
zhōng zhǐ
  • termination;end;stop;cancel;close;suspend;discontinue;cessation;dissolution;conclude;dissolve;demise;cutoff;hang up;do away with
终止 [zhōng zhǐ]
  • [stop;conclude;close] 完结;停止

  • 终止伙伴关系

终止[zhōng zhǐ]
  1. 由于下大雪,裁判被迫终止了比赛。

    The referee was forced to stop the game because of heavy snow .

  2. 选择性扩增法检测乙肝病毒前c区终止变异及其优点

    Detection of HBV Precore Stop Codon Mutants by Selective Amplification Method and lts Characteristics

  3. 三个月后决定终止治疗。

    It was decided to discontinue the treatment after three months .

  4. 他在终止冲突的过程中起了重要作用。

    He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict .

  5. 她的会员资格期满终止,没有再续。

    She had allowed her membership to lapse .

  6. 委员会在上个月终止了调查。

    The commission concluded its investigation last month .

  7. 合同的任何一方如提前三个月通知,均可终止本合同。

    The contract can be terminated by either party with three months ' notice .

  8. 我们之间的协议立即终止。

    The agreement between us is terminated forthwith .

  9. 不遵守这些条件将导致合同终止。

    Failure to comply with these conditions will result in termination of the contract .

  10. 那项协议立即被终止了。

    The agreement was terminated immediately .

  11. 权力的争斗近期不会终止。

    There is no end in sight to the struggle for power

  12. 经历一番痛苦挣扎后,她决定终止妊娠。

    After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy

  13. 项目终止对她的雇员来说是一个不幸的消息。

    The closure of the project is bad news for her staff

  14. 很多国家还没有终止对南非的制裁。

    Many nations still had not dropped sanctions against South Africa .

  15. 工党很快提出终止辩论的动议。

    Labour quickly moved a closure motion to end the debate

  16. 他计划终止现行的福利制度。

    He planned to end the welfare system as we know it .

  17. 他的合同在本赛季末终止。

    His contract terminates at the end of the season .

  18. 这项法案的推出是为了终止码头的限制竞争现象。

    The Act was introduced to end restrictive practices in the docks .

  19. 他辉煌的事业因心脏病发作而被迫终止。

    His glittering career was cut short by a heart attack

  20. 桑普多利亚队主场1比2负于热那亚队之后,终止了自己的不败纪录。

    Sampdoria lost their unbeaten record with a 2-1 home defeat against Genoa .

  21. 我担心她会离场或者终止采访。

    I was worried she would walk out or bring the interview to an end

  22. 但现在高层代表团将恢复今年早些时候终止的对话。

    But now high level delegations will reopen talks that broke up earlier this year .

  23. 医生的初衷是终止患者的痛苦。

    The doctor 's motive was to bring an end to his patient 's suffering .

  24. 从全世界看来,所有怀孕的人中约10%的妊娠被终止了。

    In the world as a whole , about ten per cent of all pregnancies are terminated .

  25. 立法是终止汽车作为主导交通工具的唯一途径。

    Legislation is the only route to ending the car 's dominance as a form of transport .

  26. 这两个部落签署了一项终止战争的协定。

    The two tribes signed a pact to end their fighting .

  27. 双方均同意终止这一计划。

    The plan was ended by mutual agreement .

  28. 他的合同意外终止了。

    His contract was abruptly terminated .

  29. 协议昨天已经终止了。

    The agreement was terminated yesterday .

  30. 接着喧闹声逐渐消失,音乐也终止了。

    Then the din gradually dies down and the music stops .