
  • 网络The Lady In Red;The Woman in Red
  1. 每当我看到一桶脏水,耳边还会响起那曲《红衣女郎》。

    Whenever I see a bucket of dirty water , I still hear " Lady in Red . "

  2. 红衣女郎在电影、小说和音乐中都非常有名,但最新研究显示,男人穿红色也会显得更有魅力,对女性的吸引力更大。

    The Lady in Red is famous in movies , books and music , but men in red turn out to be just as alluring , according to a new study that found men who wear red are more attractive and sexually desirable to women .

  3. 本周二公布的一项研究显示,“红衣女郎”在男性眼中更加性感迷人,说得再科学点,就是更具吸引力。

    When men see red , they see hot : study The popular ballad " Lady in Red " is poised to take on a whole new meaning : a study published Tuesday showed that the color red makes men see women as hotter or , more scientifically put , more attractive .