
  • 网络cumulative voting;Cumulative Voting System
  1. 自1870年第一次写入美国伊利诺州(Illinois)宪法中后,累积投票制在美国已有100多年的发展历史。美国关于累积投票制的立法态度影响了很多国家和地区的相关立法。

    Since the adoption into the Illinois Constitution in 1870 , the history of cumulative voting has been more than 100 years in America , and the legislation attitude for cumulative voting in America has affected many countries and areas .

  2. 股东治理结构的变革与小股东利益的保护&兼谈累积投票制的强制使用

    How to Protect the Minority Shareholders & Discussion on the Cumulative Voting

  3. 试论我国公司法中的累积投票制

    On the System of Cumulative Voting in Chinese Company Law

  4. 累积投票制在中小股东权益保护中的作用

    On Function of Accumulation Poll System in Protection of Middle-small Shareholders ' Rights

  5. 公司法中的累积投票制研究

    Study on Cumulative Voting System in Corporation Law

  6. 从多方面剖析了可能导致累积投票制难以发挥作用的因素,阐明了制度的要旨所在;

    It analyses the factors that prevents the system from developing in many aspects .

  7. 公司累积投票制是公司治理结构中一项重要的制度。

    The cumulative voting system is one of the most important systems in corporate management .

  8. 中国也在2005年修订《公司法》时,规定了累积投票制。

    China is also amended in 2005 , " Company Law ", the provisions of the cumulative voting system .

  9. 独立董事的选举应适用累积投票制,并且应与一般董事合并选举;

    The election of independent director should be applicable cumulative voting system , and it should consolidate election with general director .

  10. 累积投票制虽然有诸多优点,但在实施过程中,也存在不少问题。

    Though the cumulative voting system has lots of advantages , there are also lots of problems when it is put into practice .

  11. 为此,我国新《公司法》借鉴外国先进公司立法的经验,采用了累积投票制。

    Therefore , the new Company Law adopts the cumulative voting system which we have learned the advanced experiences from some foreign countries and areas .

  12. 选举法人监事时,应当采用累积投票制,选举进行财务监督的会计法人监事和合理数量的其他法人监事。

    Electing corporate supervisors , shall be cumulative voting , elections supervisor of financial supervision and a reasonable number of corporate accounting and other corporate supervisors .

  13. 第二部分,公司法相关制度的比较,通过对表决权拘束协议与累积投票制、表决权信托及表决权征集制度进行比较来论证其独立价值。

    Part two , comparison of the relative corporate systems , through comparing voting agreement to cumulative voting right , voting trust and proxy solicitation to appraise its independent values .

  14. 主要有完善少数股东向法院申请召集临时股东大会制度、累积投票制、表决权排除制度、社会公众股股东表决机制等。

    Third , we can improve the system of asking for judge to convene the meeting , accumulative voting and exclusion of voting right to protect the minority shareholders ' right .

  15. 对累积投票制的法理价值作了分析,指出了该制度实质上是法学公平理念对经济学效率至上精神的一种修正;

    It elaborates the history development , analyses the legal value of the system , points out the essence of the system is the modification of the legal fair spirit in the highest economic efficiency spirit .

  16. 客观地说,累积投票制对于弥补资本多数决的不足、实现公司治理结构权力制衡、维护正义原则、保护中小股东利益具有重要意义。

    Objectively speaking , the cumulative voting system is of great significance in making up the inadequate of majority rule , balancing corporate governance structure , maintaining the principle of justice , and protecting the interests of minority shareholders .

  17. 本文在累积投票制、委托书征集制等保护小股东表决权制度的基础上,来分析表决权信托制度对小股东表决权的保护,我国引进表决权信托制度的必要性及立法构想。

    This essay is based on Cumulative Voting System and Attorney Collection System to analyze the Voting Trust System which can protect the minority shareholders and show the necessity and legislation conceive to use the Voting Trust System for reference in China .

  18. 累积投票制、大股东表决权限制制、股东提案权制、股东大会召集权制、股东派生诉讼制在我国的适用将切实保护上市公司中小股东的权益。

    The rights and interests of the middle and small shareholders are protected feasibly by accumulative ballot , large shareholder vote confine , shareholder proposer right , shareholder meeting convoking right and shareholder derived litigation right systems , which are applied in our country .

  19. 通过建立累积投票制、大股东表决权限制制、股东提案权制、股东大会召集权制、股东派生诉讼制,从实体和程序两个方面建立和完善中小股东行权的维护和保障体系。

    The protection and guarantee system of middle and small shareholders ' rights and interests should be built from both noumenon and formality sides through the establishment of accumulative ballot , large shareholder vote confine , shareholder proposer right , shareholder meeting convoking right and shareholder derived litigation right systems .