- 名progressive tax/taxation

But one need not invoke elk antlers to justify progressive taxation .
The most direct approach to income redistribution is to levy progressive taxes .
The ideal solution would be a global progressive tax on individual net worth .
A heavy progressive or graduated income tax .
Unified Progressive Tax in the Anti-Japanese Base Aras
A tax will be referred to as progressive where the tax rate increases as the base increases .
Now there is one opinion which seeks to adjust the gap between the rich and poor through progressive taxation .
he also replaced corv é e labour with a hired-service system financed by a graduated tax levied on all families .
A forerunner of the modern income tax , it was based on the principle of graduated , or progressive , taxation .
There are different views for the developed countries and the developing ones on the model of financing from the international organization .
They did it again , even more decisively in World War Two , and that 's how we got progressive taxes .
Goods from domestic China are regarded as exports and enjoy VAT rebate when entering BLC . Progressive , proportional , and regressive taxes
A proposal from the Fiscal Policy Institute would impose a graduated tax on pieds - à - terre worth $ 5 million or more .
They employed what we would today call progressive tax policies , which encouraged trade within and between cities to stimulate greater revenues for the state .
In virtually all rich countries other than America such benefits ( rather than progressive tax systems ) became the most important instruments for reducing inequality .
This taxation system will help improve the financial foundation and will certainly enhance the enthusiasm of the people of the various social strata for developing production .
Meanwhile this paper gives an intense analysis of the effects of corporation income tax on national economy in terms of management forms , financing , investment , prices and output .
On the federal level , the personal income tax is a graduated tax , which means that the more you make , the higher the percentage of your income that you pay in taxes .
The graduated income tax and death duties are no more than a fair ~ paid by the rich .
As the federal government has a graduated income tax , the more you earn , the higher tax you have to pay .
His free-market instincts sometimes show ; he once flirted with the idea of a " flat , " rather than progressive , income tax .
Wilson passed bills for lower tariffs , a graduated income tax , the prohibition of child labor , 8-hour days for railroad workers , and more .
Some of the opponents are also receptive to other tax rises , such as the introduction of progressive profits tax , increasing profit tax and a capital gains tax .
Ways to achieve this include a progressive consumption tax , equalising the tax treatment of debt and equity , and drastically lowering tax rates on dividends and capital gains .
The federal government has a graduated income tax , that is , the percentage of the tax ( 14 to 70 percent ) increases as a person 's income increases .
Reform of RMB Exchange Rate System : A Strategy of High Progressive Tobin Transfer Tax
Thirdly , the government should implement more stricter progressive consumption tax and income tax , and by doing this we can improve the national happiness level due to reducing income inequality and waste of resources and other ways .
Because of the defect of law of diminishing marginal utility on which progressive tax is based , and the abuse of progressive tax in practices , it is difficult for progressive tax to redistribute income fairly .