
  • 网络soil-borne;soil-borne infection;soilborne
  1. 大豆孢囊线虫(Heteroderaglycines,SoybeanCystnematode,SCN)是一种土壤传播的植物专性内寄生线虫,其二龄幼虫从根尖侵入大豆根部,造成根组织的代谢失调和组织损伤,从而引起病害。

    Soybean cyst nematode ( SCN ), Heterodera glycines , is an obligate endoparasitic nematode in plant roots . The second stage juveniles invade the roots of soybean , induce the metabolism imbalance and injure the root tissues , which lead to plant diseases and yield losses .

  2. 枯萎病由土壤传播系柽麻的毁灭性病害。

    Crotalaria Fusarium wilt is a destructive and soil-borne disease .

  3. 疾病也能由不干净的工具,昆虫,接种的土壤传播。

    Disease can be spread by dirty tools , insects , inoculated soil .

  4. 由于木质素含量的提高而增强根系对土壤传播病毒禾谷多粘菌的抗入侵、抗扩张能力。

    Higer contents of lignin may resulted in stronger resistance of root system to the soil transmit polymyxa graminis .

  5. 直接播在地里,土壤传播的病虫害较多,地温较低,水分和湿度不易控制,影响发芽率。

    Sow directly in the ground , the plant diseases and insect pests that soil transmits is more , ground temperature is inferior , moisture and humidity are controlled not easily , affect gemmiparous rate .

  6. 分析雷达波在土壤中传播速度的变化,明确基于探地雷达的土壤剖面平均含水量测定方法的适用性和准确性。

    We confirm the accuracy and applicability of the ground penetrating radar to be used to estimate mean volumetric water content in soil profile after radar wave velocity analysis .

  7. 大麦黄花叶病毒和大麦性花叶病毒是由土壤真菌传播并引起大麦黄花叶症状的两种重要病原病毒,用常规方法较难区分这两种不同的病毒。

    Barley yellow mosaic virus ( BaYMV ) and barley mild mosaic virus ( BaMMV ) are two important viruses which transmitted by polymyxa graminis and cause barley yellow mosaic disease . It is difficult to distinguish the two different viruses with the conventional methods .

  8. 无线电波在三种不同土壤上的传播特性分析

    Characteristic analysis of radio wave transmitting on three different grounds

  9. 介绍了探地雷达的基本原理及电磁波在土壤中的传播特性。

    Also it introduces the basic principles of GPR and the electromagnetic wave propagation properties of the soil .

  10. 此病害由种苗、土壤、粪肥传播,提出了选用无病繁殖材料、轮作倒茬、清除病残以及药剂浸种和土壤处理等经济有效的综合防治措施。

    The economical and effective integrated control strategies were put forward through selecting the non-diseased multiplication material , crops rotation , removal of diseased remains , fungicide soaking and soil treatment .

  11. 黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)土壤非介体传播研究

    Non-vectored soil transmission of cucumber mosaic virus

  12. 建立了一个研究大气、植被、土壤相互作用的传播模式。

    A transfer model is established , which can be used to study the interaction between atmosphere , vegetation and soil .

  13. 之后至新时期文学前,近30年里,受“土壤”影响,传播呈阶段发展:前17年,渐趋深入;

    In the following thirty years before the policy of open and reform , influenced by literary environment , the dissemination falled into two stages : in the early 17 years , it developed constantly ;

  14. 针对目前蔬菜种植存在的土壤污染、农药污染等现状,采用工厂化育苗,既节约成本又可防止土壤传播病害,是生产高品质蔬菜、绿色蔬菜的一条重要途径。

    In view of present situation such as soil pollution and pesticide pollution in vegetables growing , adopting factory plantation growing seedlings , which can not only saving cost but also prevent disease spread by soil , is a important way of producing high quality vegetables and green vegetables .