
jīnɡ jì lián hé tǐ
  • economic complex
  1. 饭店集团是在饭店业高度发展基础上形成的一种由众多饭店组织共同构建,通过资本融合和经营协作关系等方式组成的经济联合体。

    Hotel Group is a sort of economic conglomerate that is formed by a number of hotels through capital combination and business cooperation on the basis of a highly developed Hotel industry .

  2. 世界贸易组织(WTO)是独立于联合国的永久性国际组织,也是当今世界上最有影响力的经济联合体。

    WTO is the permanent international organization independent from the UN and the most influential economic association in the current world .

  3. 实际上,今天的货币之间的战争是发生在“Chimerica”我所谓的中国和美国经济联合体以及世界其他地区之间。

    In reality , today 's currency war is between " Chimerica " as I 've called the united economies of China and America and the rest of the world .

  4. 欧洲经济联合体或联盟(共体)在提升权力向世界一极移动。

    The European Union has also moved far beyond the economic sphere .

  5. 我国旅行社业经济联合体模式探讨

    An Inquiry into the Pattern of the Economic Assoication of Travel Agency Industry of China

  6. 这些经济联合体是我

    These economic combine are me

  7. 企业集团作为若干企业组成的经济联合体,最重要的联结纽带是资金。

    Enterprise group composed of several enterprises as economic association , the most important link ties are funds .

  8. 实现规模化经营的有效途径是建立企业经济联合体,但选择何种模式的经济联合体能有效地促进旅行社业的发展却众说纷纭。

    The effective way to achieve the scale operation is to establish economic Association in travel agency industry .

  9. 为尽快建立区域经济联合体,必须寻找区域合作的切入点。

    To build region economy combine as soon as possible , must search what area cooperates to cut a point .

  10. 中国小型旅行社企业的空间扩张模式主要有旅游经济联合体模式等。

    The spacial expansion modes of middle travel agencies in China mainly have Travel Agency consortium Mode ect , discussed in the Fifth chapter .

  11. 指出民营科技企业是一个能够充分调动员工积极性、创造性的经济联合体。

    The essay points out that this kind of enterprises is an associated economic unit that can fully inspire the employee 's enthusiasm and creativity .

  12. 笔者认为,战略联盟型经济联合体生命力不强,对旅行社产业规模化发展的推动作用不大;

    According to the author of this article , the " Strategic Combination " Association is weak and has poor motive force for the scale development of travel agency industry ;

  13. 通过对农村多层次主体信贷需求调查和考察,研究表明,农户、农村企业、农村经济联合体的融资首选是金融机构,并且其信贷需求表现为政策性、合作性和商业性三个层次。

    By the investigation about the credit demand of the main body in the country , this paper analysed not only their financing sequence , but also the credit demand level .

  14. 在多法人企业经济联合体中,资金集中管理能发挥财务资源的聚合优势,强化企业集团内部管理,提高财务监控力度,控制财务风险。

    In this economic union , capital centralized management can take advantage of aggregation of financial resources , strengthen the internal management of the enterprise group , improve financial control level and control the financial risks .

  15. 企业集团是在现代企业充分发展的基础上,以核心企业为主体通过产权关系等联结纽带,将众多法人企业组建成一个经济联合体。

    Enterprise group , based on high development of modern enterprise , takes core enterprise as main body through relations of property right and other coupling tie and set up economic coalition with many corporate enterprises .

  16. 这种多元化的经济联合体,有利于发展专业化、社会化的生产协作,促使生产要素的优化组合以及资源的合理配置,从而形成有效的经济规模。

    The diversified economical combination is conducive to the development of professional and social production cooperation , the optimized combination of production factors and the rational collocate of resources , so as to form an effective economical scale .

  17. 据此提出调整行政区划和产业布局,集中优势培育增长极,建立区域经济联合体,实行圈层梯度推进的发展模式。

    A developmental model was put forward , which included adjusting the administrative area , cultivating a growth-pole by using the whole superiority , forming a economic union and promoting the economic development for inner ring to outer annulation .

  18. 但这些经济联合体,仅仅只是区域经济一体化的初级形式,并沿袭了计划经济条件下以政府为主导的经济联合,不符合社会主义市场经济要求,也不能达到区域经济一体化发展的目的。

    However , these economic unions can not meet the purpose of regional economic integration , they are primary form of regional economic integration , following the planned economy under the conditions of the government-led economic union , unconformity with the socialist market economy .

  19. 集团企业是在现代企业制度高度发展基础上形成的一种以母子公司为主体,通过产权关系和生产经营的多种方式,由众多的企事业法人组织共同组成的经济联合体。

    The group enterprise is an economic coalition which is composed of many enterprises and institutions in accordance with their property relations and multiple production and operation methods on the basis of high development of modern enterprise system , its main parts are mother company and its affiliates .

  20. 基金是信托关系。信托是一个经济利益的联合体,由此产生一个可以从委托人聚集资产,由受托人持有并管理该资产,以便使受益人确实受益的法律机制。

    Trust can operate as a basis of association , a legal mechanism for aggregating , organizing and preserving wealth at one remove from those who actually enjoy the benefits .

  21. 本文提出了一个有别于目前主流观点的企业理论:企业是一个自利经济人所组成的经济利益联合体。

    This paper proposes an explanation for the nature of the firm based on a coalition of self-interested individuals , who constitute the firm .

  22. 区域经济是按照自然地域、经济活动的内在联系、商品的流向、居民或民族文化传统以及社会发展的需要而在地理空间上形成的经济联合体。

    The regional economy is according to the natural region , inner link , flow direction , resident or national cultural tradition and need of the social development but economic coalition formed on the geographical space of goods of the economic activity .