- the Second International;the Second International of 1988-1914

[the Second International of 1988-1914] 各国社会民主党和社会主义工人团体的国际联合组织。1989年成立,初期受恩格斯影响,执行马克思主义,后期修正主义占据统治地位。1914年第一次世界大战爆发后瓦解
Finally the second international fell to pieces .
The Second International Marxism , Russian and Soviet Marxism are the typical examples .
The paper described a 2-hour rapid radioimmunoassay in hCG qualitative determination for diagnosis of very early pregnancy . Only the second international standard 20ng / ml of the kit was utilized .
Parliamentarism and the Tactics of the 2nd International
Revisionist economic thoughts in the Second International
Causes of Dissolution of the Second International
The important topic of the international research on Engels is the relationship between Engels ' thoughts and revisionism .
Luxembourg is well-known leaders during the Second International , she was talented , loyal to Marxism and great fighters .
Carl · kaucky ( 1854-1938 ) was a German and international labor movement theorist , famous leaders of the second international .
Critique of Capitalism in Second International : From a Contemporary Perspective & With a Comment on Strengths and Weaknesses of Lenin 's Classic Theory of Imperialism
There are indeed instances of purely negative concessions & the Second International 's doctrine of collaboration between labour and capital [ 3 ] resulted in the betrayal of a whole class and a whole revolution .
The purpose of the entire book is providing a correct theoretical guidance for the working class movement , in order to restore the significance of ideological forgotten by the second international leaders and distort the true philosophy of Marxism .
According to several contribution elements of the domestic economy , the contribution of standardization to economic growth is only less than the capital factor , in second place . International level , Germany occupies an important position in two international organizations for Standardization .
" The doctrine of collaboration between labour and capital " is the reactionary doctrine of the second international , which advocates such collaboration in the capitalist countries and opposes the revolutionary overthrow of bourgeois rule and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat .
The second international theoreticians and a number of radical leftist intellectuals switched their attention and turned to the materialist conception of history in order to realize the ideal of human emancipation . This led to a variety of reconstructions and restorations on the materialist conception of history .
Eleven key infrastructure projects and 52 upgrades or expansion work on civil aviation facilities will be started this year , the administration said in a statement . It said work on Beijing 's second international airport , the largest construction project in Chinese civil aviation history , is progressing well .
The second one is the international method , which settles the disputes through the dispute settlement mechanism under the WTO .
DNA'barcoding'offers rapid and low cost ways to monitor human disease vectors and biodiversity in developing countries , scientists told a conference this week .
Although we are far from being a developed country , considering our GDP per capita , our aggregate economy has ranked number two in the world and our worldwide influence is growing stronger .
Secondly , the international coordination and cooperation is the keynote of international relations , It will remain to be seen whether G20 will become the center of global governance or not .
Secondly , the unifying movement of the transnational bankruptcy law .
Secondly , the jurisdiction of the international exchange rate disputes .
Second , the formation of an international anti-Japanese united front ;
Brief analysis on the second " international " music style
Press conference of 2nd China International Cartoon Animation Festival held in Beijing
Will EURO Become the World 's Second Key Currency
It is the second international inter-governmental organization to promote regional space cooperation .
She has just achieved her second grandmaster norm .
The second part : the constituent elements of the responsibility of international organizations .
A summary description of the Second International Seminar on A Collection of Fantastic Stories