
  • 网络management engineering
  1. 专家系统在资源管理工程学中的应用设想

    Tentative ideas on the application of expert system in resources engineering management

  2. 周森锋是河南人,2004年获清华大学管理工程学硕士学位。

    A native of neighboring Henan province , Zhou received a master 's degree in management and engineering from Beijing 's Tsinghua University in 2004 .

  3. 毫不意外,管理学、工程学和计算机应用是印度最热门的三个专业。

    Without any surprises , Management , Engineering and Computer Application are the Top 3 in India .

  4. 本文用系统论与信息论相融合、管理学与工程学相交叉,理论与实践相结合的方法,论述在信息化时代,研究与开发高等学校教学管理信息系统的必要性及重要意义;

    This article , with the method of blending system theory and information theory , integrating the study of administration and engineering , combining theory and practice , expounds momentous significance and necessity of research and development of higher education administration at information times .

  5. 最受国际学生欢迎的研究领域为商业管理,其次为工程学。

    The most popular area of study for international students is business and management , followed by engineering .

  6. 工业工程(INDUSTRIALENGINEERING,简称IE)是从科学管理的基础上发展起来的应用性工程专业技术,是一门以管理科学和系统工程学为基础的交叉性学科。

    Industrial Engineering is an applications engineering expertise developed from the scientific management , it is a crossed subject based on the manage science and systems engineering .