
  • Zhang Xin;【人名】Xin Zhang
  1. 张欣和Soho中国一直处于这一变革的风口浪尖上。

    Zhang and Soho China have been at the forefront of that change .

  2. 1995年,潘石屹用之前与别人合创一家房地产公司赚到的钱,与张欣共创soho中国。

    The couple started SOHO China in 1995 , with money Mr Pan made as co-founder of a previous property business .

  3. 房地产大亨张欣和她的丈夫潘石屹在2014年与哈佛大学(Harvard)签订1500万美元的“SOHO中国助学金”协议。

    Zhang Xin , the real estate mogul , and Pan Shiyi , her husband , signed a $ 15m gift agreement with Harvard in 2014 .

  4. 中国最有名的房地产大亨之一张欣,她和她的丈夫掌控着SOHO房地产帝国。

    One of the most visible real-estate tycoons is Zhang Xin , who along with her husband controls the Sohu property empire .

  5. 张欣和她的丈夫早在1995年就共同创立了自己的房地产公司:SOHO中国有限公司,当时中国的房地产市场还远远没有形成气候。

    Zhang Xin and her husband founded real estate company SOHO China in 1995 , long before construction cranes and high-rises dominated city skylines there .

  6. SOHO中国的首席执行长张欣说,有更多的房地产开发商正在到国外寻求更高利润率。

    More property developers are going abroad in search of fatter profit margins , according to Zhang Xin , Soho China 's chief executive officer .

  7. 中国最成功的民营房地产开发商之一SOHO中国(SOHOChina)的首席执行官张欣认为,商业房地产领域的大量浪费性投资,已经削弱了中国的长期增长前景。

    Zhang Xin , chief executive of Soho China , one of the country 's most successful privately owned developers , believes that rampant wasteful investment in commercial property has already undermined China 's long-term prospects .

  8. 愿意捐款的公司还没得到体制的支持,总部位于北京的房地产开发商Soho中国的首席执行官张欣表示。

    Companies that want to donate are not supported by the system yet , said Zhang Xin , chief executive of Soho China , a Beijing-based real estate developer .

  9. SOHO中国首席执行长张欣周三说,在她17年的住宅房地产从业经历中,从未遇到过这样艰难的市场。

    Zhang Xin , the chief executive officer of Soho China Ltd. , said Wednesday that in her17 years in the residential property business she hasn 't faced such a tough market .

  10. 哈迪德的设计风格让张欣为之倾倒。张欣相信,她与丈夫潘石屹于1995年建立的SOHO中国,能够为哈迪德尽情施展才华提供更大的空间。

    She was hooked on Hadid 's style and felt SOHO China , which Zhang started with her husband Pan Shiyi in 1995 , would provide a larger canvas for Hadid 's talents .

  11. 公司行政总裁张欣表示,土地价格不断下滑不一定就预示着商业地产市场的总体滑坡,尤其是在soho中国重点开发的北京核心区域。

    Zhang Xin , chief executive , said falling land prices would not necessarily presage a general slump in the commercial property market , especially in central Beijing , the area SOHO focuses on .

  12. 2004年,她们再次相遇,那时哈迪德已经成为第一位赢得普立兹克建筑奖(PritzkerPrize,类似于建筑界的诺贝尔奖)的女性,而张欣也在圣彼得堡的颁奖现场。

    They met again in 2004 ; Hadid became the first female to win the Pritzker Prize - what 's akin to a Nobel Prize for architecture - and Zhang was at the award ceremony in St. Petersburg .

  13. 房地产开发商Soho中国有限公司总裁张欣决定向灾民提供个人帮助。张欣虽年仅43岁,但已位列《福布斯》杂志中国富豪榜第7位,资产估计超过30亿美元。

    Zhang Xin , the 43-year-old chief executive of property developer Soho China and , according to Forbes Magazine , China 's 7th richest person with a fortune estimated at more than $ 3bn , decided to respond personally .

  14. 不过,张欣的言论有其精神信念上的基础。

    Yet there is also a spiritual foundation to her comments .

  15. 张欣一直执着地抒写都市中的两性及其情感。

    Zhangxin always describes both sexes and their sensibility in city .

  16. 大众文化背景下的张欣小说创作

    Zhang Xin 's Fiction Writing under the Background of Popular Culture

  17. 对巴哈伊教的信仰让我脱胎换骨,张欣承认。

    Being a Bahai has transformed me , she admits .

  18. 张欣小说的叙事结构分析

    Analyses of the Narrative Structure of Zhang Xin 's Novels

  19. 张欣说:每个中国人都试图为灾区做点事情。

    Everyone in China has been trying to do something , says Zhang .

  20. 张欣是中国当下新都市文学的代表人物。

    Zhangxin is representative of the present urban literature .

  21. 本文就沿着城市女性这一线索来探讨张欣的小说创作。

    This article discusses her writing skills through the thread of city women .

  22. 张欣说:在中国,什么都要大一点。

    Everything is bigger in China , she said .

  23. 从张欣小说看90年代城市文学的现代性

    On the Modernity of 90 's City Literature From Zhang Xing 's Novels

  24. 都市牧歌:张欣审美的古典情致

    Urban Pastoral : Zhang Xin 's Classical Aesthetics

  25. 张欣和扎哈·哈迪德忍不住要取笑那些抄袭她们的人。

    Zhang Xin and ZahaHadid can 't help but poke fun at their imitators .

  26. 论张欣的新都市小说

    On Zhang Xin 's New Metropolitan Novels

  27. 尽管事业有成,但张欣教育自己的孩子不要忘本。

    In spite of this success , she says her children have a grounding influence .

  28. 都市女性的生存困境&从张欣的《锁春记》说起

    Living Dilemma of Urban Females & An Analysis of ZHANG Xin 's Suo Chun Ji

  29. 张欣表示:中国房地产市场的资本密集程度已经非常高。

    The Chinese real estate market has become so capital intensive , Ms Zhang said .

  30. 论张欣的都市写作

    On Zhang Xin 's City Writing