
  • 网络fecal-oral transmission
  1. 病毒因未受感染者(或未接种疫苗者)食用或饮用由甲肝病毒感染者的粪便污染的东西传播:被称之为粪口传播。

    The virus is spread when an uninfected ( or unvaccinated ) person eats or drinks something contaminated by the stool of an HAV-infected person : this is called faecal-oral transmission .

  2. 粪-口传播是本次感染的主要传播途径。

    The main transmission route of the infection was fecal - oral route .

  3. 禽脑脊髓炎病毒可以经粪口水平传播,也可以通过鸡胚垂直传播,因此用感染了禽脑脊髓炎病毒的鸡群所产的鸡胚生产疫苗,就有可能使疫苗污染该病毒。

    Consequently contamination of vaccine is likely if eggs used for vaccine production are derived from flocks infected with avian encephalomyelitis virus ( AEV ) .

  4. 甲型肝炎通过粪口途径传播,因食用了感染者的粪便污染的食物或饮料而引起。

    It is spread by faecal-oral ( or stool to mouth ) transmission when a person ingests food or drink contaminated by an infected person 's stool .

  5. 诺如病毒(Noroviruses)是一组杯状病毒属病毒,主要通过粪-口途径传播。

    Human noroviruses ( NoV ) is a group of Calicivirus , mainly transmit through the fecal-oral route .

  6. 肠致病性大肠杆菌(EPEC),是一种以粪-口途径传播的,能导致人类多系统感染的肠道致病菌。尤其是引起婴幼儿的腹泻,成人的肠道及泌尿系统感染。

    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli ( EPEC ), a fecal-mouth transmission pathogen leads multiple infections in human beings , including severe diarrhea in infants , enteric and urinary tract infections in adults .

  7. 戊型肝炎通过被污染的水由粪-口途径传播。

    Hepatitis E is transmitted by the fecal-oral route through contaminated water .

  8. 脊髓灰质炎通过粪-口接触传播,可通过口服疫苗预防。

    Polio is spread by faecal-oral contact and can be prevented by an oral vaccine .

  9. 甲型副伤寒是一种严重的侵袭性胞内感染疾病,主要通过粪-口途径传播。

    Paratyphoid fever is a serious invasive and intracellular infection disease , which caused by S. paratyphi A and transmitting by the fecal-oral route .

  10. 污水中可能含有大量的病毒性病原体,一些重要的介水传播性病毒包括肠道病毒可通过粪-口途径传播。

    There are many viral agents among the sewerage . Important waterborne pathogenic viruses include many enteric viruses that are transmitted via the fecal-oral route .