
  • 网络john brown;John Browne;John Blunt
  1. 但约翰·布朗的圣战却已走到了尽头,他的儿子们纷纷战亡,

    But John Brown 's crusade is over . His sons are dead .

  2. 约翰·布朗和他的合伙者们由于密谋推翻实行奴隶制度的美国各州而被审讯。

    John Brown and his associates were tried for conspiring to overthrow the slave states .

  3. 全球范围内,我非常尊重BP公司的约翰·布朗。

    Globally , I have a lot of respect for John Browne at BP .

  4. 所以,“约翰·亨利·布朗”通常被称作“约翰·布朗”。

    So " John Henry Brown " is usually called " John Brown " .

  5. 激进的废奴主义者约翰·布朗试图唤起奴隶的反抗,没有奴隶加入他的队伍,他被围困了。

    Radical abolitionist John brown is trying to inspire a slave revolt . No slaves have joined him , and now he 's trapped .

  6. 我,约翰·布朗,坚信这个罪恶国度的暴行,不经过鲜血的洗礼就永远无法变得清白。

    I , John Brown , am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood .

  7. 覆盖着成千具腐烂尸体的土地;约翰·布朗的尸体在坟墓中腐烂了;腐烂的动物气味吸引了秃鹫。

    A field covered with thousands of decomposing bodies ; John Brown 's body lies a-moldering in the grave ; rotting animal flesh is attractive to vultures .

  8. 但每个人都明白,坚持奴隶制的南方和坚持自由制的北方最终会决一雌雄。约翰·布朗想要点燃战争的导火索。

    but everyone understood that a showdown between the slave South and the free North was about to occur . John Brown wants to light the fuse .

  9. 男:呃,销售部的约翰·布朗和采购部的玛丽·琼斯都会来…但我知道她会晚一点。

    Man : Er , John Brown from Sales will be there , and so will Mary Jones from Purchasing ... But I know she 'll be a bit late .

  10. 1859年10月16日,希望发动反奴叛乱的废奴主义者约翰·布朗在今天的西弗吉尼亚哈珀斯镇向联邦政府军械库发动袭击。

    On Oct. 16 , 1859 Abolitionist John Brown , hoping to start an anti-slavery rebellion , led a raid on a federal armory at Harpers Ferry in present-day West Virginia .