
liú zhuǎn shuì
  • turnover tax;circulation tax
  1. 我国流转税改革相关问题的研究

    A Study on China Circulation Tax System Reform

  2. 流转税在税制的设计和实施过程中存在一些问题。

    There exist some problems in the process of enacting and operating the circulation tax .

  3. 其次,分别通过MT指数和税负转嫁模型、库兹涅茨比率等对现行主要调节税种&个人所得税和流转税的收入分配效应进行考察。

    Secondly , by using MT index , tax-shifting model and Kuznets ratio , investigate the income distribution effects of personal income tax and indirect taxes .

  4. 本文通过1992~2002年税收数据拟合模型,分别得到我国经济增长最大化时,最优的流转税、所得税占GDP的比率,并得出目前的税改重点应为增大所得税的比率的结论。

    This paper pointes out the optimal proportion of turnover tax and income tax rate in the GDP with maximum economic growth , and as a result the tax reform should increase the income tax rate .

  5. 关于进一步深化流转税改革的若干设想

    Some Tentative Ideas about Further Deepening the Reform of Turnover Tax

  6. 关于资产重组中涉及流转税政策的思考

    A Review of Policies on Intermediate Taxes in Asset Restructure

  7. 这间公司终于补交了他们偷漏的流转税。

    The company finally paid the turnover tax in arrears .

  8. 我清楚为什么称它为流转税了。

    I 'm clear as to why you call it turnover tax .

  9. 论流转税和所得税的独特功能&双主体税制模式初探

    On the unique functions of turnover tax and income tax

  10. 自产自用应税消费品业务中的流转税会计问题

    Some Problems of Tax Accounting about Self-produced and Self-used Taxable Consumer Goods

  11. 我国流转税负担与流转税制度设计若干问题研究

    Issues on China 's Turnover Tax Burden and Design for Turnover Tax System

  12. 计算机软件也要征收流转税。

    The government will levy indirect taxes on computer soft wares , too .

  13. 我国现阶段的国情决定了流转税成为第一主体税。

    Turnover tax becomes basic tax just according to the present Chinese condition .

  14. 金融业流转税:税负均衡及税制改革

    Commodity Tax of Financial Service Industry : Tax Burden Equilibrium and Tax System Reform

  15. 第二部分:国外及台湾地区房地产流转税的研究与借鉴。介绍了国外和台湾地区的房地产流转税的征收情况,主要介绍了英国的增值税、营业房产税、继承税和印花税;

    The second part : The research foreign and Taiwanese real estate devolving tax .

  16. 资产转移不仅涉及企业所得税,同时也涉及到流转税的问题。

    Both income tax and turnover tax are involved in asset transfer of enterprises .

  17. 企业所得税和流转税的清算鉴证费用。

    The expenditures on the liquidation and attestation of business income tax and turnover tax .

  18. 1992-2003年我国流转税与所得税的发展

    Study on the Development of Turnover Tax and Income Tax during 1992 and 2003 in China

  19. 强化流转税宏观调控功能初探

    On Strengthen Circulation Tax Macro-control Function

  20. 近年来,流转税占税收收入的比重大体在60%左右。

    In recent years , the turnover tax takes about 60 % ratio of total tax revenue .

  21. 与网店征税密切相关的税种主要有流转税类与所得税类。

    Those which are closely related to web shops taxation are mainly turnover tax and income tax .

  22. 流转税抵消了所得税的调节效果,也进一步扩大了收入差距。

    Turnover tax not only offsets income tax adjustment , but also further expands the income gap .

  23. 增值税是目前国际上普遍实施的一种流转税。

    Value-added tax ( VAT ) is one of the most prevalent turnover tax in the world .

  24. 证券税制包含证券流转税、证券投资所得税和证券交易利得税等税种。

    Securities tax systems deal with securities indirect tax , securities investment income tax and securities capital gains tax .

  25. 从税种结构看,广西呈现以流转税为主、所得税为辅的税负拉动格局。

    From the taxation form structure , Guangxi driving pattern appears as mainly in turnover tax and supplement in income .

  26. 中国外资税收优惠政策包括所得税、流转税(关税、增值税)等方面。

    The favorable taxation policy for China 's foreign capital embodies such aspects as income tax , tariff and value-added tax .

  27. 通过实证研究发现,在税收结构中,流转税(间接税)比重的增加对投资增长有激励作用,而对边际消费倾向没有显著影响;

    Empirical study found circulation tax ( indirect taxation ) proportion increased in tax structure can inspirit investment and restrain consumption .

  28. 增值税作为一种重要的流转税,是国家进行宏观调控,资源配置的重要手段。

    Value Added Tax ( VAT ) can be applied to control macro economy and arrange resources as an important circulation tax .

  29. 文章提出了流转税影响个人收入分配调节的理论模型,并对其进行了因素分析,推证得到了一些重要的判别规则。

    This paper firstly discusses that the main function of personal income tax of China should be located in adjustment of individual income .

  30. 在流转税中征收社会保险附加税,是可持续筹集社会养老保险基金的有效途径。

    The social insurance surtax levied from the flow tax is regarded as a effective way for floating the fund on social endowment .