
  • 网络Red Song
  1. 45岁的书法家郑文彬说,刘如生在吉隆坡也继续给大家带来欢乐,他在开往吉隆坡马来西亚王宫(IstanaNegara)的汽车上还唱了一首经典的红歌。

    Mr. Liu would continue to entertain even in Kuala Lumpur , where he held court on the bus en route to Kuala Lumpur 's Istana Negara , or Royal Palace , singing a ' classic red song , ' said Zheng Wenbin , a 45-year-old calligrapher from China 's port city of Shenzhen , who was in the group .

  2. 首先,本文概述了红歌的起源与发展。

    Firstly , the article summarizes the origin and development of " Red Song " .

  3. -唱红歌、读经典、讲故事、传箴言

    Singing revolutionary songs , Reading classic books , Telling stories , Spreading mottos

  4. 亨利基辛格(HenryKissinger)来中国为自己的新书进行宣传时,设法出席了一场有大约7万人参加的唱红歌活动。

    Henry Kissinger , in China for a book tour , managed to attend a sing-along with some 70,000 other people .

  5. 然后,阐述了红歌在解放战争中的作用。

    Thirdly , the article elaborates the functions in the Liberation War .

  6. 唱红歌正成为中国一股新的时尚风暴。

    Singing red songs is becoming a new fashion storming all over China .

  7. 感恩,不是像某一种红歌一样,那么的死板。

    Thanksgiving , not as a kind of the same , so inflexible .

  8. 美国的百万富翁可以上太空旅行,俄罗斯的流行红歌星就不行吗?

    If an American millionaire could do it , why not a Russian pop star ?

  9. 来自中国各地的108个合唱团齐聚重庆奥林匹克中心,参加红歌盛会。

    108 choirs from all across China gathered in the Chongqing Olympic Center for a Red Song Feast .

  10. 全文分四部分:首先,论文对红歌进行了简要的概述。

    The passage can be divided into four parts : Firstly , the passage simply generalizes the Red Song .

  11. 上网的是后我都会做一件事,那就是提供红歌。

    When surfing the internet , I always do the same thing , which is uploaded the Red Song .

  12. 中国东北的吉林省省会长春市正沉浸在红歌的海洋中。

    The city of Changchun , capital of Northeast China 's Jilin province , is immersed in red songs .

  13. 机构和公司的户外歌唱比赛把整个城市淹没在鼓舞人心的红歌海洋中。

    The open-air singing competitions of organizations and companies have drowned the city in the sea of inspiring red songs .

  14. 这部分对如何推动红歌传唱作了深入的思考。

    In this part , an insightful thinking of how to motivate the singing of the Red songs is made .

  15. 本文从这一时期红歌产生的背景、题材和内容等方面,对红歌在这一特定历史时期所起的历史作用和意义进行了深入的研究。

    This article searches deeply in the historical functions and significance of the particular period from the backgrounds , themes and contents .

  16. 精湛织锦织绘嘹亮红歌,更显红军二万五千里长征的民族精神和君子之勇。

    Exquisite woven tapestry painted red song , more show pine-woods reds long march national spirit of Dutch courage and a gentleman .

  17. 在中国西南省份重庆,当政者正在开启一项弘扬“红色传统”的文化运动,例如:传唱红歌。

    In the south-western city of Chongqing the authorities are waging a campaign to promote old-fashioned " red culture ", such as revolutionary songs .

  18. 数万人参加了红歌比赛,以此表达他们对国家、对党的热爱之情。

    Tens of thousands of people have taken part in red song competitions , where they express love to the country and the party .

  19. 广场舞的形式也多种多样,有人拿着丝质的扇子、敲着鼓跳传统民族舞,也有人自创套路,配合红歌、抒情歌曲和洁版说唱乐跳舞。

    They take a variety of forms , from traditional folk dances involving silk fans and drumming to improvised routines set to patriotic songs , saccharine pop and sanitized rap .

  20. 晚会共分为红歌经典、民歌经典、流行金曲、放歌新时代、新歌精选、新蕾绽放等数个章节。

    Party is divided into red classic songs , folk songs , classics , pop songs , Fangge new era , songs selected , Sunray bloom and a few chapters .

  21. 此外红歌会也传承了红色文化和精神,体现了娱乐节目的教育功能,对年轻人的价值取向起到了很好的推动作用。

    The song will be red transmission also cultural and spiritual , reflects the educational functions of entertainment , the value orientation of young people access to a certain role .

  22. 本部分考察了不同时期红歌的历史发展,揭示了不同时期红歌体现出的爱国主义情感。

    This part reviews the historical development of " red songs " in different phases , and shows us the different patriotic emotions that " red songs " embodies in different phases .

  23. 第三部分,红歌的爱国主义教育作用的突出表现。在不同的历史时期,红歌的爱国主义教育作用具有不同的表现。

    The third part : The salient manifestation that the educational function of " red songs " for patriotism present . In different historical phases , " red songs " perform differently in patriotism education .

  24. 总之,红歌是中国人民在中国革命和社会主义建设历程中沉淀而成的经典歌曲,它将引发人们对主流文化、红色经典如何传承和发扬的深层次思考。

    In a word , " Revolutionary Songs " is the classical songs ; it is the precipitation of Chinese revolution and socialist construction , it initiates Chinese deep thinking in the mainstream culture and the inheritance and development of the red classics .