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  1. 红山玉器则以其独特的造型和神秘的内涵,被认为是图腾崇拜的偶像或宗教活动中通灵的神器。

    The jade article of Hongshan culture is considered that it is the idol of the worship of totem and the divine ware which was used in the religion rite due to its particular sculpt and mysterious meaning .

  2. 台湾收藏的红山文化玉器雏议

    Views on Jade Ware of HongShan Civilization Preserved in Taiwan

  3. 红山文化玉器的多样化说明原始宗教崇拜的发端亦在东北;

    The variety of Hongshan jade wares illustrates the primitive religion worship originated from Northeast .

  4. 红山文化玉器艺术赏析

    Appreciation of Jade Art of Hongshan Culture

  5. 红山文化玉器研究综述

    A Summary of Study on Hongshan Jade

  6. 因此我们说,由于这一特殊原因,散失民间的红山文化玉器已远远超过考古所发现数量。

    Thus exact quantity of Hongshan Culture jade existing is significant for both collection and research .

  7. 到目前为止,我没有看出妇好墓里哪些是红山的玉器。

    So far , I do not see what is inside the tomb of Fu Hao Hongshan jade .

  8. 红山文化古玉器到底有多少?

    How many does the Hongshan-Culture ancient jade have ?

  9. 红山文化古玉器,朴拙而智慧的艺术造型;精湛而独特的加工工艺;神秘而深厚的文化内涵;这一切,无不为世人所震惊。

    The ancient jade articles shock people all around the world for its amazing artistic style as well as its beautiful craftwork and mystification .

  10. 依据丰富的考古资料论证了东北是玉文化的发祥地,分析了红山文化出土玉器深邃的文化内涵。

    This paper proves that Northeast was the birthplace of the jade culture according to plentiful archaeological studies after analysing the deepen cultural connotation of the jade wares discovered in Hongshan Mountain .

  11. 第三阶段(1971年-1977年)通过发掘确立了小河沿文化,通过红山文化玉龙的发现和墓葬发掘,辨识出红山文化玉器。

    In the third stage ( 1971-1977 ), Xiaoheyan culture was confirmed by excavation and jades of Hongshan culture was recognized by finding jade dragon and excavating tombs .

  12. 要知道,在如此广阔的红山文化分布区域,在每天都接触土地的无数农民人群中,您不可能准确推算出红山文化玉器的真实存世数量。

    Their Hongshan-Culture jade collection is not more than dozens too . It 's impossible to calculate the exact existing because jade objects picked up by local farms are beyond the number .