
  • 网络Nanoscale Science and Technology;Nanoscience and technology;nanoscience and nanotechnology;nanometer science and technology;nanoST
  1. 纳米科学与技术之间的联系:基于学术型发明人的分析

    The Linkage between Nanoscience and Nanotechnology : An Analysis of Academic Inventors ' Behavior

  2. 聚合物与无机纳米的复合是纳米科学与技术的重要组成部分,也是制备高性能聚合物材料的重要方法之一。

    Polymer nanometer-hybrid materials have gained significant attention in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology .

  3. 面向21世纪的微米、纳米科学与技术

    The Micro - nanometer Science and Technique Facing the 21st Century

  4. 纳米科学与技术是21世纪的一门高新技术。

    Nanometer technology is a new one in 21st century .

  5. 对近几年来新出现的纳米科学与技术发展概况作简要介绍。

    Nano science and technology is briefly introduced .

  6. 纳米科学与技术

    Nanometer Science and Technology

  7. 一门崭新的学科&纳米科学与技术简介

    Nano Science and Technology

  8. 量子点,又称人造原子,它是纳米科学与技术研究的重要组成部分。

    Quantum dots , usually called artificially made atoms , are one of the most important subjects of nanometer science and technology .

  9. 纳米科学与技术的发展使得以硅为基底的微电子集成技术正在向纳米电子学推进。

    With the developments of nano-science and nano-technology , the integrated microelectronic technique based on silicon is now being developed into integrated nano-electronics .

  10. 纳米科学与技术是随着科技发展而形成的新型应用技术。

    Nano science and technology ( nano-st ) is a kind of rising applied technology with the rapid development of science and technology .

  11. 量子点是纳米科学与技术研究重要的组成部分,量子点器件又是纳米器件的发展方向之一。

    Quantum dot is the important part of nanometre science and technology , quantum dot devices is one of development directions of nanometre devices .

  12. 力学还是材料学、热力学、能源与燃料学、纳米科学与技术学、海洋学等技术科学的基础。

    Mechanics is also served for materials science , thermodynamics , energy and fuels , nanoscience & nanotechnology , oceanography , and other technological sciences .

  13. 纳米科学与技术经过几十年的发展,已经成为具有广阔前景的多学科交叉的科技前沿。

    After several decade of development , nanoscience / nanotechnoloogy has become a scientific and technical frontier that with major trends foreseen in several disciplines .

  14. 碳纳米管不仅在微电子元器件、场发射材料、催化等领域应用潜能广阔,而且在纳米科学与技术领域也是很有前途的吸附材料。

    CNTs not only have great potential applications in electronics , field emission materials , catalysis , but also are of promising adsorption material in nanoscale science and technology .

  15. 微位移机电系统在微电子工程、计量科学与技术、精密工程、生物工程、纳米科学与技术等领域有广泛的应用。微步进旋转驱动器是微位移机电系统的关键部件之一。

    Micro-displacement electro-mechanical systems ( MEMS ) have a wide range of applications in microelectronics engineering , measurement science and technology , precision engineering , bio-engineering , nanotechnology and other fields of science and technology .

  16. 随着纳米科学与技术的发展及其研究的不断深入,碳纳米管的优异性能和广阔的应用前景引发了广大科研工作者的研究热情。

    With the development and advanced research in nano-science and technology , carbon nanotubes ( CNTs ) have attracted a lot of attention over the last decade due to their unique properties and potential in broad applications .

  17. 近年来,随着半导体集成技术、生物工程、计量科学技术、纳米科学与技术等的不断发展,系统和设备对精密定位技术的要求越来越高。

    In recent years , with the development of the semiconductor integrated technology , biological engineering , measurement science and technology , nano science and technology , the demands for precise positioning technology of system and equipment are increasing high .

  18. 纳米科学与技术是研究和利用这一尺度上物质特性的多学科交叉的前沿和热点领域。

    Being a disciplinary of many subjects , nanoscale science and technology ( Nano-ST ) includes fundamental research of properties in nanometer scale and application of the functional nano-materials , and has boomed up as the hottest field and frontier of science .

  19. 提出随着纳米材料在木材科学与技术中的应用,必将给无机质复合木材的研究带来新的动力。

    It suggested that the application of inorganic-nano materials to wood science and technology would bring forward a new impetus for wood-inorganic research .

  20. 对图书馆而言,纳米科学的发展与纳米技术的应用,将在信息保存、图书馆硬件设备等方面引发革命性变革,现代图书馆进而演化为未来的纳米图书馆。

    As for the library , the development of nanometer science and the application of nanometer technology will cause the revolution and reform in the store of information , the hardware of libraries and etc. and in the final , the modern library will be replaced by the nanometer library .

  21. 低维纳米结构是当前纳米科学与技术领域一个重要的研究方向。

    Low-dimensional nanostructures are an important research field in current Nano S & T.

  22. 低维纳米结构的可控生长和新奇量子效应是纳米科学与技术的核心研究内容之一。

    Controlled growth and their novel quantum effect of low dimensional nanostructures are two core issues in nanoscience and nanotechnology .

  23. 通过纳米材料在木材、塑料、涂料等领域的应用,提出了纳米材料在木材科学与技术中的应用前景和发展趋势。

    It also summarizes the application situation in wood , plastic , paint etc. , and brings forward the application prospects and development direction of nano materials in wood science and technology .

  24. 纳米技术已渗透到传统自然科学的各个分支,从而已产生基于多学科融合的纳米科学与技术。

    Nanotechnology has almost permeated into each branch of traditional natural science , and the nanoscience and nanotechnology has come into being the integration of multi-discipline .

  25. 纳米材料的本征性质与其结构密切相关,在纳米尺度操控材料并表征其结构是纳米科学与技术的关键。

    Manipulation of materials with nanoscale control is the key of nanoscience and nanotechnology , because the intrinsic properties of nanoscale materials are closely determined by their structures .