
  • 网络marxology;Marxologie
  1. 西方“马克思学”的兴起、演化与终结

    The rise , evolution and end of western " marxology "

  2. 西方马克思学的恩格斯研究:一个批判的评价

    Research on Engels in Studies of Marxism in the West : A Critical Evaluation

  3. 自20世纪70年代以来,西方马克思学的恩格斯研究经历了三个不同的发展阶段。

    Since 1970s , the author observed , the research on Engels by scholars of Marxism in the west has experienced three stages of development .

  4. 西方“马克思学”以一种标榜价值中立的原则来研究马克思的文本,创造了超越意识形态界限的神话,同时也使西方“马克思学”因自身的问题而衰退。

    Western " Marxist Study ", who flaunts its value neutrality principle when researching on Marx 's test , but also make itself recession for its own problems .

  5. 关于马克思人学思想的几个问题的研究

    Several Questions ' Researching about the Human Log Theory of Marx

  6. 扬弃与超越:马克思人学理论的逻辑特色。

    Develop and discard : logic feature of Mark human-science theory .

  7. 马克思人学思想的转折与哲学革命

    On the Transition of Marx 's Humanistic Thought and Philosophy Revolution

  8. 马克思开始学俄语时已经50岁了。

    Marx was already fifty when he began to study Russian .

  9. 我们应当像卡尔?马克思那样学外语。

    We should study foreign languages as Karl Marx did .

  10. 经济学视野下的马克思人学思想

    The Marxist humanistic thought from the perspective of economics

  11. 异化理论与现代化诉求&马克思人学理论的当代意义

    The Theory on Alienation and the Appeal for Modernization

  12. 具体的现实的人:马克思人学理论的逻辑起点。

    One . Concrete real-life human : Mark human-science theory logic starting point .

  13. 马克思人学理论的逻辑构成

    The Logic Form of Marxism Human Science Theory

  14. 全面自由发展的人:马克思人学理论的逻辑归宿。

    Man of all-round free development : the logic end-result of Mark human-science theory .

  15. 马克思坚持学英语。

    Karl Marx kept on studying English .

  16. 马克思人学思想有着强烈的实践性特征。

    There is a striking feature of practice in Marx 's thought on human beings .

  17. 从实践哲学的视域看马克思人学思想的独特性

    Examining the Unique Qualities of Marxist Thoughts on Human from the Perspective of Practice Philosophy

  18. 认清大时代精神、新时代精神、现时代精神,是把握马克思主义学理本真精神的逻辑必然;

    To realize the spirit of the time is the logical result of understanding Marxism .

  19. 马克思人学四辩

    Four Discriminate of Marx Human Philosophy

  20. 马克思人学对西方人本主义的超越

    Marx Overstep the Western Humanism

  21. 人的生存实践性:马克思人学思想的核心和革命基石

    The " Survive Practice " of Human Beings : The Core and Revolutionary Cornerstone of Marxist Human Study

  22. 马克思人学思想是马克思思想中一块重要阵地,也是一个永恒的历史和价值范畴。

    Marxian humanism ideology is not only an important position of Marxism but also eternal historical and value category .

  23. 目前,我国学术界关于马克思人学思想的诸多争论还在延续。

    At the moment , lots of disputations about the Marxist Human Studies are continuing in our academic circles .

  24. 每个人的全面自由发展是马克思人学理论发展的最高阶段,也是马克思人学理论的逻辑归宿。

    So all-round free development of everyone is stratosphere of development of Mark human-science theory and logic end-result . Five .

  25. 本文旨在通过对马克思人学的形成过程及基本内容的阐发,系统地说明了马克思人学的当代价值。

    This article aims at illustrating the contemporary value by explaining the founding course and the basic substance of the Marxist Human Study .

  26. 马克思人学以现实的人为出发点,把人的实践活动与人的社会性联系起来对人进行考察,实现了人学上的重大变革。

    Marx study of human starts from human , checking them through human practice and social relationship to realize the important breakthrough of the study of human .

  27. 近年来,国内学界对马克思文献学研究取得了新的进展,为深入开展马克思的文本研究提供了新的条件。

    In recent years , China 's academia has made new progress in Marxist literature , which provided a new condition for studying in-depth Marx 's text .

  28. 人的存在论、人的本质论、人的发展论构成马克思人学思想的基本内容。

    To conclude , the basic content of Marxist Human Science consists of the existence of people , the essence of human and the development of human being .

  29. 科学发展观所强调的以人为本原则,是马克思人学思想的深刻体现和充分运用。

    The principle with people as the foremost which emphasizes the balanced development concept , is a full embodiment and application of Marx 's humanism and the essence of socialism as well .

  30. 本文通过探讨马克思人学思想的发轫、雏形及其形成,认为马克思人学思想是马克思主义哲学的重要内容之一。

    The thesis inquires into the issue , the embryonic form and the accomplishment of the Marxist Human studies , and draw a conclusion that the Marxist Human studies is a very important part in Marxist philosophy .