete until PRICES fall and all rent is eliminated .

  12. 因此,现阶段顺应国际国内的户外运动产业和休闲运动的发展形势,大力发展户外运动经营实体势在必行。

    Therefore , at present stage , there is no doubt that we should comply with the international and domestic outdoor development trend and develop the outdoor sports industry vigorously .

  13. 景德镇是由一种商品、一个产业、一座城市三者紧密结合、绵延千年之久的经营实体,中国瓷业的首席重镇,也是中国传统文化领域具有特殊魅力的一个符号。

    Jingde town is an operational entity of thousands of years , it is another name for Chinese china industry , and a symbol of charm representing the traditional Chinese culture .

  14. 摘要在现代体育市场营销过程中,品牌营销是一个十分重要并应引起各经营实体和广大体育市场经营实践工作者重视的经营战略问题。

    In modem sports marketing , brand marketing is a very important strategy problem that is worth the focus of every operating entity and practicing person in the wide sports market management .

  15. 纳税人作为独立核算、自负盈亏的经营实体,要在不违反国家税收法律的前提下减少纳税支出,降低税收成本,以取得更大的经济效益。

    The taxpayers , as independent accounting , self-financing business entities , must reduce their tax expenditures , lower tax costs , and achieve greater economic benefits without violating the tax law .

  16. 资金流转系统的特点:充分利用了制种户的资金、湘研连锁店等经营实体和终端用户的资金,充分利用了政府对企业的投入资金和优惠政策。

    In the fund circulation system it was taken advantage of all kind of available fund from farmers , multiple shops and consumers as well as all kind of preferential policies from Chinese government .

  17. 河北日报报业集团作为拥有11报3刊1网站1手机报及7家经营实体的新闻传媒集团,在我国省级报业集团中还是比较具有典型性的。

    Hebei Daily Press Group is a typical provincial news press group in China owning 11 sorts of newspapers , 3 sorts of journals , 1 web site , 1 mobile newspaper and 7 subsidiary corporations .

  18. 生产设施及停车场租予里维埃拉海运私人有限公司(海滨集团的主要经营实体),河床也分租同一实体。

    The manufacturing facility and car park are leased to Riviera Marine ( Int ) Pty Ltd ( main operational entity in the Riviera Group ) and the river bed is sub-leased to the same entity .

  19. 企业管理问题本质上可以分为三个层次,企业作为经营实体来说,其管理的第一层次问题是所有者结构问题或治理结构问题。

    Enterprise management on the nature of the problem can be divided into three levels , operating as a business entity , its management level in the first issue is the owner or the structure of governance issues .

  20. 职业篮球俱乐部是职业篮球最基本的经营实体,它的经营指导思想、经营方式、经营水平如何,直接关系到篮球市场的繁荣与否。

    The professional basketball clubs are the most basic management substances of the professional basketball industry , and how its management guiding ideology , management method and management standard directly concerns whether or not making prosper of basketball market .

  21. 转变休闲方式,开展多元化的休闲体验成为新的体育健身方式和发展趋势,户外运动经营实体作为休闲产业的重要组成部分面临良好的发展机遇。

    Changing the way of leisure , diversifying leisure experiences are the new ways of doing sports and new tendencies . Outdoor sports business entity as an important part of leisure industry is faced with good opportunities for development .

  22. 农业基础环节,在不断推进桑蚕品种改良优化,新一代蚕药研制基础上,正在进行着生产区域布局的调整,向一体化、规模化、科学化、基地化的新型桑蚕经营实体转变;

    Based on continuously advancing improving and optimizing of silkworm varieties and developing new generation of silkworm medicine , agricultural basic links are carrying out adjustment on production regional layout , and transferring to new-styled silkworm real management with incorporation , size , science and bases ;

  23. 而工、商企业经营实体的成功分离在增强品牌培育的同时,使企业间物流协作难度加大;应用现代物流思想,统一规划工、商企业物流成为烟草行业的新兴问题。

    The successful separation of industrial and commercial corporations has enhanced the domestic cigarette brand . However , this separation also complicates logistics cooperation between corporations . Unified planning of industrial and commercial corporations ' physical distribution with modern logistics theory become the new problems of tobacco industry .

  24. 个人独资企业,依据我国的法律规定是指在中国境内设立,由一个自然人投资,财产为投资人个人所有,投资人以其个人财产对企业债务承担无限责任的经营实体。

    As regulated by the law of China , enterprises of exclusive investment lauded in China are economic entities which are invested by a natural person and whose properties are owned by the investor who bears all the responsibility for the debts of the enterprise with his personal property .

  25. 体育健身俱乐部作为面向大众健身服务的经营实体,既是体育市场的重要构成部分,也是国家予以鼓励和倡导的,是社会办体育的重要形式。

    It is thus clear that , sports fitness club as the business entity face to the people , is not only an important part of the sports market , but also encouraged and promoted by the country , it is an important form for the society to do sports .

  26. 健身娱乐中心作为一个独立经营的实体,面临着多种风险。

    Fitness and recreation center , as a dependent corporation , faces kinds of risks .

  27. 你是一个合法经营的实体企业,你就需要工作一定的手续。

    For your venture to be a legal business entity , you need to work on certain formalities .

  28. 科技型中小企业孵化器是一类主要针对初创企业,并为他们提供生存发展空间的经营性实体。

    SME is a kind of incubator for start-ups primarily to provide them with survival and development of the operating entity .

  29. 同时农业技术推广体系中存在的经营性实体是特殊历史时期的产物,是公益性农业技术推广体系进行技术转移和得与生存发展的客观内在要求。

    Meanwhile , the operating entity existing in the agricultural technology popularizing system is the product of special history , the objective requisition for the popularizing and developing of the public agricultural technology popularizing system .

  30. 社会化模式将现有公务用车整建制转为经营性实体,公务用车实行货币化管理,按不同级别发放交通费用,再由个人支付公务用车费用。

    Socialization patterns existing official car whole organizational system to business entities , official car practiced the monetary management , according to the different level of paid traffic expenses , to pay by the individual official car expenses .