
jīnɡ shén bìnɡ xìnɡ zhènɡ zhuànɡ
  • psychotic symptoms
  1. 结果65%轻度AD病人具有行为障碍,其中具有精神病性症状者为20%;抑郁者为35%%;

    Results 65 % mild AD patients has behavioral disorders , and 20 % ones has psychotic symptoms , 35 % has depressive symptoms , 55 % has personal changes .

  2. 症状多为非典型抑郁发作或伴有精神病性症状。

    Atypical depressive episode or with psychotic symptoms were more .

  3. 目的:探讨单胺氧化酶A和单胺氧化酶B基因与伴精神病性症状双相情感性障碍间的遗传关联性。

    Objective : To investigate the genetic association between MAOA and MAOB genes and the bipolar affective disorder with psychiatric symptoms .

  4. 有研究对SCL-90和数字搜索能力测验进行相关分析发现,有抑郁、精神病性症状的新兵反应能力较低[1]。这就提示研究者数字搜索测验在人员筛查过程中有一定的辅助作用。

    The investigation between SCL-90 and searching number had showed that the recruits with dumps and psychosis had lower ability , which suggests that searching number play an assistant role in selecting people .

  5. 采用阴性症状量表(SANS)和阳性症状量表(SAPS)评价患者的精神病性症状的疗效。

    The efficacy was measured by Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms ( SANS ) and Scale for Assessment of Positive Symptoms ( SAPS ) .

  6. 结果脑干损伤、颅内血肿、格拉斯高昏迷评分(GCS)、脑损伤范围、昏迷时间与智力障碍,精神病性症状及人格改变关系密切。

    Results The intellectual disorder , neurotic symptom , psychotic symptom and personality change related well to brain stem injury , intracranial hematoma , GCS , injury area and duration of ex-animation .

  7. 方法:使用90项症状清单(SCL-90)和明尼苏达多相个性调查问卷(MMPI)评定有精神病性症状躁狂发作患者的父母46例,并将评定结果与中国常模比较。

    Methods : The psychiatric symptoms and personality features of the parents of patients with psychotic mania were evaluated with the Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) and the Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory ( MMPI ) .

  8. 经Logistic回归分析筛出的主要因素依次为:发病年龄小、家族史阳性、合并精神病性症状、病前性格内向、成员关系差和HAMD因子Ⅰ分值高。

    Meanwhile by logistic regression analysis the main factors by turns are as below : younger age of onset , positive family history , incorporative psychiatric symptoms , introverted personality , poor relations among workmates and higher score of factor I in HAMD .

  9. 对精神病性症状,2组显效率分别为80%,82%。2组疗效经Ridit分析P>0.05。

    In the treatment of psychiatric symptom , the significant improvement rate of both groups was 82 % in amitriptyline group and 80 % in fluoxetine group , respectively ( Ridit analysis , P > 0.05 ) .

  10. 伴与不伴精神病性症状的抑郁症临床特征的对照研究

    A Comparative Study on Clinical Features of The Depression with Psychotic Symptoms

  11. 合并小剂量利培酮治疗无精神病性症状抑郁症对照研究

    A study of the effect of small-dose risperidone in depression without psychotic symptoms

  12. 结论:抑郁症患者大多无精神病性症状。

    Conclusion : Most cases of depression are not accompanied with psychotic symptoms .

  13. 碳酸锂合并奋乃静治疗有精神病性症状躁狂发作的疗效

    A randomly open-labeled trial of treating psychotic mania with lithium salt combined with perphenazine

  14. 伴精神病性症状躁狂症的临床研究

    The clinic study on mania with schizophrenic symptoms

  15. 利培酮在无精神病性症状抑郁症中的应用

    Application of Risperidone in Depression without Psychotic Symptoms

  16. 结论抗抑郁剂联合小剂量利培酮治疗无精神病性症状抑郁症具有增效作用。

    Conclusion Antidepressants plus small-dose risperidone in the treatment of depression without psychotic symptoms has gaining effects .

  17. 目的:探讨有精神病性症状的躁狂发作患者父母的心理健康状况及人格特征。

    Objective : To explore mental status and personality traits of the parents of patients with psychotic mania .

  18. 建议对脑挫裂伤后精神病性症状的诊断标准做出病程规定。

    It 's necessary to establish standard of course for diagnostic criteria of psychotic symptoms after contusion and laceration of brain .

  19. 结论:影响抑郁症自知力的主要因素为临床抑郁症状,精神病性症状及治疗依从性。

    Conclusion : The mainly influenced factors of insight in depressive patients were clinical depressive symptom , psychotic symptom , and compliance .

  20. 目的比较万拉法新与氟西汀治疗不伴有精神病性症状的老年抑郁症的疗效及安全性。

    Objective To compare the effects and safeties of Venlafaxine and Fluoxetine on the senile patients with depressive disorder and without psychotic symptom .

  21. 结果初鉴和复鉴在颅脑损伤所致精神病性症状、人格改变、外伤性癫痫及神经症性症状等类型的发生率上差异较大;

    Results : The significant difference in diagnosis of psychosis , personality changes , traumatic epilepsy and neurosis related to brain injuries was found .

  22. 结果表明,在混苯浓度基本未超标的情况下,长期接触者表现出心理指标的改变,男性主要表现在躯体化、焦虑、恐怖和精神病性症状,而女性则表现为人际关系敏感。

    The result indicate that psychological indices were changed in these workers which exposed to low concentration of benzene over a long period of time .

  23. 而精神病性症状内部可以区分出特征性幻听、思维障碍和被动体验、怪异妄想以及非特异性病理症状四个维度的划分。

    The psychotic dimension were further divided into four factors : characteristic audible hallucination , thought formal disorder , bizarre delusions and non-specified psychotic symptoms .

  24. 抑郁症状随着精神病性症状的缓解而减轻,与性别、发病年龄、受教育时间、病程及前驱期长短无关。

    The severity of depressive symptoms was not related to gender , age of onset , educational level , duration of prodromal period or duration of illness .

  25. 对刑事责任能力鉴定影响最大的是精神病性症状,其次是操作智商、诱发事件,再次是作案动机和言语智商。

    Factors influenced on the criminal responsibility assessment were , firstly psychotic symptoms , secondly performance IQ and inducement events , thirdly criminal intents and verbal IQ .

  26. 急性白血病初诊病人最常见的症状为强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执及精神病性症状。

    The common symptoms of the patients were obsessive-compulsive disorder , sensitivity in interpersonal relationship , depression , anxiety , hostility , fear , paranoia and psychiatric disorder .

  27. 伴有消极、抑郁或抑郁症伴精神病性症状,可选用舒必利、氯氮平、利培酮。

    Companion has inactive , depressed or depressed disease to accompany mental sex symptom , can choose Shu Bili , chlorin nitrogen smooth , benefit earths up ketone .

  28. 结果:①约25%(135/535)的大学新生存在不同程度的心理问题,主要表现为强迫、抑郁、焦虑、偏执和精神病性症状;

    Results revealed that ① About 25 % ( 135 / 535 ) freshmen had different psychological disorders such as obsession , depression , anxiety , paranoid and psychopathy .

  29. 结论碳酸锂合并小剂量奋乃静治疗有精神病性症状的躁狂发作临床疗效优于单一大剂量奋乃静治疗且副反应相对少见。

    Conclusion : Mood stabilizer lithium salt combined with low dosage of typical antipsychotics perphenazine showed a better efficacy and tolerability than high dosage of perphenazine alone in treating patients with psychotic manic episode .

  30. 精神病性症状,焦虑,强迫,伴随躯体疾病及与诊治医师年资在误诊组与确诊组组间差异存在显著性(P<0.05)。

    There were some significant differences of the diagnostic factors between two groups , such as : psychotic symptoms , anxiety , obsession , combined with somatic diseases and the seniority of doctors ( P < 0.05 ) .