
  1. 纳鲁相位转换形态下,召唤的能量圈持续时间和它的说明不相符。

    Shifting Naaru Sliver summons a Power Circle for a duration inconsistent with its tooltip .

  2. 他们曾经倾向于囚禁纳鲁,并且它的能量仍然残留在他们体内。

    They once tended the captive naaru and some of its energy yet remains within them .

  3. 许多原来破碎残阳出售的物品现在是拾取绑定,比如纳鲁军粮和新的多彩宝石图纸。

    Many items sold by the Shattered Sun quartermaster are now bind on pick up : Naaru Ration , Design : Ember Skyfire Diamond .