
  • 网络psychotic;Mental disorder
  1. 对乙酰氨基酚过量致精神异常、肾损害及低血糖昏迷

    Mental disorders , renal damage , and hypoglycemic coma due to paracetamol overdoses

  2. 心因性勃起功能障碍的综合治疗服刑犯人心因性精神异常的比较分析

    The comprehensive treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction Analysis of psychological factors on criminals ' mental disorders

  3. 他从事跟精神异常儿童有关的工作。

    He works with emotionally disturbed children .

  4. 医生证实这个被拘押的人精神异常。

    The doctor certified the prisoner insane .

  5. 为精神异常儿童开办的特殊学校

    a special school for emotionally disturbed children

  6. 精神异常者的β-内啡肽水平明显高于精神正常者(P<0.01);

    β - EP level of psoriatic patients was significantly higher than that of normal controls ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. Huntington舞蹈病大脑免疫病理改变及其和痴呆精神异常的关系

    Pathological and immunopathological changes in Chorea Huntington and their relationship to dementia and psychiatric symptoms

  8. 结果GPI患者临床以智能障碍、精神异常、癫痫最常见。

    Results Intelligence disturbance , mental disorder and epilepsy were common syndromes in GPI patients .

  9. 结果:AD的临床主要表现为:女多于男,多缓慢起病,以记忆减退、行为与精神异常多见,CT/MRI证实脑萎缩。

    RESULTS : Clinical study showed that there were more female AD patients than male patients . The clinical manifestation of these patients included long incidence period , loss of memory , disruptive behavior and psychosis and brain atrophy proved by CT / MRI .

  10. 目的研究Huntington舞蹈病的组织病理改变特点,观察泛素阳性营养不良性神经突起和神经细胞核内包涵体在大脑不同部位的分布规律,探讨痴呆和精神异常的病理基础。

    Objective To examine the distribution of ubiquitin positive structures in brain of Chorea Huntington and pathological basis of cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in a large Northern Chinese kindred .

  11. 所以接着我所说的一切都被当作精神异常的可能征兆

    subsequently interpreting everything I said through a lens of latent insanity .

  12. 隔壁邻居的老人经年来饱受精神异常折磨。

    The old man next door has been suffering from mental disorder for years .

  13. 方法:加强患儿的对症护理,主要包括发热的护理,精神异常的护理,呕吐的护理,昏迷的护理和瘫痪的护理。

    Methods : including nursing in fever , insanity , vomiting , coma and paralysis .

  14. 我知道有精神异常的。

    I know the existing mentalcondition exception .

  15. 皮质醇增多症和精神异常论醉酒人犯罪的刑事责任

    On the Liabilities of Alcoholic Crime

  16. 本例长期误诊为精神异常、多发性硬化和间脑综合征。

    This patient had been misdiagnosed mental disorder , multiple sclerosis and diencephalic syndrome for long time .

  17. 摘要目的:探讨心脏瓣膜置换术后并发精神异常的临床护理特点。

    Objective : to discuss the clinic nursing for post heart valve replacement patients complication of mental disorder .

  18. 变态心理犯罪的根源是犯罪行为人的精神异常。

    The origin of the abnormal psychology crime is that the crime ac to r 's spirit is unusual .

  19. 既往有精神异常史和无犯罪史者评定为无服刑能力比率较高,鉴定中应重点关注。

    We must devote much attention to the group that who had mental disease and who had boken the low .

  20. 有些人会说创作力是一种精神异常的副作用--类似梵高症候群,

    Some people would also say that creativity may be a function of some other neurological quirk -- van Gogh syndrome

  21. 临床症状主要包括头痛、视觉障碍、痫性发作、意识障碍和精神异常四联征。

    The major Clinical symptoms include headache , visual disturbances , seizures , conscious disturbance and changes in spirit . 3 .

  22. 减少老人精神异常治疗用药可大幅较低跌倒,但老人用药习惯不易改变;

    Psychotropic medications can be reduced to prevent many falls , but it is difficult to change medication-taking behavior in the elderly .

  23. 临床表现:急性起病、发热、头痛、抽搐、精神异常、意识障碍,脑电图异常及相应的脑脊液的变化等。

    Clinical performance : acute onset , fever , headache , twitch , conscious disturbance , EEG abnormal and corresponding CSF abnormal .

  24. 高皮质醇血症患者的精神异常主要表现为忧郁、兴奋和其他精神异常。79.7%的患者有抑郁的表现。

    Depression and mania were the main manifestations of psychosis in the patients , and79.7 % of the patients showed symptoms of depression .

  25. 目的分析服刑犯人心理因素、刑期对精神异常、服刑能力的影响。

    Objectives : To explore the effect of psychological factors and prison term on mental disorders and the ability to serve a sentence of criminals .

  26. 方法采用观察与问答相结合的方式,分析30例肝移植术后监护期患者精神异常的发生情况。

    Methods Using the manner of observation combined with questions and answers , 30 cases with psychosis of monitoring period after liver transplantation were analyzed retrospectively .

  27. 在家系2中2名患者都有典型的舞蹈样不自主运动、痴呆及精神异常,另外1名18岁患者仅有行为异常表现;

    In pedigree 2 , two affected family members have the typical clinical features of huntington 's disease . An 18-year-old patient was onset with behavior abnormal .

  28. 本研究提供的背景信息提示,非处方类固醇药的使用,与服用者行为改变及许多精神异常状态有关。

    The use of non-prescription steroids has been linked to changes in behavior and a number of psychiatric conditions , according to background information in the study .

  29. 我的首次恋爱非常不一般,他是一名精神异常喜好喝酒的越战老兵,他在酒后请求我宽恕时才会定期与我约会。

    My first-ever relationship was a doozy , with a PTSD-wracked alcoholic Vietnam vet who periodically broke up with me only to then come back begging for forgiveness .

  30. 这些成分的中毒症状包括:腹痛,恶心,呕吐,腹泻,头痛,视力改变,头晕和精神异常。

    Symptoms of poisoning from these ingredients could include : abdominal pain , nausea , vomiting , diarrhea , headache , visual changes , dizziness and mental confusion .