
  1. 在巴黎,出租车数量受到严格控制,而且几乎不存在约租车(privatehirevehicles)。

    In Paris , cab numbers are tightly controlled and there are virtually no private hire vehicles .

  2. 广州市政府计划推出一个与优步(Uber)类似的在线约租车平台,就在几周前,警方关闭了这家总部位于旧金山的专车应用在广州的办事处。

    Guangzhou 's municipal government is planning to launch its own Uber-like online taxi hire service , only weeks after police closed the San Francisco-based transport app 's office in the southern Chinese city .

  3. 为中国网络约租车行业制定的一系列拟议中的监管规定即将成型,它们将体现出中国政府将在多大程度上容忍互联网的“颠覆”。中国最大的几家高科技企业正密切关注这些规定。

    A set of proposed regulations for China 's online ride-hailing industry are shaping up as a bellwether of how much internet " disruption " Beijing will tolerate - and are being closely watched by the country 's biggest tech companies .

  4. 10月8日,在滴滴快的同意遵守一套精简得多的规则后,上海市向滴滴快的颁发了中国首张市级网络约租车平台资质许可证。很多人认为,这一试点最终可能推广至全国。

    Last month [ October ] Shanghai gave Didi the country 's first municipal operating licence after the company agreed to a far slimmer set of rules - a pilot programme many thought could be eventually rolled out across the country .