- meridional circulation

Study on the Heat Budget and Meridional Circulation in the Tropical Indian Ocean
The Transformed Meridional Circulation Equation and Its Application to the Diagnostic Analysis of the Blocking High Formation
The mechanisms of the weather disasters in2003 are analyzed quantitatively with the local meridional circulation model based on NCEP reanalysis data and observational data provided by MICAPS system .
The western sector , Kuroshio , mainly involves the subtropical gyre ( STG ) and the subtropical cell ( STC ), and the eastern sector mainly involves the anticyclonic gyre to the southeast of Japan which quickly recirculates .
Observational study on the two & cell structure of tropical meridional circulation in summer
The monsoon circulation can be decomposed into the zonal circulation and the meridional circulation .
A numerical diagnosis on the evolution of summer monsoon meridional circulation over South China Sea in 1984
The precipitation and regional averaged meridianal circulation indices , however , vary in the same phase .
The monthly average of Eurasian meridional circulation index from last Jul. to this Jan. is 7 less ;
It is discovered that , the meridional cell is closely associated with the distribution of the heat sources and sinks .
Radiation fogs may form under the background of longitudinal circulation with the main influencing system being the high-pressure ridge over Middle Asia .
The structures of the atmospheric heat sources and the influences of the heat sources on the meridional circulation over South-East Asia in the early summer of 1981
The mean meridional circulation induced by this temperature change acted to fill in the hole , though the effect was small , producing a change of 14 DU one year .
Amplification of westerlies trough and ridge in Southern Hemisphere mid-high latitude and augmentation of subtropical system meridional circulation in Northern Hemisphere are significant role of the Asian summer monsoon onset .
It turns out that for the past 45 years or so the western Pacific subtropical highs and polar vortices were intensified , and so were zonal circulations as opposed to meridional ones .
When low index circulation prevails over subtropics and tropics in Eastern Asia , there is meridional circulation in the southern hemisphere ( especially in Australia ), and there is a mass transport from the southern to northern hemisphere .
With the aid of statistical experiments , a feature of abrupt change of the meridianal circulation index and the pattern of spatial distribution of the surface pressure field has been found . It gives a possibility of short-range prediction of strong earthquakes , M ≈ 7 in Yunnan .
Almost at the same time , the winter meridional circulation intensity in the area of Asia and Eurasia abruptly weaked in 1983 . This interdecadal change of the intensity indices of the atmospheric and teleconnection pattern may be an important reason that causes climatic warming over China in winter .
The experiments show that the diabatic heating including the wet processes plays an important role on the structure and intensity of the vertical circulation along about 80 ° E.
Our modeling results suggest a strong control of southern high-latitude wind stress on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation ( AMOC ) .
The cross-equatorial meridional overturning circulation in the northern Indian Ocean ( north of ( 7 ° S )) and its interannual variability are studied based on SODA ( Simple Ocean Data Assimilation ) data of 50 years ( 1950 ~ 1999 ) .
The meridional structure of the vertical circulation over the path of cross equatorial air current
Transient Response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to the Enhanced Freshwater Forcing and Its Mechanism
In July , the meridional overturning circulation in positive abnormal years is weaker and the southward meridional heat transport is smaller .
The meridional circulation of the three cells over the west Pacific intensifies , its location moves northward ;
The position of zonal wind belt over the northern hemisphere , the distribution of long wave patterns , the activity of subtropical highs , and the distribution of the intertropical convergence zone are all quite different .